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Do you really want and would you accept a supernatural God?

Gnostic Bishop

Jun 23, 2014
Do you really want and would you accept a supernatural God?

Man has sought God forever and we Gnostic Christians arededicated to perpetually seeking God. God as defined as the best rules and lawsto live life by. When we find God, we set it aside, raise the bar of excellenceand seek anew. That is how we evolve our thinking and laws. Secularism doesthis without calling what they are doing as seeking God and that is why secularlaw is superior to the laws on any theology that we know.

If a supernatural God ever popped up, he would either cometo lead or follow. A supernatural God would be either our master or our slaveand serve us.

If a supernatural God would come to be our master, thatwould make us slaves to him and God would be what most would call a tyrant.Things would be his way or death to the opposition.

If a supernatural God came to serve, he would effectivelyend human evolution as he would take all our hard tasks away from us, at ourrequest of course. That God would effectively kill all of our reasons to liveand create the most boring world you can imagine.

I think that Gnostic Christians would reject anysupernatural God for the reason given above and if straddled with such a God,we would seek to kill him.

Would you kill a supernatural God or would you accept to bea slave to God or have a God be your slave and effectively end your mentalevolution?

Hrmm, you seem to be talking about a revealed and undeniable God that could communicate his desires clearly, that would kind of take all the fun out of God wouldn't it?
I've never wanted to kill God, but I have wanted to end all of Creation - heaven, hell, earth, mars, distant quasars, ducks, sub-atomic particles, me, you - the whole deal gone faster than light. Sometimes that seems to be the only way to end suffering.
God is treated as a servant already, I'm afraid of our evolutionary possibilities, and disgusted with the lack of order I see.
I believe in God, but I pray for guiltless oblivion.
I don't care if he exists. I can accept if he does. One thing's for sure.

If he shows up without prior notice demanding me of shit, I'm gonna kick his heavenly ass so hard his goddamned angels'll feel it.

And with that I'll rent out all seven levels of hell to Jesus, Mohommad, Buddha, Brahma, Ameterasu, as well as Barney and friends.
Hrmm, you seem to be talking about a revealed and undeniable God that could communicate his desires clearly, that would kind of take all the fun out of God wouldn't it?

That is the likely result, yes.

I've never wanted to kill God, but I have wanted to end all of Creation - heaven, hell, earth, mars, distant quasars, ducks, sub-atomic particles, me, you - the whole deal gone faster than light. Sometimes that seems to be the only way to end suffering.
God is treated as a servant already, I'm afraid of our evolutionary possibilities, and disgusted with the lack of order I see.
I believe in God, but I pray for guiltless oblivion.

You might want to have a look at the latest stats on whatever you think is evil.

I track a few and, per capita, most are the best that we have ever enjoyed. Slavery, violent death even from war, crime, poverty and longevity. All those are at the best levels to date.


The sky is not falling my friend. Go out and enjoy the sunlight.

I don't care if he exists. I can accept if he does. One thing's for sure.

If he shows up without prior notice demanding me of shit, I'm gonna kick his heavenly ass so hard his goddamned angels'll feel it.

And with that I'll rent out all seven levels of hell to Jesus, Mohommad, Buddha, Brahma, Ameterasu, as well as Barney and friends.

What a heathen you are. No respect for God eh?

Let me polish your boot before you use it.

What a heathen you are. No respect for God eh?

Let me polish your boot before you use it.


I can respect someone whilst kicking them!
I neither believe nor disblieve. How can you assert one side of a paradox as true or false?

I do indeed respect the creator if there is one. Some people call this place hell. I think it is a pretty good hell though. I have a lot to be thankful for.

He created Mary Jane ;)
That could and likely will change at some point and from personal experience I can tell you all your good memories won't be worth shit. Life is suffering according to Buddhism and I agree.
I can respect someone whilst kicking them!
I neither believe nor disblieve. How can you assert one side of a paradox as true or false?

I do indeed respect the creator if there is one. Some people call this place hell. I think it is a pretty good hell though. I have a lot to be thankful for.

He created Mary Jane ;)

I think we can name all supernatural and fictional characters as false.

If you find that I am wrong, let me know as I have a bullet with God written on it.


That could and likely will change at some point and from personal experience I can tell you all your good memories won't be worth shit. Life is suffering according to Buddhism and I agree.

Then you are not living right.

I am willing to bet that a lot of people have it a lot harder than you have my friend.

Like all of those in the developing world.

I think we can name all supernatural and fictional characters as false.

If you find that I am wrong, let me know as I have a bullet with God written on it.



Mary Jane = Cannabis.

A bullet with God's name on it? I don't quite understand. Sorry.
To me, faith is irrational without evidence. But completely okay as long as nobody blows up... quite literally.

But the God argument is getting old.

