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Mar 12, 2002
Was just wondering how many mg's of diazepam does it take before it gets dangerous? Like, what's the maximum amount of mg's that a person should take before they overdose and what happens if you do overdose?
Also, is it possible to crush the pill's up and snort them and get the same effect?
I have the ROCHE Valium (diazepam) 5mg tablets.
thx =)
You can get tonnes of info here
and the next five or six replies to your post will be better informed and researched; but my advice based on experience of these drugs is not to take any more than 20mg in a 24 hr period and do not mix with ALCOHOL or anything else for that matter. I suppose tecnically an "overdose" is any dose over that which is prescribed/recommended by a medical person. Which I am not. Take care. An overdose of this drug (depending on how big it is/what you have mixed it with) can lead to coma or death.
[ 19 June 2002: Message edited by: Salmon_Chanted_Evening ]
I think that if you plug one of these, you might be in for a nasty suprise.
I remember talking to a certain bluelighter here, after he had just come out of the bathroom, after plugging something similar.
His smiles slowly disappeared, as the contents burnt his ass :)
Still makes me laugh :)
The definition of overdose, is to take an excessive dose, so Salmon_Chanted_Evening made a good point. I believe the actual question you are asking is how much diazapem is dangerous?
Benzodiazepines like diazepam are usually pretty safe in overdose, unless alcohol or other CNS depressants are combined. Respiratory depression is the main risk. People with pre-existing respiratory illnesses are a lot more sensitive to this effect.
I have seen doses of 40mg (minimum) oral or IV, up to a total of 120mg a day given to patients in hospital. Individuals getting these doses are monitored closely for potential side-effects.
Poisindex states that doses from 500mg to 2000mg have been taken with "only minor toxicity".
You should never take doses like this for recreational purposes - I imagine many people would fall asleep after 20mg anyhow. And remember that combining other CNS depressants with benzo's can make it far more dangerous and should be avoided. People with respiratory problems are more likely to experience serious side-effects like respiratory depression and should not take benzodiazepines recreationally. When using CNS depressant drugs it is safer to do so with other people around, so that someone can summon help if needed.
[ 23 October 2002: Message edited by: babydoc_vic ]
The biggest problem with OD on benzo's is respiratory depression, which is exacibated by alcohol.......
Case....... 8 hours period, around between 15-20 Valium 5mg, a decent amount of Vodka....... a trip to the ER........
Benzo's are easily adictive too...... just becareful with them....
There isn't much point snorting benzodiazepines becuase they're relatively insoluble in water. Some people think that they get a buzz from racking up valiums etc., but it's most likely from the pill powder going down the back of their throat and being swallowed.
BigTrancer :)
IMO the biggest problem with diazepam (apart from possible respiratory suppression as others have pointed out) is it's potential for addiction.. also if you get anywhere near addiction, the withdrawal when you stop taking them can involve depression, irritability, insomnia, aggression and more lovely things..
My point is if you're using this drug recreationally, use it infrequently :)
Benzodiazepine withdrawal syndrome stands out from the withdrawal symptoms of other drugs due to its relative severity and typically longer duration.
"It is more difficult to withdraw people from benzodiazepines than it is from heroin. It just seems that the dependency is so ingrained and the withdrawal symptoms you get are so intolerable that people have a great deal of problem coming off. The other aspect is that with heroin, usually the withdrawal is over within a week or so. With benzodiazepines, a proportion of patients go on to long term withdrawal and they have very unpleasant symptoms for month after month, and I get letters from people saying you can go on for two years or more. Some of the tranquilliser groups can document people who still have symptoms ten years after stopping."
- Professor M H Lader, Royal Maudesley Hospital, BBC Radio 4, Face The Facts, March 16, 1999.
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) file, Version 1.1

BigTrancer :)
Originally posted by Jakoz:
I think that if you plug one of these, you might be in for a nasty suprise.
I remember talking to a certain bluelighter here, after he had just come out of the bathroom, after plugging something similar.
His smiles slowly disappeared, as the contents burnt his ass :)
Still makes me laugh :)

Good thing I checked this out first. It's usually one of the first questions I ask about any drug. I just got given a perscription for valium to relieve the jaw tension I have following a nasty abscese (sp?) in jaw, plus a couple of chipped teeth that were dangerously close to requiring crowning and root canal operations. I can assure you that the no-one should go through that sort of pain. *OWWWEEZZZZ*
Anyway, I tried Valium for the first time (shock horror) and yeah....it's lovely. :D :D :D
I have found valium excellent for two things:
1) Relaxing muscles and enabling a good sleep
2) Temporarily helping with a tough grief period
Extreme muscle pain can disappear after a thoroughly relaxing sleep. For me ½ a 2.5mg valium is usually enough.
