Direct Drive Party.. Nov. 21st, NYC, @ The Roxy

It makes sense though, cuz she left a shitload of her clothes at Paul Billz' house that time after Boo. :D
Bwahahahaha... okay, I admit. That IS the good call...
*evil grin* So then what's Jamal's nickname? *ducks and runs*
It makes sense though, cuz she left a shitload of her clothes at Paul Billz' house that time after Boo.
Cheryl Apparel. Oh man
Yeah, i guess this does kinda fit given the situation......BTW, paul are my khakis at your house? lol, yeah, i see how it fits.
Are they MUDD Khakis??? If they are, I've been wearing them forever... They form an hour glass shape around my legs which really bring out my butt. lol.. j/k
well, I know there somebodies, most likely yours...
^^ haha, yeah that would be them =P
I put them over the chair and she didn't realize I put them there.
[ 07 November 2002: Message edited by: MrJaMaL ]
I put them over the chair and she didn't realize I put them there.
^^^^ SEE! at least this time it wasn't my fault, i swear! haha. yes those are mine, i'll probably get them from you sometime over the weekend of the 21st, so wear them as much as you can until then casue i'm taking them back and that means no more hour-glass figure for you! hahah
What's this thread about? Oh yeah. A DD party. Just attempt to keep on topic, please.
Well, I was starting to get a bit worried about how exactly I'd be getting to/from CT/NYC/etc for all the shenanigans surrounding this party... especially after the scumbags at the Toyota dealership tried telling me it would cost $1,173.50 for a new Catalytic Converter on my car. My response? "Fuck that." But yes, Katie's car is getting fixed tomorrow morning at Meineke Mufflers for almost a fourth the cost. *happy dance* Now nothing can keep me from this... *knock on wood*
Less than two weeks to go, guys! :) I miss y'all and can't wait for this!!!!
Peace ~Katie
^^^if ya asked, i could have fixed your car for practicly nothing, i do work at a car dealership. all ya had to do was pay for parts that ya needed
[ 09 November 2002: Message edited by: Coldshot ]
Thanks hon :) I didn't even know you were working there now though!
And anyways, I got everything fixed today for only $201.00 (much better than $1200!!)... it wasnt the converter it was the flex pipe, and it was WICKED cheap to fix compared to what i was afraid of. :)
Yes oh yes, Katie and her fearless burgundy Camry, "Elmo's Bitch" are BACK on the road and coming to a party near you soon! :D /end cheesiness
Peace ~Katie
PS ~ Less than two weeks, guys! I miss y'all...
I AM going to this one & I AM going to meet some of you. This will be my last party in the US of A, I'm even gonna change my airline tickets to fit around it! Well kind of.
Yay D&B in NYC!
we're getting under the two week mark. Im resting my feet now, they took a beating in canada, but not nearly as close to the beating they will recieve at the hands of Marky and Andy C!!!
Cant wait to see you guys, rock!
so Ima go...& it would be awfully nice to see you chrissy...pinkerton....i dunno anybody else.
I gotta go to ct. on friday anyway, so maybe we can me chrissy, I am pretty sure u guys have my celly #...
plus...someone knows updated ticket vendors? I have no plastic....
[ 15 November 2002: Message edited by: satori18 ]
we missed u last month!
itll be so good to see you again!!!!
did you get my email about hanging out at my place the next day?
cant wait to see you darlin!! :)
i miss your kind smile*
yeah, I got your email....I am mtg kris(boyf..i dunno if u have met yet...rrrr that's so sad)at his aunt & uncles house near Norwalk friday evening/night I'm down
I will call if u don't this know I don't trust these damn machines....
[ 15 November 2002: Message edited by: satori18 ]