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Do you see better while on e??

sharp sense

May 19, 2001
Personally I heard of a lot of people that they see better while rolling. Even people who are wearing glasses told me that. Is this real or just illusion?? Would be very interested if you have made this experience as well and if you know the reason for that.
I find that I don't want to see better when I roll. If I can see better than I won't get the COOL eye twitch. I wear glasses normally but always take them off when I roll. I have never found myself seeing better while rolling. I do notice that colors are much brighter whenever I go into the light(I'm always in a dark place when I roll). My vision is never really better, though, I can only see a few feet in front of me when I am peaking.
A totally blind person took mdma and saw some light,this fucker was born blind.
It was a study done by doctors in a clinic.
Well whenever i drop a good pill, all my sense are on full form! I suddenly get feral hearing and can see so much better as well as smell...
I dont know if its just me, but if i drop and sit in a quiet place i manage to hear EVERY single little sound...its creepy...and i am so much alert too...like a cat at night! :)
What? I can't see good at all! I can't focus on lighting a cigarette! I can see the big picture but details are way hard to see for me.
Leaving aside eye wiggles for the moment, which obviously make it hard to focus...
...still no. I'm quite nearsighted and I stay that way when I roll. Either I wear my contacts, or I resign myself to seeing the world blurry and get up close to something I want to see, because I hate wearing glasses when I roll. So does fiance. There's something about the contrast of the wiggling eyes and the glasses trying to make them focus and being able to see the world out of focus around the area that the glasses cover that gives us headaches, him especially because he's prone to migraines.
No way. Completely the opposite. I have bad vision to begin with. But even with corrective lenses on, if I'm trying to read something, like a web address or my winamp playlist, I have to get my nose about 6" from the screen to be able to make anything out!
i usually wear my glasses while rolln.. evryone knows i cant see shiet without them! LOL
anywayz my vision doesnt get any better.i can barely light my cigiz either!! it's so amazing to see that lil flame flickering like that,...er maybe im just easily amazed at every lil shiet while rolling!?? :p
I thought e was meant to heighten all your senses. like smell, I get good sense of smell on e.
Well i got contacts but i need a new perscription and i can see perfect when i'm on e it's like i have a whole new set of contacts lol
you know what i just thought of ... maybe it has to do with the type of eye problems you have like i think e "fixes" my astigmatism (sorry i know i spelled that wrong) becasue everything is blurry because of it and it's not blurry when i'm on e
[ 24 March 2002: Message edited by: CandyStar ]
^^ I just don't know how that's possible, it makes no sense. To improve vision, the shape of your eye would have to be deformed from its natural. While muscle manipulation does this (it's how you focus your eyes anyway) and I suppose the E could make your eye muscles contract or relax in such a way that the shape of your eye could be noticeably changed, that just sounds like too much difference to really be credible.
Astigmatism I thought was basically irregularities in the shape/optics of the eye, in weird ways beyond standard near/farsightedness... how could MDMA possibly correct that, even temporarily?
Wonder if the internal pressure of the eye changes while high on MDMA...
[ 24 March 2002: Message edited by: stardragon ]
Actually now that i have thought about it more, my eyes actually start to work in top form when my eye wobbles start to stop, and the blurry vision mdma causes starts to fade... so in otherwords, when my 'e' is wearing off ...
But no matter how fucked up on mdma i am my hearing is unbelievable!
ohhhhhh, i don't think it really fixes my vision i was kind of kidding it just seems that way but it seems rather impossible that it could do so
^^^ You said:
ohhhhhh, i don't think it really fixes my vision i was kind of kidding
So your comment wasnt too helpful then if u were just 'kidding around'
Hey Guys,
I have been using E for about a year. Once every two weeks. I have always noticed that my vision is better. I dont understand it. I need glasses to drive and I cannot see more than 10 feet in a club without it being blurry. I dont need glasses after 30 minutes of dropping.
I know it to be true for myself. I didn't start droppin so I can see better, so I know it is not my imagination.
My senses of smell and hearing become extremely sharp as well maybe 15 minutes after dropping...
If anyone knows more please post.
i see alot better when rollin, as do my other senses get better
I find my eyesight reverses when I do E. I normally wear glasses so that i can see things far away. When I do E, it reverses and I can't see anything that's closer than 2-3 feet infront of me, its all blurry. Far away stuff I can see tho.
Word. I can't see for anything while i'm rolling. Everything's fuzzy from my oversized pupils :\ Sucks when I'm trying to add a new number to my cell phone directory, lol ;)
wear glasses normally but always take them off when I roll. I have never found myself seeing better while rolling. I do notice that colors are much brighter whenever I go into the light(I'm always in a dark place when I roll). My vision is never really better, though, I can only see a few feet in front of me when I am peaking.
Exact same here.
[ 25 March 2002: Message edited by: Shwagnum ]
I have a lengthy theory about this effect but it's two pages long and it's dutch.