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Do you or anyone you know seem heavily addicted to Marijuana?

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I think i just don't have an addictive personality because I have no problem quitting cannabis. I have been living with my girlfriend and we smoke weed all day everyday. I have been needing to get a job and everywhere around here drug tests so I had to quit while she didn't. So I just cold turkey quit. The first day of not smoking my brain feels a little off and not much of an appetite. The first few nights I'll have a hard time getting to sleep. So now it's been two months of not smoking and I feel great. Quite honestly I dunno if I even want to go back to smoking as it makes me lose all my motivation and eat like crap. I work out consistently something I have a hard time doing when I am smoking. I'm about to start submitting applications and going to job fairs and it's nice to know that if I have to piss test I don't have to substitute or dilute just go in and piss. Sometimes I miss it especially since my gf still smokes, but i'm over it i'm excited about my future and that's enough for me.
I am a full 7 weeks off the stuff, and although I am still suffering due to renormalizing from the intense drug abuse and addiction I have been putting myself through, I do not necessarily see this as a negative experience as I have learned from it.

Lately, I have been deeply immersed in Tibetan yoga doctrines and Buddhist scriptures. It is wonderful to have reconnected with the spiritual path; I had lost my way for quite some time. Ironically, since I am sober and no longer habitually using the mind altering psychedelic THC, I have been more deeply involved in the true nature of my mind, experiencing life with greater clarity, and become less attached to the illusionary reality of my senses and the mental constructs fabricated by human social culture in which lie the source of all sorrow and discontent. My mind is expanding.

In beating this bad habit I will be one step closer on the path of liberating my mind from the incessant cycle of deaths and rebirths through expunging all desires and attachments to life on this plane of existence. There is a long and twisted journey ahead of me, but I simply had no chance whatsoever as a stoner because I had such a strong attachment to the cannabis plant that it was keeping me down to Earth through an unhealthy obsession. Now, since I am no longer a drug addict and I have also eschewed moderate alcohol use from my life in favour of complete sobriety, I am in a better position to work on deprogramming further aspects of my human nature since I have a lot more willpower this way. And then years down the road when this phase of drug abuse and withdrawal is a distant memory, I can pop some mushroom caps, smoke a puff of herb, and attempt to use the things constructively to reconnect further with the cosmic consciousness.
Heavy daily smoker here. I also use a bunch of other non-addictive substances. I have had tolerance breaks before but they were necessary for work reasons, operating heavy machinery etc. Been smoking for 5 years. Over the first year it wasn't much because I couldn't afford it. Then it was daily for 2 years, had a bit of slow down for a year just occasional and then 2 years more solid daily smoking. 0.5g-1g a night vapourised.

I have about 1g left and I don't want to buy anymore and getting hold of some now if a bit of a pain anyway. Once this g is done then I am going to quite for 4 weeks and see how I feel. Whether I want to go back or not. I always thought weed wasn't addictive until I came home from work one day and had none and all I could think about was how to get some more ASAP!

Wish me luck!
I haven't toked in 13 days. The first 2-3 days were hard. Will not smoke until December comes along.

Meanwhile, I'm taking the time to get shit done in my life.

Those first few days when I resume are gonna be pure bliss. I will fall in love with the herb again. Gonna feel like a virgin. Touched for the very first ti-ime.
I haven't used any cannabis in 78 days now.

Throughout the duration of my long term recovery from a severe addiction to this drug, I was obsessing over it most of the time, and I was convinced that I was only going through this extreme, miserable suffering so that I could enjoy cannabis responsibly again with a fresh mind. It was all for the betterment of the weed, I thought. However, now that the drug does not have such a hold on me, common sense is coming into play. How could anything that made me feel like such utter garbage in withdrawal ever be worth it to use. Cannabis is many things to many people, but for me it is literally the devil that was stealing my life away, destroying my mental and physical health, ruining my life while setting my off course to no-man's land, and killing my sense of logic and reason. I feel like I was possessed by an evil spirit, that was controlling my mind and took many years to learn how to beat it away, which was the necessary first step in regards to picking up the pieces and getting my old life back. There is nothing in this for me, but the selfishness of satisfying a craving for a hit. Cannabis is a harmful pest in my life, and my incredibly strong attachment to it needs to be eliminated before I waste my life away.