Btw I accept you OTW^^^
Then you are not living right.

I am willing to bet that a lot of people have it a lot harder than you have my friend.

Like all of those in the developing world.


I think you're too quick to judge. The whole developing country argument is odd to me. People in developing countries have it hard, yes. But the whole of the population is accustomed to it. Though I don't live there and can't say if they don't think much of their hardships, but I doubt they see it as bad as we do. Just because of their absence of luxury.
Then you are not living right.

I am willing to bet that a lot of people have it a lot harder than you have my friend.

Like all of those in the developing world.


Thanks for making my point. Lots of suffering all around. Other than that IMO you statement is meaningless. One can always find someone, somewhere, at some time in history who has had it worse off. IMO it's hard to override the Buddha's basic observation on life.
Life is suffering according to Buddhism and I agree.

Suffering is certainly a part of life, yes, but life is so much more than just suffering. Suffering is just one aspect of our experience. Our overall experience in life is largely a matter of perspective. What you focus on becomes the predominating aspect of your perception and thought process. Fortunately, as humans, we have the ability to choose what we focus on. We can't always choose our circumstances but we can choose how to respond to those circumstances.
I'm going to disagree. Our overall experience is more a matter of circumstance IMO. We also cannot always choose, if in reality we can at all, choose how we respond to circumstance IMO. Plenty of ongoing scientific and psychological studies to back this. If you were born to a starving land or severely drug addicted or brain damaged, etc. circumstance would be the telling factor. If you were born to privilege you might feel otherwise but sooner or later circumstance would likely alter that perception.

When I was young white and healthy with resources I thought I had the world in my pocket. I was wrong.
the buddhist position is antitheistic - there are powerful supernatural beings, but they are just as much caught in samsara as us and thus cannot help us. in short, there are gods, but we don't worship them, as most are just addicts to worship.
the buddhist position is antitheistic - there are powerful supernatural beings, but they are just as much caught in samsara as us and thus cannot help us. in short, there are gods, but we don't worship them, as most are just addicts to worship.

To see a god is to say there is a perspective of what god should be. So Yes, there are powerful beings, addicted to worship and so forth caught, trapped.

Oh and I did empty my box Tantric!
Gods are just another life form, they aren't outside of the system. For that reason they are still fallible, even if we can't perceive how from our more limited scope.

I could accept that such beings exist but I could not accept them as "better" or more capable of guiding my existence.
I'm going to disagree. Our overall experience is more a matter of circumstance IMO. We also cannot always choose, if in reality we can at all, choose how we respond to circumstance IMO. Plenty of ongoing scientific and psychological studies to back this. If you were born to a starving land or severely drug addicted or brain damaged, etc. circumstance would be the telling factor. If you were born to privilege you might feel otherwise but sooner or later circumstance would likely alter that perception.

When I was young white and healthy with resources I thought I had the world in my pocket. I was wrong.

I will admit there are circumstances one can be thrust into, or born into, that would make living a good life difficult or impossible. But I still maintain that the way you feel in life is predominantly in your control. It's a matter of perspective and circumstances, both of which can be changed. 3 years ago I wanted to die every day. I had been addicted to opiates for 10 years and I was in a bad relationship, and many things in my life caused me pain. Eventually I picked myself up and started to remove the things in my life that were hurting, and change my circumstances. I decided to change the way I approached the world and change my thought process, by being mindful and choosing to focus on the good things. Soon, the world stopped seeming so bleak, and I was again able to see all the beautiful parts of life. Now I find myself a changed person, and it's because I worked at it. I have the advantage that I live in an amazing place with a great community, but that was actually the first step I took, years before things got better, in fact they got worse first. But you really do have the option to shape your life a lot more than it seems like you do.

You just have this one life... if something doesn't work for you, do something else. You weren't born starving in a third world country, you've got options. I hope this doesn't sound harsh because it's not my intention, I just really believe you can pull yourself up, and I want you to be able to do that, because life can be a predominantly awesome fucking rollercoaster instead of a brutal and terrifying one. Find what you love and then do it and don't let anything get in your way.
Well actually i'm slowly dying of a painful disease and more I'm not going into here. However you are in your prime most likely, things can change beyond your powers. Some people have depressions and mental illness that do not respond to positive thinking. I assumed that everyone who's done some study knew this. So yes in the right circumstances we do seem to have some power to change things. Not everyone finds themselves in those circumstances. Do you really think all these addicted and suffering folk here at BL just refuse to change their thought process? Hardly IMO. They often struggle harder than you and I to no avail.

I see a world of first world emotional suffering. Why in heaven's name would they choose this? Lets all just have a positive attitude and the world will transform. And yet this has been preached from the pulpit for many generations and it hasn't happened. I'm very glad you've had success. Consider yourself unusually fortunate IMO. I hope it continues.