Direct Drive Party.. Nov. 21st, NYC, @ The Roxy

lol i highly doubt there would be one. never been to a dnb party that had one. and ive been to the roxy before for a dnb party.
Think they'd mind if i went nakkid?? i still dunno what i'm wearing ;)
Is anyone getting there at 9? i prolly will only bc i want to be able to park reasonably close to the Roxy... blah..
being alone suxxxx
if i don't get tix today ima be there early too....
i just realized sumthing relly shitty...i lost my wallet like two weeks ago & don't have ne id w/my birthday- but i'm not trying to drink so hopefully it'll be allright....
c u there...
being alone suxxxx
word. i honestly know the feeling. i have gone to parties alone too, and it is not a good thing. but it sounds like u will know plenty of people there, so im sure u will be fine. i mean, the party is worth it right? all the times i have to go out alone, i always think, would i rather be sitting home? HELL NO! i would rather be dancing my ass off and listening to great music. so dont feel too bad about it. honestly. its really chill that ur strong enough to go alone, and im completely serious bc i do it alot.