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do you find a girl attractive that squirts?

I have been with a decent number of girls.... once came across one Squirter.... They are always fun..... but make sheet puddles if you do everything right.... I recall changing my bedding sheets and blankets like 2 times a week..... It was well worth all the money i spent in Tide....
only about 11% of females ejaculate. there may be traces of urine in it -- but it certainly isn't pee. i think they analyzed some and found it to be only like 6% (or less) urine. it's mostly the same lubricating liquid that makes her wet.

<------- squirter

and yeah, i'm sure she was like wtf! it scared me half to death when it first happened, but consider it an ego boost too - squirt orgasms are 30989085490xs better than non ones ;)
Why don't you taste it? I wish I were in your position.

The first time it happened to me is when i went down on the girl....
I spent a decent amount of time down town eating, tasted sweeter than you would think...I just held on; while she was moving like bucking bronco....after about 15 minutes of her going totally nuts...Gushing squirt down my throat.... i didn't complain... She went straight to sleep after that...
Thanks for the replys...

It's kinda new for both of us, and i am still kinda not ready to call her a squirter, as this is the first time its happened.
I guess we are both very comfortable with each other, we can talk about anything (i know that gets said a lot, but i mean anything and any situation) so perhaps her being relaxed has helped.

Funny thing is, up until we met, she only used to cum when on top and oral sex did Nothing for her, infact she was kinda not interested in me doing it... until we did.
So from there things have just progressed....

She now LOVES oral sex... and can cum with me inside her in a few more positions and still has a great love of sex toys and being a bit dirty when the time arises ....
The last 2 times we've had sex she has touched her clit and it made her cum really hard, from my sexual passed, nothing new here with other girls... put she is telling me, that it is the first time that it has got her off.

It has been a progression we have both watched together.... And to the point we have had to jump on the net and check things out.
She LOVES porn... loves watching it, watching while we have sex or on the phone while we talk.... But more than just watching, it really interests her, she will watch it more than i do... and weirder stuff too, not because it gets her off, she just finds it fascinating.
Ironically she said here passed relationships haven't been very sexual unless she started it, and even then it was rather lame...Thus why she got into porn and toys.

So after watching the squirting videos, she was sooo keen to try and do it.... seemed in no time she was... a surprise to both of us really. She used to tell me in the shower "I want to squirt like that for you".... yet i thought you are either born doing it or not at all.. so no chance... seems i was wrong.
As mentioned above, first started when she would "gush" a thin milky liquid when i went down on her... now its progressed to having big dildos stuffed inside until she explodes with LOTS of squirting that launches off the bed or into me.

Only early days.... but as said, both of us have been seriously wondering if its pee or something else.

Kenickie, nice reply... i would like to look at it that way... and it is easier for me to understand it when you say its the same fluid that gets her lubed up or wet.... There just seems so much of it and its kinda of wetter if that makes sense... more like pee and less like lube for my poor explanation.

Anyway... i just love that she can have them and that after one all she wants is more, which kinda puts to rest the theory of a big orgasm then sleep. But she has never really been like that, one big orgasm only gets her more awake and ready for more (which kinda works in reverse when you are in bed and tired and think, i'll give her an orgasm and she'll go to sleep and leave me alone).

The last big session when she really squirted lots it really did smell like pee.... But in her own words, she says "It's like pee, but not all pee....."

Thus why we are so confused.
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Found an interesting link here: http://en.allexperts.com/q/Sex-Advice-Oral-2391/hear-lot-squirting.htm

More here say than fact... but interesting all the same, as it is exactly how she started squirting in the first place.

A bit more factual: http://www.libchrist.com/sexed/Gspot.html

Some so called sexpert had these interesting words to say:

"Squirt" is a mixture of fluid from the Skene's glands along the urethra (about a teaspoon's worth) with liquid from the bladder (up to a pint's worth or more).

But here's what all the argument should be about: the liquid from the bladder is almost pee, but not quite.

Women become aroused from stimulation of the g-spot and involuntarily flex muscles that extend from the vagina to the uterus and up to the bladder - and draw plasma from the bloodstream through the kidneys into the bladder very quickly and without the extra urinary by-products usually introduced by the kidneys over time. This liquid is then expelled through the urethra during ejaculation.

The ejaculate comes from the bladder (duh, consider that it sometimes amounts to a pint of liquid), but it is an extremely dilute form of urine seemingly created during sex just for the purpose of flooding the outside of the vagina.

Yeah, technically it's "pee", but it has a very different dynamic of origin and purpose than pee. And it has a distinctly different chemical composition, sometimes being measurably indistinct from blood plasma.

Even medieval theologians considered its useful function in promoting female excitement and conception.

Why is this debate still going on? Doesn't anyone have any personal experience with this? Hasn't anyone looked into the scientific research?

Experiment with this yourself if you're a woman or a have an ejaculatory woman who wants to investigate this with you. Urinate just before sex, then see how quickly you can bring yourself to the point at which you ejaculate. You'll find that it is much, much quicker than the time it usually takes you to feel that you have to "pee" normally. And you'll end up damned thirsty too.
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Your right a good article. Something that is straight to the point but can still make it sound enticing and not ewww messy strange. lol
I'm just learning...
and I think the bf needs to finish what he is doing so we can practice.
Vegas, as Kenickie said, there are trace amounts of urine in it. Depending on diet, urine smell can be higher or lower, just like anyone.

Sometimes when I cum like that, it smells a little, but it's usually at the very end. I mean, she is contracting muscles that is causing it to come out in such a way that it does make sense she may even pee a little. It happens. :)

I remember in my human sexuality class that the only person who believed it wasn't urine was my teacher. Most people really do think it is pee when it really isn't.
Good Stuff Pillthrill..... get him on the job... and NOW!!!!

We had a ball learning and experimenting, it started off just as simple oral sex for her, just wanted her to cum a few times before sex...

From there a few larger orgasms... then noticed the gushing or warm clear fluid and my fingers almost being broken by her pussy contracting.

Then we just kept it up for a while.... then didn't do it for a few weeks (due to an issue with an IUD that had to be removed) and now that the IUD is gone.... BAM!!!!
It happens more often and bigger than ever...

The introduction of a big black dong style dildo really got the big squirts going.
It was like the biggest thing that would fit in her... had to be really gentle at the start and a warm her up to it with some other toys, fingers and fists.... Then when the big dildo finally got in her and could move about without hurting her.... it just built up to the biggest orgasm/squirt to date. Then she just wanted more and more, one after the other until my arms were so sore we had to stop.
Plus the bed and myself were getting very drenched.
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Vegas, as Kenickie said, there are trace amounts of urine in it. Depending on diet, urine smell can be higher or lower, just like anyone.

Sometimes when I cum like that, it smells a little, but it's usually at the very end. I mean, she is contracting muscles that is causing it to come out in such a way that it does make sense she may even pee a little. It happens. :)

I remember in my human sexuality class that the only person who believed it wasn't urine was my teacher. Most people really do think it is pee when it really isn't.

Thanks Rogue Robot, i have phoned my GF and told her of some of the responses here... She is happy and we are both very comfortable with it.
Even she said (the GF) "who really cares if it is pee... we love it, it feels great and you don't care (meaning me)... so lets not think too hard on it and just enjoy it"

Couldn't agree more i guess.....

But thank you for your response, as it was really only the very last squirt that smelt of pee... So there you have it... learning something new everyday.

Next biggest problem is she is 3 hours away and i won't see here for 5 days now.
Thanks Rogue Robot, i have phoned my GF and told her of some of the responses here... She is happy and we are both very comfortable with it.
Even she said (the GF) "who really cares if it is pee... we love it, it feels great and you don't care (meaning me)... so lets not think too hard on it and just enjoy it"

Couldn't agree more i guess.....

But thank you for your response, as it was really only the very last squirt that smelt of pee... So there you have it... learning something new everyday.

Next biggest problem is she is 3 hours away and i won't see here for 5 days now.

Jeez I'm just learning to be that enlightened. I apparently don't understand the meaning of "relax" very well.
maybe u should have her pee in the morning b4 u guys fuck, just to reassure u guys that its not pee caus im already pretty sure its not.
What does it taste like?
Do some people like the taste?
I just don't want to squirt in my lover's mouth if it is all nasty and has pee in it and stuff.
Would you mind?
It tastes the same as my vaginal fluid. I can't really describe it to be like something you would recognize. The release of a g-spot orgasm feels like I am peeing. I resisted letting go. My husband would say over and over IT IS NOT PEE so please go ahead. He was right. They are the best orgasms.
It isn't pee.

Consider yourself lucky. It isn't such a common thing to come across. (pun totally intended)

Plus it is sexy as hell IMHO... Nothing like getting a face full of lady-juice to boost that ego.

this deserves a bump... omg. <3

Definitely not pee, but as many have suggested, does contain traces.

It's too syrupy to be straight up pee, yo. Way different consistencies. Far more erotic if you ask me!!!!
I'm with you PI Its really hard to let go. Its really hard to get your mind around a whole new orgasm, something your body can do that you didn't even know about. Super strange.
I'm just lucky that I have a relationship that can facilitate this new exploration.
Do any of you ladies that have these types of orgasms find the "regular" orgasms to be less fulfilling and you become frustrated a little if you can't have a g-spot orgasm.
Hell at times I would liken it to how I think a guy having blue balls must feel. This is all so new to me since I'm just learning.
If the g spot orgasm doesn't happen as it didn't last night I don't feel unfulfilled.
By that time I have had 10 regular orgasms :)