• N&PD Moderators: Skorpio | thegreenhand

Designer opioids?

What the fuck is wrong with vendors who not sell opioids? Ethics my ass. It the money that matters.
...that's exactly the verve that we need here. Oh...my...fucking............... :\

Is there any rc opioid vendors now, haven't found none and I think am quite good doing searching. Can you estimate number of rc opioid vendor, or are they all hiding in secret places and private/refer only?
The admins may allow me to name some vendors, to help this deranged fella obtain his drugs:
There is Sigma-Aldrich and Acros Organics, and there's Tocris. And they are all very reliable and usually deliver their products with the assigned identity and purity, yes yes. Sigma for example offers all the good old school shit: Morphine, codeine, methadone, fentanyl. But they have some more exotic stuff in their portfolio, too, like etonitazene. Ah, well, I forgot to mention that they don't sell to retarded morons like you, just to approved companies and academia. What a pity! :(

5 Posts and posting "Ethics my ass" in a harm reduction forum. Did you really expect a meaningful answer?

- Murphy
The first True designer drug to be made was actually an opioid! IIRC it was methylfentanyl.
0-desmethyltramadol was stopped because there was a patent and the holder of that patent (Grünenthal GmbH) forced the stopp of production and selling
Viminol looks interesting. The racemic mixture has full agonists and antagonists, so the chances of ODing should be decreased.
Ah, well, I forgot to mention that they don't sell to retarded morons like you, just to approved companies and academia. What a pity! :(

5 Posts and posting "Ethics my ass" in a harm reduction forum. Did you really expect a meaningful answer?

- Murphy

I am so laughing my ass off at my haters!
0-desmethyltramadol was stopped because there was a patent and the holder of that patent (Grünenthal GmbH) forced the stopp of production and selling

totally makes sense! The big pharmaceutical companies have a LOT more legal clout (and knowledge) than the non-clued up police/drug laws. If someone set up an RC website selling duloxetine - Eli Lilly would knock them down before they had even chosen a domain name. (well parallel imports are allowed and sometimes generics from countries with different laws but you get the picture) :\

Methopholine and/or its derivatives might be promising since they are not ultra-potent like the fent analogues (so less chance of people accidentally offing themselves with a tiny amount of powder)

Methopholine is an isoquinoline derivative which is not structurally related to most other opioids.It has around the same efficacy as an analgesic as codeine, and was evaluated for the treatment of postoperative pain, but never commercialised. WIKI

It's the "NEVER commercialised" part that is concerning here. Why was it never commercialised? Morphine, fentanyl your classics - used every day, untested RC opioid with addictive tendancies - I.e repeat dosing - no thanks!

The first True designer drug to be made was actually an opioid! IIRC it was methylfentanyl.

:) Precisely, nice clean modification of a well established product. Interestingly to point though it was distributed via traditional routes (not RC vendour websites). If an ingenious chemist creates an opioid that happens to be safe AND legal (likely quick modification of current drug), doubt they would be setting up a nice user friendly website buyyourRCopioidshere.com - they would ship it off to the big chief or however these things work etc. (in the process covering their own legal back and not taking responsibility for distribution). You'll notice though when pharmaceutical companies apply new patents for drugs, they pateny the synthesis, the metabolites, the analogues, everything. Hoffmann–La Roche lost out quite famously with benzos when other companies realised all the metabolites (mostly of diazepam and chlordiazepoxide) were in fact active drugs that could be commercialised, result: patent, patent, patent

If they'll sell 4-MMA, they'll sell opiates too.

4-MMA doesn't leave you gagging for another hit, RC opioids however toxic may well do. It's also about publicity-ethics (not just ethics of in-it-for-the money RC sites) - NEWS: "A website sells addictive opioids" - shut down in weeks (if only by the internet hosting company!)

Opioids are BIG business in the pharmaceutical world. If they design one which is SAFE and EFFECTIVE, they are going to patent the hell out of it, it's analogues, it's metabolites. [Classic error on Janssen Pharmaceutica part to not include substitutions in it's patent + alert the authorities of such potential analogues] Clandestine-RC-chemists are competing with the BEST of the BEST. There only hope would likely be some with tramadol'esque compound if they got there in time (but again safety + efficacy as well as the chemist [or buyer asking for china-synth] would have to be that way inclined)

Finally you'll notice A LOT of the Benzos/GABA type compounds being sold are very insoluble or hard to dose. e.g phenazepam is rediculously insoluble in water. If phenazepam had been soluble in water it would have been banned by now (been available for a LONG time) due to all the DATE rape allegations surrounding it and the unscrupulous uses of it.