Quitting has not been an end-all-cure-all, but I know that it is the right choice, and I know that the longer I stay off it, the better I am going to feel. Although it has been nearly 3 months, I have only just begun. In recent years I had spent tens of thousands of dollars pursuing my unhealthy obsession with this plant that was getting me nowhere. I couldn't go more than a few hours without it or I would begin to freak out. I would begin to feel the extremely negative mental and physical effects of withdrawal. When I was high, I was completely braindead and useless. There was no longer any high worth speaking of, I had burnt myself out. Of course I was burnt out, I mean all the other drugs I have done were on such an infrequent, occasional basis. God only knows how I was able to justify doing this drug all day, every day for years on end without ever being sober, until it had replaced sobriety and I needed it to function. It was quite clearly bringing me down. My ability to concentrate had disappeared, and I was basically smoking myself retarded for a very long time, in order to ward off very intense mental and physical withdrawals, that were completely unanticipated, but once I recognized it for what it was, it was already too late.

I essentially had a 2 month long panic attack when I quit. If you have had a panic attack in your life, you should know that 60 seconds is enough. My heart has been through hell due to this drug. It is a miracle that I have made it this far, without choosing to end my life. For a while, I thought that nothing could ever be worth the extreme suffering I was experiencing, and I thought that I was going to have a never-ending panic freakout until I decided I had had enough and I was ready to die. But I am beginning to see the light on the other side. My life without cannabis is going to be great. And in all honesty, I know that I will never use it again.

These days I get drunk sometimes, and I do shrooms sometimes as well. However, I am not addicted to these things. I don't get up in the morning fiending for a hit of them, and in fact I am able to go weeks or better yet months without using them at all. They were the drugs that the old version of myself used to enjoy responsibly in moderation, before I became so obsessed with cannabis that it was no longer worthwhile to use any other drug, because it would mean that I wasn't just stoned. I was that commited to it. It is a sign that I am getting back to good old me, as cannabis had completely altered my personality into someone that the old version of myself really wouldn't vibe with.

I am doing great, though. I am happy to have made it this far, as my attachment to cannabis is as severe as can be. Eliminating this harmful pest from my life, has been the most difficult thing that I have ever had to do.
I'm so happy to hear that man. I'm glad you are feeling better and it goes without saying that it will only get better as time goes on. May I ask you if I you think maybe some of the issues you had with weed were not caused by weed but perhaps by certain other issues that you were masking with it?
Have to get ready for a break so some serious job hunting can happen. I kind of thought I was going to finish school in august and worry about it then...but I'm broke. Starting...next week :)
God help you guys if you ever tried anything that is actually physically addictive, 1 weeks worth of meh sleep is what you get and thats about it. insomnia over and its barely insomnia mostly vivid dreams

I IVed cocaine (after insufflating it a number of times) once and swore it off, yet I still feel the need to smoke weed on a daily basis.

Psychological addiction and habituation can be just as much of a bitch as physical addiction.
I have been weed free for over 3 months now. I tried smoking a little puff the other day, and my chest got really tight and my heart began to race. I thought I was going to have a heart attack, and the feeling was so extremely uncomfortable that I almost called an ambulance but instead downed half a 26er to calm myself down. Even that was hardly enough, the panic symptoms were something fierce. It was hell and I thought I was going to die. I wish I never even used this silly drug.

My body developed an allergy to it, because I was so addicted to it and I never would have stopped. It was destroying my body and mind in so many ways I can't even begin to describe, but I would have smoked it to the grave because of how bad the withdrawal symptoms were and how addicted I was, both physically and mentally. I started getting panic attacks though and the only option was to go through the hell of withdrawal.