Once when experiencing severe grief from losing loved ones, I took ~40mg /day for 21/2 weeks. I then felt I could handle stepping out, so I left the valium at home, had a wicked week partying, and was over my grief. I've never taken them since for emotional /mental upset, and personally would never think of using them recreationally.
Last time I did valium (in thailand), I had the following cocktail:
4 10mg diazepam
3 "standard drinks" of scotch & coke
2 panadeine forte
At one point I felt as though I couldn't breathe, and it was very scary indeed. I was wondering around the hotel room feeling completely wasted, and fell asleep after about 40 minutes. Didn't wake up for 14 hours.
Like others have said, just do between 20-30mgs and don't mix with codeine or alcohol, however tempting it might be!
Thx alot guys for the help :)
I found that taking around 60 - 80 mg while smokin was quite good...also, around that dosage was quite good for taking the edge off comedowns...maybe a little more, but be careful.
take care =)
Sheesh, I thought I was going overboard when I took 20mg by itself over a 3 hour period. I was completely head mushy. *bliss*
Each to their own I guess. Play it safe and have fun.
Hi motion, hope this helps buddy. My general views on valium are as follows. A few years ago when working, I felt a constricting feeling across my chest. Subsequently after seeing the Doctor, he said I had some kind of anxiety, so he prescribed Valium 5mg. They work wonders don't get me wrong, but it got to the stage where if I was at work and I knew I was going to run out of pills before my shift ended, I would go to the docs on my lunch break and usually spend the whole lunch break waiting to see him instead of having a normal lunch like normal ppl. I could not work or do normal things without having to pop these babies. I was probably taking anywhere from 4 or 5 to 8 of these a day. Packs come in 50's and that would be lucky to last me 2 weeks. The trouble with this is that you are told to take say 2 a day, and when they run out well b4 that time, your doc isn't stupid and just thinks, shit I got this poor cunt on these to begin with, better tell him to slow down a bit, but they still gave em to me reluctantly. In the end, one doctor looked at my records and said, shit dude you bee taking these for like 8-12 months, I'm not giving you anymore, and I tell ya, I went spacco in the docs office. I told him to get fucked, that's how hooked I was. Anyway, I managed to get another box and decided to ween myself off them based on the fact that I wouldnt get them anymore. This worked for me because after the episode in the office, it really made me think that I was an addict. It felt terrible. Anyway, I got off em and havent used since.
However, recently I've been having family probs and the thought crossed my mind to get more but after reasoning with myself, I have decided against it. I have way too much of an addictive personality.
I still get anxious and stuff now, but decide to try to keep that under control with a few beers. lol. It's a lot better being an alco than a pill popper. Don't get me wrong, I like my eckies, but only in moderation. 6 or 7 times this whole year is all I've gone MD.
Use your drug for it's intended purpose. Your jaw is sore, when it's not sore anymore, cease use for your own good man.
Hope I was of help.
Sorry there motion got a bit sidetracked by my own babbling.
In regards to your specific question. Usage and snorting.
Well, as other poster's have commented, Valium does nothing for you when snorted. However, I will tell you that when I took them, if you let them slowly disolve a bit or slight chew them, (they don't taste too bad), it definitely works quicker. I used to feel the effects in about 5-10 minutes after eating 2 or 3 in one go.
As far as alcohol goes. I wouldn't recommend you mix, but I did. I used to go out and get smashed and I'd be majorly fucked up, lol... but not a hospital case.
Needless to say, they fucked me in the end. I started causing damage and thought it was funny breaking windows and shit about the town. That was another reason for ceasing use.
Look dude, use but be careful. Only use them for a short time or I can guarantee you will get addicted.
However, recently I've been having family probs and the thought crossed my mind to get more but after reasoning with myself, I have decided against it.
That's a very sensible attitude, well done for recognising the problem and taking steps to address it.
BigTrancer :)
I'm currently taking Temaze (Temazepam) which is pretty much the same as diazepam and i'm only taking 10mg p/o. I do not recommend you take more then 30-40mg per day. I also reccomend you don't take asprin with these or any other drugs such as panadol. I do assume you are taking these for sleeping purposes only! and i wouldn't suggest plugging it, these pills get digested better in your stomach.