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[DMT Subthread] First Time

the highlight was having strange sex with this entity and it was purely amazing.
haha=D its not just me then!

OP as long as you don't fight the experience then you should have no problems at all, it is a very forgiving substance (smoked) in my experience.
Although its not ideal i see no problems with you trying it on mdma even for your first time, it will give you a nice euphoric base to launch from, just start low.
Mdma and dmt is glorious.
haha=D its not just me then!

whats happened in yours? been fucking some entitys? lol. its happened twice, my trips seem to have a female presence, shes like a guide/lover in my trips. its very strange but amazing. last time i came back from a breakthrough she was in my living room with me, she was an outline of color, light and energy. she waved me goodbye and said "come back soon, daniel" then literally turned around and left. in my mind i was like no!! come back
thanks again to everyone whos responded here.. this is important to me so i definitely appreciate it.

when im on acid its all about the closed eye visuals for me.. do you guys close your eyes on dmt?
thanks again to everyone whos responded here.. this is important to me so i definitely appreciate it.

when im on acid its all about the closed eye visuals for me.. do you guys close your eyes on dmt?

ya sometimes when i dont get visuals in my OEV i just close my eyes and wtf im in a whole new demension and i can open my eyes i can see everything as is just kinda trippy but then i close my eyes and im into hyper space ;D
Dmt rocks. i would recommend using a stem or a dmt pipe if u can get a hold on one. smoking dmt with weed tampers the effects slightly. Closed eye visuals are where its at for Deemz imo.

depending on what type of dmt you have nn or 5meo dosage amount should be 30-50mgs(id recommend 50) or 10-20 mg respectively. the only negative side effect from overdosing is not being able to clearly remember what exactly happened.

best advice i can give you is hit that shit sitting down, or laying down, and have a place where you can put that pipe after you hit it. by the time you exhale (hold that shit in as long as you can) you will be faced.

also you should remember that tolerance for dmt builds up quickly, so dont smoke, wait 20 min and smoke again, i recommend leaving about 1h-1.5h between doses

Be safe...my fav substance =D
I did it with the cool clean sounds of the outdoors coming in through the window.

Just like LSD or mushrooms, with or without. Each has its merits.
Closed or open eyes? If done correctly you wont even know you have eyes. And you wont be able to hear music.
it may hard to keep the smoke in
try not to cough

keep it longer
take another toke

you'd be disappointed if you didn't reach a breakthrough dose
semi broke-through yesterday (from no more than ~30mg). alone and without music. as soon as I was able to I rushed into my bed and rested for another 15min in fetal postition. so I recommend music for the comedown to help find reality/yourself again...it felt as I got lost again lost again lost again yesterday...

the dose was low though. maybe it's me but I feel like doses between 25-35mg are mostly uncomfortable. the ego is not dead but rather wants to be and starts silly games. makes you feel like the only person in the universe on the comedown. just doesn't feel complete. (OP: never ever underestimate DMT. even doses around 25mg are probably more intense than anything you did/could imagine before)
but I had spectacular experiences with ~30-40mg if combined with n2o. shoot yourself to the moon with the dmt. let it settle down for a few seconds and then spread yourself all over the universe with lightspeed by adding n2o. <3
bets thing I've ever done.

and, Lucid: I recommend 'the machine'. the dose into hyperspace seems to be smaller than with other smoking techniques and - at least - I have absolutely no problems with harsh smoke, coughing etc.
and usually one toke gets it all in. the second is usually aborted due to inability anyway.
smoking DMT right has to be learned imo.

another point:
yesterday I was clearly fully immersed in hyperspace (which is a distinct difference to the 3D visuals on lower plateaus ime) but I wouldn't call it a breakthrough as there was no sense of cosmic love/oneness/presence of god and so on.
I think with DMT there are the plateaus:
body high, 2D CEVs -> body high, 3D CEVs, OEVs -> hyperspace. no visuals but crystal clear visions. no difference if eyes open or closed (at least I tend to keep them shut as the intensity feels so unbearable.. ;) ) -> ++++, pure love, god; at this point visions become abstract archetypes ime....
does anyone agree?
^ all true, it is very importent however that you understand that dmt is not like most other drugs

tolerance builds very quickly and go's away quickly as well

you want to dose, and if you redose, do it quickly i mean, superquickly like have a amount ready to go if you dont feel you have the desired effects after dose1.

waiting 2-5 minutes and taking another toke is not rly the best idea, wait and the next time redose with a higher amount
I would say that DMT is probably easier to accept if you're already tripping....

Yes! I smoked DMT for my FIRST time on 3 hits of pretty strong L. After "warming up" to "Legoland" I finally broke through, and I will never forget it.

The next day when I broke through while smoking some weed, it was very intense. The feelings of being pulled one way or another, your vision being completely destroyed in 15 seconds was a bit overwhelming.

That said, its beautiful on its own, with friends, or in the toilets at work ;)

I really thought I was the only one who took a few rips of deemsters on the clock 8o
do you guys close your eyes on dmt?

In my experience, closing your eyes will increase the intensity ten-fold. You have no visual distractions from your environment to take focus away from your 'self'. You will be propelled towards the infinite at lightning speed; it will appear to be so real and so illusive at the same time that duality will simply collapse in on itself.

It still remains as the most intense and life changing experience of my life.

Do let us know how it goes for you. :)
Yeah, closing your eyes is a really good idea IMO. The closed-eye visuals actually seem to have a special synergy with the whole experience. You can visualize the underlying structure of Psychedelia. Or something. LOL.
Loving this thread, planning a wee extraction this week and It will be my first smoke with a mini-machine. Just going to go straight for a high dose 50mg-100mg to make sure I break through, I don't want to have a taste then be too afraid to go back for more.

Also hoping to try it at the peak of a baby woodrose trip. HBWR is my favourite ally xD.

Will write a report, keep up the hype.