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Depressing Films

The Ice Storm was incredibly sad but also a great movie. Life as a House was also a downer but a very horrible movie. I found AI: Artifical Intelligence to be sad as well.
Originally posted by ChrisC
Henry: Portrait of a Serial Murderer was pretty depressing

i took a girlfriend to see that once on our first date:)

wow holy old thread.

keira kniglety likes to do really depressing movies.
just watched "Never Let Me Go"
i liked this one for the dystopian sci-fi aspect, despite it being miserable for the whole time pretty much. also the scenery was really something. idk why, even when it comes to books i love just...not happy ones. 1984 is one of my favorites. human struggle in the face of hopelessness, just resonates so well with me...
as far as depressing keira knightley movies go, "Atonement" in comparison was just miserable due to the shock factor, like REALLY? that one had hope whereas "Never Let Me Go" had very little.

why do i like depressing romances so much more than happy ones? they seem so much more realistic.

like when i saw water for elephants i was truly shocked at a happy ending. i completely thought that one of them was going to be murdered, probably the woman, or she would just be too scared to leave for good.

any opinions on either these movies, or others of the sort? the sort of the anti-romantic comedies lol
The Machinist is an incredibly depressing movie - Christian Bale is absolutely wonderful in it, and it's a devastating film. Highly recommended, but maybe not if you're in a fragile mood >.<
I'm going to have to go with "The Deer Hunter." Holy fuck, I know some old heads who wont even watch that movie again it was so fucking depressing.

As far as books, I would say The Brothers Karamazov is the most depressing I've ever read. Some have tried to be more depressing, but nothing has outdone the absurdist ending to that one. Of course, Dostoyevsky was supposed to write a trilogy out of those novels, but he died before he could complete the story he really wanted to tell, which makes it all the more absurd.
irreversible. yeah, that french "shock" film. it's deeply depressing because it illustrates with great brutality how you can build your career, build your love life, build a network of wonderful friends, and it's almost hard to get attached to these things knowing that something so horrible can happen that it will destroy everything and everyone in your life. What's worse is that it's all so uncontrollable. The message I got from this film is to live life as it is, because everything in life is so temporary - the good times, the beauty, etc., should be taken advantage of and milked for every second. the characters did this, maybe because they knew it could all flip at any time.
the deer hunter. i forget when i saw that for the first time, no more than 12. my dad had put it on a little before the part where they play russian roulette. i don't remember MUCH about the movie, except it was rather fucked up.
i guess i can credit my weird tastes to him. he got me into a lot of shit that most young kids didn't. i appreciate it, worked my intellect~

i'll have to check out those other movies now, sound up my alley! haha.

does anyone else agree that the "depressing" movies are a bit more rewarding then the "happy" ones?
The Deer Hunter is an amazing film. Stays with me so long after watching it.

Ancient thread, but great one to bring back from the dead. :)
irreversible. yeah, that french "shock" film. it's deeply depressing because it illustrates with great brutality how you can build your career, build your love life, build a network of wonderful friends, and it's almost hard to get attached to these things knowing that something so horrible can happen that it will destroy everything and everyone in your life. What's worse is that it's all so uncontrollable. The message I got from this film is to live life as it is, because everything in life is so temporary - the good times, the beauty, etc., should be taken advantage of and milked for every second. the characters did this, maybe because they knew it could all flip at any time.

is this is?
I haven't seen quite a few of these, and probably never will. I couldn't finish watching 'Monster' or 'The Machinist'. I also found 'The Wrestler' very sad and poignant. Mickey Roarke's acting is his best ever and this one I recommend.
War movies are always depressing to me. When I was use to smoke weed, I would watch alot of war movies & they would always put me in a dull mood.
Another vote for 'Grave of the Fireflies'. That was one depressing movie.

I'd also suggest 'Mother Night'. It starts out in an Israeli prison, where the main character is facing charges for his acts during WWII. Then it gets worse.
Eraserhead, Elephant Man (David Lynch)

Thelma & Louise (Ridley Scott)
Try anything directed by Ingmar Bergman

^ Haha yes especially Det sjunde inseglet (The Seventh Seal).

I can't believe nobody mentioned The Bicycle Thief (Ladri di Biciclette). One of the most depressing and moving movies I've seen. I don't know if I'd willingly watch it again but I'm very glad I did once. It's about poverty, life being out of your hands and taken to the brink disappointing the people you love the most.

Another one is La vita è bella (Life is Beautiful). This one I could watch 100x. Beautiful family dynamic, father will do anything for his son and brought to a concentration camp. It's so full of love and sadness.

I wonder why the films I thought of are all foreign. Hm.
American History X is probably the most depressing movie ive ever seen.

"O" is pretty depressing too.
does anyone else agree that the "depressing" movies are a bit more rewarding then the "happy" ones?


I feel like depressing movies/music help expel my own depression. Some people need to watch feel good movies to pick themselves up, I prefer to watch something that will tug at my heart strings, depressing movies do that for me far more than a feel good movie does.

"Lars And The Real Girl" is a really good movie though. It's both depressing and uplifting at the same time. It's an extremely unconventional love story. Well worth watching, in my opinion. "Girl, Interrupted" is one of my favorite movies of all time... very depressing. "Synecdoche, New York" is another good depressing movie, written and directed by Charlie Kaufman (Eternal Sunshine Of The Spotless Mind). Also... "Requiem For A Dream" is pretty downright depressing. "Virgin Suicides" is another really good, but depressing movie.

One other movie that I find FEW people really seemed to like while I found it extremely touching was "Lost in Translation." Don't get me wrong, I understand why people don't like it... it's kind of boring, lackluster, etc. but for me (someone who LOVES to travel) I really connected with it and found that it hit all the right awkward/uncomfortable spots. If you haven't watched it, marissaaaa, check it out.