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Discrimination..My dosing pharmasist SPAT in my face..

Report it to your clinic that arranges the dosing, and report him to the the registration board for Pharmacists in your state. Who knows what might come of it, but it's better then nothing.
hopefully that evil pharmacist gets what he deserves@!

good luck Miss Kirsty
Miss Kirsty said:
I have started the process Mr Blond...Thanks for all your advice...

No problems. I think pharmacists should be held to higher standards then they currently are, especially considering some of the new powers they are pushing for.

ETA: I removed post by someone else mentioning a pharmacy by address. No more of that, please.
Ok guys I happen to be very familiar with this pharmacy as I have worked there a very long time and I'm sorry but yes that was 100% wrong what happened to miss Kirsty and the pharmacist was in the wrong , although the owner of the store is not a bad a guy at all and he"s always more then happy to help. And no I'm not him . Like Kirsty said most people that come in to be dosed are off their heads or drunk so it's not an easy job. Why trash the whole pharmacy and the rest of the staff when if anything we treat you with respect and understanding, we are not all animals or pigs like some!
Ok guys I happen to be very familiar with this pharmacy as I have worked there a very long time and I'm sorry but yes that was 100% wrong what happened to miss Kirsty and the pharmacist was in the wrong , although the owner of the store is not a bad a guy at all and he"s always more then happy to help. And no I'm not him . Like Kirsty said most people that come in to be dosed are off their heads or drunk so it's not an easy job. Why trash the whole pharmacy and the rest of the staff when if anything we treat you with respect and understanding, we are not all animals or pigs like some!

As Mr_blonde has said, all posts that name the pharmacy or address get removed. I totally agree, going against your whole chemist for one person fucking up isn't really fair on the rest of you but I full understand Kirsty's anger. provided the proper action has been taken against said employee I see no reason that any of us bluelighters should be naming or hating against that chemist.
Is there an update on this from Kirtsy? Who did you get in contact with, and have they filled you in on what has been done?
I feel for ya kirsty Im from reservoir and whenever I went to that exact pharmacy they made me feel like such a scumbag.. The last straw was being called a junky by an angry pharmacist who mustve been having a bad day.
I had presented with an extremley runny nose asking for something with pseudo in it! Now i would say that I am presented better than 99% of their clientel, that day i was actually on my way to a business meeting fully suited up!

All my friends from around here have had similar experiences there... i think that they probably just deal with soo many bad customers that they treat everyone like scum if your not a pensioner.

glad ya found a better one,
Dont put up with shit customer service because in reality there are so many other chemists around here fighting for your business.
I had a really bad cold one day and went in to another pharmacy (not the current one) and have been treated the very poorely, because I needed some pseudoephendrine, there's a lot of pharmacies which act like this, I think treating everyone poorly is definately not the way to go, it's just as bad as making some medicine OTC or very hard to get, and many people suffer as everyone assumes we are all druggies.

Overall, I guess a lot of pharmacies have bad days, and accidentally take their anger out on the customer, the worst thing to do, but I guess we are human, and conflicting opinions create lots of anger.

I've had my eye on this thread since it started, very interesting.
You don't have a case for dicrimination, but if I was you I would ring up the owner of the pharmacy and calmy explain what the temp did to you and how it affected you, and with any luck he will be fired or at least get a dressing down by his employer.
Hi again..Well thanks for all the support you guys have given me. I will not let this slide and i have reported the pharmasist for what he did. I used to sit and shut up in there...let him serve 10 customers who entered after me...not a complaint..so i guess he thought i was a take it kinda person as he had done quite a few things to me prior...one day i had it soo much there i just burst into tears in front of him and he asked me what was wrong..I told him i had been here so long id missed my bus and it was raining and now i have to walk 7 kms in the rain...He didnt give a toss...am now with a great bloke who treats me like a humanbeing...So i am waiting for the pharmasist board people to get in touch and tell me whats happening with it...I never said it was the "WHOLE PHARMACY" i am pissed at...The girls are great and couldnt understand why Mr Arafat (not real name) had treated me like that..so notsure2 i didnt mean to say the whole pharmacy is fucked...i have an issue with the dosing pharmasist only... not the girls......I will keep you posted..Thanks again guys!!!%)
I never had a problem like this before thankfully, but if it had been me...my god, ida been locked up for assault! Im not a violent person by nature, but I definitely would have smacked him in the mouth (or at the least lapped him in the face to belittle him!). I could never work serving customers or at a register because if someone came in and started yelling at me for something that wasn't my fault i would abuse them back 10 fold! Believe me they would leave the store wishing that hadn't said a word!

