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Do you remember your first visuals?

Ah visuals... :)
I once had 2 red ferraris (The one where the logo was very hard to make out, 100% MDA). On the way home down some main roads, I got visuals of a spaceship, that was brown on the outside and shiny silver all over the inside....damn it looked great!
And traffic lights looked like the headlights of trucks and cars....hehe it was one of the best nights of my life.
First time I ever had an MDMA pill I had very intense visuals after smoking a pipe.
I saw the door melting (psychedelic 70's painting style) then I was convinced that everyone was wearing glasses. I could actually WILL different frames and lenses for different people. I just sat there giggling at everyone and they thought I had lost it. It was great.
I seem to be very prone to visuals though. Even pot gives me nice visuals.
The BEST visuals were either off microdots or 2c-t-7. Amazingly beautiful fractals from the 2c, very realistic and not at all frightening or intrusive.
I had a lovely visual off a MDMA pill the other week. I was lying in bed and it was fairly dark, I looked over to where my tissue box, the tissues where a house. Very detailed, 3D house with a veranda, garage, chimney and even clouds above it!
I'm not normally prone to visuals.. I always get the 'daisy' effect on light sources when I'm on pills.. the light seems to have little 'petals' that extend maybe a couple of cms.. That's normally all I see.
The most intense pilling experience I had was last year when I stupidly double dropped a couple of pink domes. An experienced friend of mine later on once I recovered told me the pinks were the strongest single one he'd ever had. Oops. Anyway, While in the middle of my peak I wandered onto the dance floor and saw a shimmering blue puddle near my feet. It disappeared when I looked straight at it but was definately there. That was my 1st ever 'visual' that I had noticed.
The most interesting visual was at about 9am in the morning.. my best friend + his gf and I were railing pills.. I think we had had the equivalent of about 1.5 each and we were driving to his brothers house. There was a really tall tree in the distance that had a mushroom shaped top. It was just a silhouette, but my brain took that and drew a lady with a large brimmed hat and she was walking a dog.. I blinked a couple of times but it was still there.. She was drifting about 40m in front of me and I slowed down as she was crossing the road in front of me. After being asked why I was slowing down (from 60 to about 40km/h) I nodded towards the shapes in front of me and then I suddenly realised it was a tree.. rather chilling, especially when one is not prone
to visuals.. was fun though!
I must be one of those non-visual people.
I've never, ever had open eye visuals. Not with weed, mda/mdma, g, k, or any other damn thing. Haven't tried acid tho, so we'll have to wait and see on that one :)
I do get the old eye wobbles and the momentary jumpiness/fuzziness from colored lights on heavy doses of md, but that's about it... :(
The most intense visual for me ever was after my second pill for the night. Started off when I was looking through the smoke cloud and could see the outline of another dancer and as he moved he left trails. Then later on that night I shut my eyes and saw screen shots from Kings Quest 1. Got stuck in a laser several times. Later on I was dancing and looked around to see skeletons dancing around me. And then I looked over to see an old idian lady looking right back at me. Best bit was I could actually stare at this women and she was just standing there looking back. Then we went back to a friends house and we were all sitting around chilling and I was captivated by my friends screen saver, even though his computer was turned off. Then his face turned into corn kernals.
Is it just me or do some of these things sound more like LSD visuals? I haven't had LSD before so I can't compare.
So you could say it was a pretty full on night.
my first visual was great. Passed a cup of coke for my female freind to hold, she gave it back to me, but when i looked at her face, it wasnt her, it was her body, but with a guys face, with facial hair! It was great! now i always get them! :)
Haha, my first real visual was seeing BEATS BOY as completely see-through. I could see everything behind him, while looking straight at him, i was blown away.
Oh yeah, and that car turning into a dragon was pretty cool too... (serious)
The first few months that I was taking pills, I had crazy hallucinations every time! The best part about these hallucinations were that I could completely control them at will. I have never experienced this with anything else.
One of the more memorable ones was sitting in a sofa, conjuring up a tv screen and playstation hovering in the air in front of me, and playing a car racing game. Got some odd looks from the clubbers around me though :)
I also used to be able to shape peoples bodies at will - stretch out their nose like pinochio's, colour their cheeks in blue, etc. Once there were a few people standing in front of me, and as I watched, their faces sort of inverted and all of a sudden their faces were on the back of their heads, staring at me!
My favourite was looking at my own hands until they turned into big, hairy werewolf claws. And of course there was always the glasses on everyone I looked at. Its funny how many people seem to experience that one. I can just see myself explaining e to someone new: "It makes you feel good, and think everyone is wearing glasses" :)
The weirdest was when I was looking at a dancefloor full of dancing people, lights flashing, and all I could see was a big sunny meadow with green grass, and everyone was sitting at little bamboo tables having a picnic.
Hasn't happened for ages though :(
Best ever visuals:
LSD: Having a cat I was stroking turn into liquid chrome. I ended up stroking the cat into a puddle (the cat lay down in reality).
Or my first time on a stupidly high mindfucking dose of mushies, watching the trees that towered above me blast off into space like giant rockets. Their branches fell away like the platforms for the space mission launches.
