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⭐️ Social ⭐️ Detroit Megathread

Wooooooo ya boy met a Detroit dude at the gas station the other night asked him for some weed, he offered me some "dog food" He's now a top 3connect dude is fuckin official the powder he got it some of the best shit I've had in a year and the price is for the low low. Only downfall is he hit me up like 3 times a day askin if I'm cool but god damn I'm pumped how the shit went down
Well I would say that no people don't do this. I hope everything turns out OK for ya though but, please be careful. The safest way to do this exchange would be at a public place. If you're uncomfortable with the person and itt sound like you are I would even do the exchange inside of a store. IME it's very common around here for dealers to even have you meet them in a store to deal for their own safety. Especially if they don't know ya. The last thing you want to do is meet this guy somewhere out of they way especially seeing that he has essentially already ripped you off before. You should at least do the deal in a parking lot where there's other people around for your own safety.

It sounds to me like he just needed your money for himself and that he's waiting to get paid or something to get it back to you if her does at all. That said if you don't get anything from him just cut your losses and move on. Every user gets burnt. There are no rules on the street and if you're dealing with fellow junkies it's really only a matter of when not if. There is no need to make any threats or engage in any violence as that will likely just make things worse for you in the long run. People like that always get what they deserve eventually so just take it as a lesson learned.

Be sure to do a test bump/shot/whatever when you do cop. It sounds like you are not very experienced so be easy with it at first to gauge how strong the dope is. We don't need ya to OD on us. Be safe man

Hey John, thanks for your reply. Unfortunately I am dying since I have none.

You said to not meet him in a store, why not? Isn't it safer then in a parking lot or McDonalds?

Since I paid him already all he has to do is give it to me so the transaction should take no time. He can even through it in my car.

Lastly what does H taste like so I am not burned in the future? And are their Dilaudids readyly available in the D?

If you wouldn't mind PMing me, I would appreciate it to discuss this more, or maybe we can chat online. If you do not want to I totally understand. By the way I am NOT new at this, just new at using people I do not know. If I can I will PM you a way to contact me if you want.

If anyone has any other info, please reply. I am out and DYING!

Thanks again John!
Damn Brxstx, I'm jealous. My dude is the same way though about callin. I don't mind except when I'm out of cash and sick, I hate that shit man.
Lovebuzzer, sorry to say dude but you wont ever see that money again. Unless your ready to get down and do some damage to this dude Id shake it off as a lesson, its happened to all of us. I dont think Ive ever bought a decent amount without tasting it first. Its bitter, and not like asprin, its taste is nothing like youve ever tasted except for maybe a dilaudid crunched up. Its extremely bitter./ and will not burn your tounge.
]Lovebuzzer... I'd say just forget about it. Think about it, you don't really know him, so what's his incentive to hit you back? You got robbed. It's going to happen. It's always scary messing with new people, because they might hook you up a few times, then the next time you have a shotgun to your head and they're stealing your car and if you make it out alive, it's a blessing (speaking from experience). When we're sick is when we tend to make even worse decisions because we NEED to get high, but just be smart. Forget about this deal and be VERY careful when dealing with new people. These people are trained at selling drugs, robbing and killing people so PLEASE, if you're going to get high, be SO careful and you should probably carry some heat on you. I've been off the stuff for 7 months, but if I ever did get back on, I'm going down there with a piece. Yeah, if I did have to shoot someone who was robbing me, yeah I'd do some time, but at least I wouldn't end up in the Detroit river or in the backyard of an abandoned house. Best bet, just get clean and leave the junk behind, but if you don't, be on the defensive down in the D or any ghetto

Hey Pigpen, can you post the address to your blog again... anything new on there?

One Love
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Lovebuzzer, sorry to say dude but you wont ever see that money again. Unless your ready to get down and do some damage to this dude Id shake it off as a lesson, its happened to all of us. I dont think Ive ever bought a decent amount without tasting it first. Its bitter, and not like asprin, its taste is nothing like youve ever tasted except for maybe a dilaudid crunched up. Its extremely bitter./ and will not burn your tounge.

Do yo think this when he called and said he would call me in two days, I know his car and license plate as well as his girlfriends car and plate as well as their numbers.