It just sucks how long the EXTREME anxiety of withdrawal lasts, how slowly it diminishes. I'm still not even over it, and I still get the odd panic attack, however I am doing MUCH better than the living hell I was going through a month or two ago. I only hope that my full recovery will be measured in months and not years... I can't handle any drugs at all right now except for mushrooms because of how debilitating the anxiety is, which really sucks because this silly weed is the only thing I ever had issues with and it totally wasn't worth the stupid high.
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i quit smoking weed

I am convinced that I will never smoke weed again. I'm not trying to get anyone to convince me otherwise or anything. The only reason I'm posting this is so people that have had similar experiences can relate (since I thought I was crazy). Also; I'm open to hear if there are any plausible reasons or theories as to why this happened to me.

So I started smoking weed 4 years ago, and it all started at my cousin's house. I was first really reluctant to do it, but I eventually got lured into it. Anyways, the first time I smoked, it was with my cousin outside in their backyard. I remember that it was amazingly fun. We pigged out, watched TV on the big screen and danced around. It was amazing to me and is what convinced me to keep doing it. Ironically enough, we smoked every day for the rest of the week until I had to go home. Awesome week.

After that, whenever I could get my hands on it I would do it. I had virtually no hookups at first but I eventually even had a best friend that would do it with me. I started smoking with this friend about, what.. Last summer? It was then that I started noticing something strange would happen every time I smoked. It wasn't too bad at this point though. I would smoke, get a little freaked out/scared for a few minutes and have to lay down, but afterwards everything would be a-okay and I could enjoy the high normally. It was during this point that I started having some noted psychiatric issues and I started taking antidepressants.

That continued for a while until it got worse eventually. Not too long ago really, a handful of months ago I had a boyfriend who would smoke basically every day and so whenever we hung out, I would do so with him. During this period of time I noticed that it got ten times worse. We would initially smoke in his garage and then I would get so freaked out by all the people sitting around me that I would ask him to go inside and lay down with me. This actually most of the time ended up in having sex so it was actually alright. But after a while it got so bad that I couldn't even think about such things. I would go in there and lay down with him and I would get so fidgety I would have to get off the bed, lay down on the floor and switch positions every 5 seconds and I was afraid I was dying. I would get completely pulled from reality and I felt like I was in some scary alternate dimension and everyone; including my boyfriend was trying to kill me. It was absolutely fucking nightmare-ish.

After this started happening, I officially called it quits. I was never smoking again. Now I can only enjoy myself with benzos and opiates.

Any thoughts, guys? :?
It may just be social anxiety or something to that effect.

I will say this though, I think it's insanely mature and intelligent for you to quit. It's absurd how many times people post here that every time they smoke weed they wanna rip their skin off, but quitting is never an option for some reason. I think you should just stop smoking and not worry about it, other people will, but for you no es bueno.
Yeah the benefits have definitely disappeared for me. I don't really see any reason why anyone would even keep doing it at that rate.

I can kinda relate though. I really do miss the highs of my early days, back when I could enjoy it and feel great. I'm kinda upset that I have to rely on pills to get anything like that anymore.
There are actually quite a lot of people who have experienced what you did. I've been noticing more and more that some people just were not meant to smoke weed. My ex-grower was a huge pothead for years and years, and then one day after a life-changing DMT experience, he gave up the pot and every other drug. Went cold turkey and quit for good. He said when he would smoke it would make him just start freaking out. Like hyper-ventilating, even fainting sometimes.

For some reason he just couldn't handle weed anymore. Even with a big tolerance it would induce horrible anxiety attacks. I will say this though; it may not be the weed doing this. You may just be susceptible to anxiety.

When my buddy stopped smoking his anxiety didn't go away. It stayed the same. Moderate-severe. Traded his pot and psych habit for a benzo habit. LOL.

Also I've met alot of people like I said that are just very sensitive to weed. Some people start out liking it and then it turns for the worse. Some people, like me, don't like it or have difficult experiences when first experimenting with it, but as time progresses and (i get older;smoking from an early age all the way to adulthood probably doesnt help ones mental state) you become more experienced with it, it becomes enjoyable and can have many great benefits.

As for your situation sorry if this post was not helpful or anything. Just trying to share some similar stories/experiences. I personally do not experience this.