RC chemicals are following classic survival of the most "socially acceptible" & "legally possible" rules.
[just waiting for the next why cant we have RC-OPIOIDs? thread, 2 weeks, 2months, it'll be a coming! =D]
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@thread: it's my understanding that in the US, any ester of any controlled substance is just as illegal as its precursor (unless the ester is specifically scheduled or exempted).
0-desmethyltramadol was stopped because there was a patent and the holder of that patent (Grünenthal GmbH) forced the stopp of production and selling

This seems unlikely as tramadol and O-desmethyltramadol were patented in 1972 (see US 3652589) which means the patent protection expired 20 years after that, in 1992...
I think it's just a matter of time, if there's money to be made someone will be willing to make it. Will they be available from the same places that sell psychedelics? Probably not. Will it draw heat rather quickly? Almost certainly. Will the really potently ones be cut to fuck? Probably. Will that keep people from killing themselves? No. Are there people willing to sell them anyway? Do I really need to answer that?
If phenazepam had been soluble in water it would have been banned by now (been available for a LONG time) due to all the DATE rape allegations surrounding it and the unscrupulous uses of it.

Why would soluability in water really matter? A drunk isn't doing to notice a few milligrams of something floating around in their drink, I'm not suggesting anyone do this obviously. It wouldn't have to be phenazepam, crushed up pills of damn near any benzo would work. That this isn't happening leads me to think the whole rohypanol/date rape thing was largely a media creation to begin with.

as im informed the patent for tramadol has expired yes (there are a lot of generetica avaible already) but the patent for 0-desmethyltramadol was filled 1998: http://www.freepatentsonline.com/EP0870499.html

But that is a use patent specifically for the oral use of O-desmethyltramadol as an analgesic, surely this is not the same use as administration by insufflation or intravenously for the maintenance of opioid dependence? ;)
haha yea maybe your right ^^ but I think a lawyer must find the answer here
Personally, I don't really agree with the concept that even full mu agonist opioids as a rule are always worse than what is currently on the "RC" market. Although buphedrone sounds like it wasn't very recreational, on paper it was potentially a very dangerous and addictive substance. The AET analogs hitting the market could cause some absolutely horrendous health problems if used on a scale even remotely to the level of mephedrone. As far as attracting unwanted attention, I doubt that it could be any worse than the stories of people doing things like ripping their scrotum off. Yes, putting opioids with a potency in the range between fentanyl and etorphine would be completely insane, they're too potent, too addicting and even of questionable recreational value due to their short half life. As far as public attention and concern, meth seems to have people more hysterical than opioids and I'd think anything that can be compared to meth would be worse attention, imo.

Methopholine and its analogs on the other hand are uncontrolled, if there were any patents they expired and of a good potency range from about codeine to diamorphine. Some have been tested in a clinical setting in humans with no unusual side effects that I know of.

As for acetylated hydromorph analogs. IV hydromorphone is awful. The high is almost nonexistent and all "rush". The withdrawal is a complete nightmare almost on the level of a precipitated withdrawal from taking a high dose of buprenorphine. I've experienced both and they were both far worse than methadone or heroin withdrawal. Oral hydromorphone isn't anywhere near as useless.
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Why would soluability in water really matter? A drunk isn't doing to notice a few milligrams of something floating around in their drink, I'm not suggesting anyone do this obviously. It wouldn't have to be phenazepam, crushed up pills of damn near any benzo would work. That this isn't happening leads me to think the whole rohypanol/date rape thing was largely a media creation to begin with.

sorry but I COMPLETELY disagree, not that I have ANY intention whatsoever of doing such a thing but the complete inpractibilities of dosing phenazepam at just the right dose as not to completely knock them out (dangerously so) are ridiculous.

you say powder floating in drink, you'd then need to CUT phenazepam extremely thoroughly with another suitable agent to drop the correct amount of powder in, then presume SOME will dissolve (admittedly it will be in alcohol)

From personal experiences with phenazepam I found dosing incredibly hard (and I know a fair bit about chemistry, solubilities etc), also FAR more relevant to note of all the benzodiazepines I would suggest it is extremely close to clonazepam-type effects (sedative rather than hypnotic). Far from the typical hypnotic/amnestic effect that is classic of rohypnol(flunitrazepam). It also seemed to have a slow onset.

So no if it was anyway close to flunitrazepam it would have been banned by now. That's my opinion on the matter. :\
Has anybody here ever tried 4'-Nitromethopholine? With a potency of 20X codeine this could be a good one to get synthed seeing as how its legal and not stupid potent. Not for selling or anything but having kilo's of something like this could keep one well for years.
IDK, dosing phen correctly can be tricky, but a massive overdose (which I assume is what a rapist would want) is all to easy.
Dosing phenazepam is simple if you dissolve it in 96% ethanol first. And nobody will notice 1-2 ml of ethanol added to their (alcoholic) drinks.