Why would he say that he didn't give it to me right away because he had never met me and wanted to check me out and then say that he would give it to me in 2 days? I ask him to just tell me if he is planning to rip me off and he said no. He said it was very bad right now with the cops in Ypsilanti right now and that is why the delay.

Does anyone knowe if it is bad in Ypsilanti, MI? I know my old friend isn't around anymore for a while.

I have had my share of ripoffs but for some reason this guy seemed legit.

By the way what he gave me was brown sugar. Any reason for that.

Any input is appreciated as I am getting bored sitting around watching TV as I am disabled.
Because he's a low life scum bag who is a compulsive liar and makes a living doing illegal stuff
But if he panned to rip me off, would he allow me to see his car and license plate and well as his girlfriend, as well as their numbers. I could report them to the police if I wanted and they know that.

Any suggestions to make him give me what he owes me since he knows I can get him in trouble if I wanted to?

And why would he call to say that he would give it to me before I called him if he was ripping me off and wasn't going to give it to me?
^ Report him to the police for selling you fake drugs?

He's probably not even a dealer, just someone who took you for some cash.
But if he panned to rip me off, would he allow me to see his car and license plate and well as his girlfriend, as well as their numbers. I could report them to the police if I wanted and they know that.

Any suggestions to make him give me what he owes me since he knows I can get him in trouble if I wanted to?

And why would he call to say that he would give it to me before I called him if he was ripping me off and wasn't going to give it to me?

If that happened to me I would be planning a Bon fire Detroit style.
And when I got home I would be putting brown sugar on my oatmeal to celebrate.
I would just let it go my man. Especially if he says brings some more money because he has "the real stuff." Next time he could rip you off, of worse and fuck you up pretty good.
Anyways, I need some advice. I have obtained a lot H in Ypsi for a very long time from various people with quality no so good. As least I can say so because I could do 500 mgs(yes this is correct) at once, although I could do 50mgs of pure Dilaudid as well.

One last question, what does good H taste like. Does it numb your tougue? Please tell me what to look for as I have never tasted it. Are there many connections for Dilaudid in the D?
So which is it? You've had h but u don't know what it tastes like? Then you know the guy, but then you don't. I'm not trying to call bullshit but your story seems to have holes in it, shit just don't add up. Details are contradicting.
If that happened to me I would be planning a Bon fire Detroit style.
And when I got home I would be putting brown sugar on my oatmeal to celebrate.

That's what I am thinking since I know his cars and plates as well as their numbers. If I make threats, will that make it worse or better since they know I know their info?
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So which is it? You've had h but u don't know what it tastes like? Then you know the guy, but then you don't. I'm not trying to call bullshit but your story seems to have holes in it, shit just don't add up. Details are contradicting.

I never tasted H before because I never had to. Has everyone tasted it?

You are confusing the guy I used to know with this new guy I just met when I used to get it before in Ypsi.

Are the cops coming down on the dealers in Ypsi lately or are people still having no troubles? Please let mw know so I will know whether to try there again or not.I know where to go but it is hard to find a person to trust anymore. I mean if they will make a lot of money from someone, why rip them off for so little?

Any other suggestions would be appreciated.
I never tasted H before because I never had to. Has everyone tasted it?
So you've never done it before? I don't see how you could have done it without knowing what it tastes like. Maybe I'm way off here but I would think everyone here knows the tastes of different drugs they've done.
It was just a crime of opportunity Buzzer. Your obviously a bit green on the streets and he saw that.
Im sure hes hoping he can convince you that the moneys lost and next time everything will go smooth, then rip you off again. Let it go and dont let your guard down again. They shouldnt even see your money till youve seen the dope.

I lived in Ypsi for years. I never found any dope there worth mentioningTake the 30 min drive to the D.

I would NEVER suggest getting a gun, carrying a gun to a dope deal, anything of the sort. No ones life is worth any size bag of dope, sorry Mattymatt, I dont agree.

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That's a win for you in my book pigpen. He pulled a weapon because otherwise he would've lost. Leaving definitely shows you've been around the block a couple times. There's a lot of lessons to be learned by some younger members and I recommend people subscribe if for nothing else some good stories.