However what you may find interesting is that on 2 separate occasions, when I was on a DXM binge (<---these are two words that should never be next to each other lol), weed completely blasted me into a terrifying psychosis. I've gone on DXM benders before that would last days and days, ingesting nothing but DXM HBr powder and grapefruit juice. What makes these 2 times different is i was on DXM for about 7 days straight and when i smoked up a bowl it sent me into pure chaotic plateau Sigma which is a fancy term for "full-blown psychosis". Long story short I had a very hellish and terrifying experience that night. Read more about it here. It was typed on a mobile phone so there are several misspellings and mistakes so I apologize.

Sorry OP to go way off topic... :/ you may now scold me.
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I feel for you man, I have a friend who smokes everyday too and he is worried that one day he will experience some mental deterioration. My friend also has moderate depression and has minor social anxiety. He says that the weed helps with the depression but never rids him of anxiety. There have been times, especially with weed edibles that he has had some bad anxiety attacks when the high has been too intense.... I feel for you man. Would you consider going back to weed after a break (maybe a few months or so)?
I have a friend who took off school for a semester because smoking weed was giving him such bad anxiety--sadly he has not quit or even taken a t-break and as such he is still suffering terribly from anxiety and yet to return to school-- so it does happen to people on a pretty severe level. An observation I have made lately is that it seems that a lot of people have stopped taking marijuana seriously. Because so many people smoke and because it has become socially acceptable to have pothead characters in films and TV shows, weed is not regarded with caution, which I believe all drugs should be. As a drug, weed affects everyone differently and some people have stronger reactions to it than others. Whenever my pet parakeet smokes people often think he is on something else: he interpretative dances all night long like he is zonked on Lucy. Of course, others prefer to relax and watch a film whilst stoned. Nevertheless, weed is a psychedelic and so these things can happen. I hope you can be able to smoke again because the Ganga can open the doors just like shrooms or Lucy, albeit in a different, milder manner.

Before calling it completely try a long t-break (maybe a month or two?) and then give it another go. But if that doesn't work I think you are right in calling it quits, no need in causing yourself pain.
I used to smoke almost daily for many many years (maybe 15 or so) but I've cut way back due to anxiety. I'll smoke and be super anxious for an hour or two and then feel pretty good for hours. I think the anxiety was present in the early days, I was just too silly to acknowledge it.

Anyways, I think a lot of it has to do with:

1) Smoking too much weed. I used to blaze blunts of the chronic with the boys which seems ridiculous to me now. Yesterday I took a tiny hit from a pipe and was flying for hours. I won't smoke again till at least next weekend.

2) The strain. The stuff I have now gives me very little anxiety. The stuff I had before made me nervous as hell. Both are decent quality indoor.

3) Current life pressure. If work/family are crazy, smoking weed is a bad idea for me. If everything is chill, then a little bit is okay.

4) I just don't like bring around people after I smoke. There about 5 people I don't mind being around. I'll pass if anyone else is involved.

hth and good luck!
Cannabis has become the primary focus in my life. Each day is the same, waking up mid-late morning, waiting to pick up, smoking all afternoon / evening, pass out, rinse and repeat every single day.

I'm neglecting everything. I've lived off the state for 6 years, and have really done little other than drugs (mainly cannabis) and surfing the net. My social circle has dwindled to two stoners and my flat is a total wreck with no furniture in it.

I must change my lifestyle, I must. I am going to seek help tomorrow.
I miss marijuana

I just moved from Ohio to middle Georgia about a month ago because I was running into financial trouble and my mom's family is here. I wish I had never moved here because I don't know anyone and I spend all my days by myself. If I could do it all over again I would have stayed in Ohio and found a job there, I moved to Georgia because I got a B.A. in criminal justice and my mom said she knows someone here that can get in me that field with would be more money than what I was doing. In order to get into that field though I have to be drug free which is a drag because I was a daily pot smoker in Ohio. It helped a lot with my depression but I can't smoke for a long time in order to clear out my system and I don't know how long it will be before I can toke again. Smoking marijuana is about the only thing I found in life that lifted me out of the depression and I don't even know if working in the cj field would be worth it if I can't have my medicine. I've taken prescriptions for the illness before and I had suicidal/homicidal thoughts so I don't want to do that. I've been thinking lately of going back to school for something else.
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