A couple years back i was at a job network agency and sitting with other ppl waiting to be told what to do (as is what everyone normally does), it was only my 2nd time there so i didnt know wtf to do. Anyways i was sitting there for nearly an hour and i was extremely sick, i wasnt even going to attend at first but i dragged myself out of bed! After an hour waiting i walked up to my case worker there and said "Im sorry but ive gotta go home, i feel sick!" to which she responded by saying in a rude arrogant voice "Well you better get a doctors certificate for not attending!"....and i said "But i DID attend, ive been waiting to be told what to do!" and she said "You have been here and hour doing nothing? thats a GARBAGE excuse!!!". I said to her that i feel sick and i was waiting to be told what to do as that is what they done the day before (told us each what we need to do).... so i looked at her and said "Im SICK i dont have to take crap from YOU!!! i shouldnt even BE here!!!" and i started to walk out and she says "You BETTER get a doctors slip or im putting down that you plain old didnt attend!"....i called her a bitch in front of the other staff and walked out.

I never got the doctors slip :). In fact i contacted Centrelink and i reported her for being a rude mole! I also flat out told Centrelink that i wont be attending those appointments until ive been transferred to another agenct as i didnt wish to be anywhere near them again! And i never went back again :)

She wasnt the only rude staff there, another older woman that works the phone threatened to cut my centrelink money if i didnt attend the appointment i was due for in an hour....and i was sick as a dog from withdrawal symptoms, and didnt have a car to get there! I explained to her that i was never gunna be able to make it in that amount of time, she she outright said "I dont really care if you have to walk here, but you better show up!" Sadly i followed suit and i did show up!

The first day i was at the agency i heard a staff emember talking on the phone to someone who sounded like was calling in sick, the woman staff member said "Ok thanks for letting us know you cant make it, cya next time!" and as soon as she hung up on the phone she goes "Dumb MOLE!!!"...out loud infront of EVERYONE, so most of the staff that worked there were two faces bitches! Which is why i TOLD centrelink (not asked) to be transferred or i would never attend!
Stiffeno said:
She wasnt the only rude staff there, another older woman that works the phone threatened to cut my centrelink money if i didnt attend the appointment i was due for in an hour....and i was sick as a dog from withdrawal symptoms, and didnt have a car to get there! I explained to her that i was never gunna be able to make it in that amount of time, she she outright said "I dont really care if you have to walk here, but you better show up!" Sadly i followed suit and i did show up!

Surely you knew before one hour before that you had no car and that you'd be in withdrawal? It's the right thing to do to show up to appointments on time, so I'm not really sure why you think she should have just accepted your excuses. I think a lot of centrelink staff are horrible but I have to say I'm on her side in this case, though she probably could have been more respectful in dealing with you. Surely you know that not showing up to appointments can result in your payments being cut off. It's like that for everyone.

Sorry but this kind of attitude just irks me. I manage a company and am reponsible for hiring, and so many people just don't show, are late without calling, or give me excuses at the last minute. I just think it's disrespectful to waste someone else's time. Certainly there are sometimes reasons, but to call out the other person for expecting you to hold appointments, and being annoyed when they are upset you've wasted their time, is poor form, imo.
seek legal advice..

Sorry Charles, Me or Stiffano?...
Stiffano im not a walkover BUT this asshole had my fuckin medicine and i needed that..I thought id act with the class he didnt think i had instead of flying off the handle..I wanted to hit, believe me....That slap you mentioned would have been verey sweet indeed...BUT...Im new to this methadone thing and i believed him when he said he could get me kicked off the program...Apparently he couldnt but i didnt know this...Also i feel totally at their mercy..Their being: My Dr, My Chemist....My Dr is great and thinks the pharmasist should get what he desreves. My Dr actually has compassion and likes his job!!!YAY!!!!Now My chem is the same...Problem is we are made to feel that this is ok that others are "better" than us cause we are addicts..junky scum...ive been made to feel this way sooo farkin many times...Its wrong...But i put myself here didnt I?....