I dont get visuals much anymore though... :(
Big amounts of MDMA always give me "bad" or "good" (it just depends on set and setting) hallucinations, always involving people either i see people as things such as rams etc or i see other things as people. Had 2 safe sexs (1 pink,1 blue) and saw about 10 people who didn't exist! I also have noticed at night-time now all the lights are more dazzling and luminescent than i remember them before i polluted my fragile little mind with drugs other than alcohol, marijuana and tobacco, any body else notice this? Also 2CB visuals are the shizzny :) :) :) (reality a bike light flickering into a fan) on 2CB the light split into prism wavelengths and then went all gooey, not liquid not solid, more like clay on a potters wheel and then it morphed into crazy patterns shaped like electron shells. Then i almost threw up from motion sickness, but it sure was a cool visual :)
When I'm peaking hard, I always see people I know.. when I was the most mashed I'd ever been, every single person's face turned into somebody I knew before I looked hard. I get the usual glasses thing.. but one other thing I always get, that is quite strange is, that I get the sense that there is a BAR in the middle of the dance floor. I think this is because, the very first time I had a pill, there was a bar at the back of the dance floor... but it was sort of the middle cos people were in front and behind it.. so yeh. Sometimes I see my friends in different clothing, but really nothing that's all that much fun. I don't really enjoy the visuals, find them more irritating than anything.
Originally posted by for_an_angel:
When I'm peaking hard, I always see people I know.. .
Yeah! I always see people i know too. Then I go up and say hi, and i realize it not who i thought it was.
Done that a few times. Also 'seen' the damn bar in the middle of the dance floor a few times too. Funny thing is I'm always thinking, why the hell do they put a damn bar right there, and then try and walk all the way around it. Plus I've seen a pram a few times, and once I swear I saw a couch.
some funny shit here for sure..
1st visuals i remember were off md a couple years back . after getting pretty well toasted, everywhere i looked there was a red laser grid covering every thing. later on i started seeing pool cues floating in mid air and hitting balls in mid air. no table. noone holding the pool cues. apparently it wasnt there but im not convinced......
weirdest visuals: at * this year in melb. during picottos set i started to feel pretty wrecked. everytime i loked at the dj he was wearing different costumes. first a pink cowboy hat and bandana, then these weird flouro yellow night vision goggle thins, then some full arm length gloves, and asorted other shit, so went to sit up in the stands to chill for a bit. got up there and when i looked at the crowd, everyones head was a different piece of food. some were steaks, some were bunches of bananas, pineapples, bags of chips, roast chickens, you name it it was on the menu. tried rubbing my eyes to see if it stopped but it kept on happening. got frustrated by not beeing able to see where my friends were, so moved seats about 30 metres along . thought this was far enough to make a difference. looked at the crowd and because of the lights and everyone going off it looked a bit like waves on an ocean. then all these surf lifesaving boats,(the red inflatable ones) started cruising around on top of the crowd and pulling people out of the "water". as fun as this was in hindsight, at the time i was a little too fragile to cope with it, so went back to where my friends were to tell them about it. they just loked at me like i was mad. bastards. wheres the sympathy?
anyway, thats mine.
[Edit: Venue details removed. BT]
[ 25 October 2002: Message edited by: BigTrancer ]
Hahaha, oh yeah, after a big mushie adventure, we were sitting at a mate's house, and he had a painting on the wall, of like....a traditional chinese royalty figure of some sort. So i'm looking at it, and the damn thing is just rippling like all hell, like it was made of water. I couldn't believe it, I was convinced it was like one of those thingies that changes on different angles. But the next time I was there......it was still. ARGH!
My first visuals were about four years ago with a combo of acid, smoke and a fair few brews (before I learned anything about HM ;) ), and I was at a house party thinking how acid was crap, I need another pipe. After having two more pipes, I went back to the middle of the party and sat down.
Hell, this is when the acid really kicked in. I was sitting on the chair and I saw these little inch high people (ala Gullivers Travels) Tieing me to the chair! I tried to move and couldn't, so I started asking friends for help. Most of them had just been smoking, so they all pissed themselves, and I was stressing out, saying "I'm serious guys, these fella's look angry!". This made them laugh even harder, and it wasn't until I asked someone to push me out of my chair that I was safe. I hate to think what would have happened if they hadn't of helped...........
(That one may sound bad, but for some reason at the time I thought it was pretty good :D )
I always get the black rimmed glasses on MDXX, but if i concentrate on the glasses their faces morph from the glasses outwards, until their whole face is someone elses. This can be a worry sometimes tho, like I could be in the middle of an in depth conversation with a couple of friends, and then in the middle I will look at them and think they are total strangers, and either stop talking and look away, or just get up and leave them mid-sentence.
Another favourite MDXX visual is elongated Zulu masks on everyone in the club, this happens all of the time......
Love them, even the bad ones are good :D
Mossy, I cracked up when i read about your inch high people!! And thanx for all your stories everyone, they're a good read!
So anyhoo, to my story, the first visual i got when i was at Utopia july/02, I dropped 1/2, waiting waiting, whilst getting really impatient i dropped the second half and retreated into hiding from bluelighters at the meet up, just so i could reflect on thoughts. Thinking the pill may be dead, after 1 hour i headed outside for a cigarette with my friends.
The musics playing and i start tapping my feet to the beat. In a split second, i turn my head, come out of reality and into a vast grey/black room. Straight ahead in a short distance i see a womanly figure standing looking at me, i literaly was in awe. She had a white skirt on and her hair flowed and wrapped around her breasts. Rays of bright light shone out of her, it was the most purest thing i had ever seen. I remember saying really quietly "you guys see her?". Eventually i smapped out of it and went to purchase some chupa chups.
I hope to see her again some day
why dont i get visuals ?? :( :(
I WANT visuals!!!
I honestly dont think I have ever really gotton to that point yet...
hrmm what is wrong with me?
maybe because i have a very strong grip with reality?
maybe because I have glases :p
I have never done acid,
But from seeing my friends chasing giant horses around in a crowded club, I sit there and just get that hazy sight, nothing more.