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Need Help Dental question


Aug 11, 2019
Does anyone know if you can have dental work done without having the teeth cleaned by the dentist? I have enamel erosion and cavities and painful teeth and haven't been to the dentist in years. I believe it's caused by my addiction to nicotine lozenges. I need help to stop the lozenges and would like to see if I stop that if my teeth improve. I plan on doing hypnotherapy for that.

But in the meantime my teeth are in bad shape and I'm too scared to do anything about it. Last time I went to the dentist I had a cleaning (and needed a couple of fillings which I didn't have years ago) and hated the cleaning and never want it done again. I would brush them myself of course before going. They are very sensitive. Sorry to sound like a baby.

Thank you for reading.
You need a cleaning
there are numbing products (not novocaine) that they put on your mouth but without scraping that calculus and Tatar your teeth will not be clean and any treatments to remineralize your teeth will not be able to soak in uniformly

get a nicotine patch and some sugar free gum

there are no shortcuts to good dental health we all wish there were

you will be continuing to compromise you dental health if you do not get the tartar and calculus that are up by your gum line putting you at risk for gingivitis and if let progress periodontal disease

bite the bullet and get your teeth cleaned
I understand it’s not pleasant to anticipate but the right dr and hygienist will make it comfortable for you and you will only be sore after for a day or two
Thank you for your reply and good advice. I feel like the plaque and calculus is the only thing holding my teeth together rn. If they remove that I might have no teeth left. The nicotine patch and gum sounds like a good idea. That with hypnotherapy should really do the trick. I forgot about patches tbh. It's going to be the oral thing of always wanting something in my mouth that will be hard to quit.
The tartar and plaque are not holding your teeth together the tartar gives the plaque more surface area on which to grow and a much stickier surface to adhere which leads to cavities and gum disease
it’s not sticking your teeth together I promise that is not the case. It is doing harm to your teeth and allowing cavities to grown in between your teeth and under your gums the rough sticky surface is a breeding group for germs like staph a
making your mouth ripe for cavatives root pulp death and decay.

it’s ultimately your choice but I would do research look at holistic dentists, regular dentists, dental school textbooks and look at what you believe and cross reference it with what is in the literature

I really want you to save your teeth
please get multiple advice and consults from different dentists, do research, and ask for recommendations from friends and family 💖 🦷 🪥🚰
good luck!

i forgot about this!
scaling is when the dr goes under the gums and scrapes all the tartar off so the gums can readhire to the roots and lesson the chance of getting loose teeth, support structures of teeth are the surrounding bone and the periodontal ligaments doesn't provide any meaningful support it can actually weaken the support structures by causing gum inflammation and bone loss. Tartar irritates the gums, leading to inflammation and gum disease (periodontal disease). If left untreated, gum disease can cause bone loss and tooth mobility, which can eventually lead to tooth loss.

Thank you again for your good information. I appreciate you saying you want to help me save my teeth. I am upset as I got to 46 with no dental work (yet but I need it now) which I think is a pretty good thing. I even have all my wisdom teeth and none removed. Up until recently I had good teeth and used to get told I could be in toothpaste commercials as they were straight and biggish (not huge like horse teeth but just noticeable). I don't brag about much as I have a lot wrong but it was one thing about myself that people commented on. To lose them would be devastating. Given it's my very front teeth with the worst of the erosion near the gumline if I lost them I would look like a witch I feel. And I feel it's heading that way.

Just the thought of someone descaling my teeth makes me want to kick someone in the nuts lol. Maybe they can give me something to relax me or I can take some valium. I will definitely do something this week even if it's to see my doctor and ask his advice also.
The tartar and plaque are not holding your teeth together the tartar gives the plaque more surface area on which to grow and a much stickier surface to adhere which leads to cavities and gum disease
it’s not sticking your teeth together I promise that is not the case. It is doing harm to your teeth and allowing cavities to grown in between your teeth and under your gums the rough sticky surface is a breeding group for germs like staph a
making your mouth ripe for cavatives root pulp death and decay.

it’s ultimately your choice but I would do research look at holistic dentists, regular dentists, dental school textbooks and look at what you believe and cross reference it with what is in the literature

I really want you to save your teeth
please get multiple advice and consults from different dentists, do research, and ask for recommendations from friends and family 💖 🦷 🪥🚰
good luck!

i forgot about this!
scaling is when the dr goes under the gums and scrapes all the tartar off so the gums can readhire to the roots and lesson the chance of getting loose teeth, support structures of teeth are the surrounding bone and the periodontal ligaments doesn't provide any meaningful support it can actually weaken the support structures by causing gum inflammation and bone loss. Tartar irritates the gums, leading to inflammation and gum disease (periodontal disease). If left untreated, gum disease can cause bone loss and tooth mobility, which can eventually lead to tooth loss.

Can I please ask one more thing? If the teeth are kind of crumbly when they use hard metal tools on them does that mean they are fucked and might have to be removed?
My wife is a hygienist and she said that sometimes, after a long time, you need what's called a "deep cleaning, or phophy", and it involves substantially more time and work (and naturally $ too) than a regular cleaning. