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do you dance better on x?


Nov 14, 2004
i always thought i’d dance better on xtc, but after testing that theory a few nights ago, i found that i only dance faster, my hand movements are less self-conscious, and i’m more likely to dance alone than with a partner... etc

my dancing style: melbourne shuffle; based mostly on momentum, energy and balance. there’s fast foot work involved and this simply clashes with the dazed effect of x… i feel the music more, (it becomes “live” ) but I lose my co-ordination… :(

so, let me put this out there – do you dance better on e?

(and if the answer’s “no’” would you go straight ever so often, for the sake of dancing?)
I dance much better sober in a club. I only come to this conclusion b/c I have only rolled at home and tried dancing. I felt like I was in slow motion. This is probably perhaps I was the only one dancing and had been laying down just before hand.
define 'better'. in a sense, dancing is an art - how do you measure something as subjective as dancing?

i certainly enjoy dancing very much when i've taken mdma as well as being able to stay up longer...

i thought this debate might raise – dancing, is yes a art form, no film clip, dvd etc could ever teach a person to dance, what officially is free form movement as it casualty to many things; co-ordination, physical shortcoming, or rhythm etc

the difference between a great dancer from a average dancer is purely subjective to ones likes and dislikes… but, there is such thing aesthetical pleasing dancing; watch the people who keep in time with the music etc ”better” as in dancing with more fluid, movements are effortless and smooth transition from one step to the next…
dancing at a club sober is fun, but it can't beat rolling balls in a club and dancing in front of a speaker. :) i wouldnt say i am a better dance on e, i just dont give a fuck so i let myself go more than i would if i was sober.
I can't dance at all. When I'm sober I've been told I'm a very good dancer. Otherwise, I just do wierd movements with my arms. Hehe.
Totally depends on the effect of the substance and of course which variation of ecstasy it is.

I've had a few amazing rounds on the dancefloor on MDMA. Experiences where you aren't intending to move, but your body dances automatically. We used to call it 'auto', happened only a few times. It's out of this world. Truly an extreme experience. Seems to only happen on high doses, when you are swept away and become extremely energetic and crystal clear.

I think dancing on ecstasy can be unbelievable, but it truly depends on what condition you are in. Very often, I'd much rather prefer talking and sitting down.
i'm pretty sure i look like a fool dancing no matter what, but as far as how i feel at the time- i'm completely retarded sober, only slightly less so drunk, but feel gun when chopped, so i dont care whether i look a fool or not.
No. I feel goofy and uncoordinated, but more in tune with the music when pilling.
When you can't focus your eyes or thoughts it's a lot easier to deceive yourself into thinking you're dancing better.

But that could just be an overly cynical interpretation of things. I dunno.
I jack. The feeling I get from dancing cannot be obtained with drugs. I know all styles of dance, and I can't dance on MDMA... not as well... Mushrooms, on the other hand.
I can't dance full stop, but like many people have said I probably look more natural and all when rolling because i don't give a fuck what people think. It makes it so much more fun :)

It breaks down the barriers but i still think i can dance jus as well without it. More prone to stacks though as some balance seems to be missing :\.

edit: more like misfooting...not unbalanced.
i guess i dance better sober, and therefore i like going out sober too, fortunately.
on e, i feel the music more, but i wont move so much when dancing.
X is the reason why i started dancing:)
so yes, i do dance better when i am on x because while i am sober i am way too shy to let myself look like a fool even if i am alone.
I dance better on e, at least i'm too stoned... if that happens i can't even move... But what I dance really better with, is whit LSD... shit, that thing really makes the music control your body. It's so good... 8o