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Do you remember your first visuals?

I normally get people turning into aliens. Not unlike the aliens from Alien Nation.
I have also had mad visuals after large doses of mdma in trees. I once saw the branches and leaves of this tree turn into a metallic/robotic dragon. It was amazing :)
my first visuals occured in my mates room when we were racking up a few ketamine/speed based pills , we then had a few cones of these chronic buds , then it hit me my mates ears started morphing and where left pointing (kinda like the dude from star trek)that must have been my first visual from what i can remember
[ 08 January 2003: Message edited by: Altered_mind ]
cooooool topic.
never had anything too mind blowing. tho once i was fucked up on a white UFO and evrytime i turned my head my vision would sorta slowly 'click' to catch up. like film frames u know? shit like that usually happens wen i'm gone.
theres other stories of synesthesia, just seeing music etc but its all too subtle to mention.
i had my second ever visual from a pill the other week. I had just railed a yellow tp (mda i beleive) and i was walking back to the club, when i saw what i knew to be a shrub, but it looked like one of my mates crouched down, talking into a window of a car. Silly me, peaking off my nut, ran up and went to push what i thought was my mate over, and ended up going head first into a rose bush :( funny for the drunks walking down the st, not for me!
Yeah those TPs were crazy stuff ;)
I remember talking to friend A but thinking I was talking friend B. When I turned to look at her face I saw friend B's face almost as clear as day (cept that I was completely off my guts and it was actually night time). After a good 2-3 seconds B's face faded back to its rightful owner's face, A..
The same night I was lying down stretching out on my back in the chillout room when I suddenly became convinced that there were paramedics fussing all around me. I instantly freaked out thinking I was ODing and had to quickly stand up to prove to myself that I wasn't about to die. There were no paramedics and I wasn't actually ODing but it was a bit of a wakeup call for me in that situation. I was almost overwhelmingly wrecked and from then on tried to look out for myself a little more.. Kinda amusing to look back on. ;)
MDA must make you see what you want or think that you should see.. Very weird stuff :)
[ 11 January 2003: Message edited by: ctrl ]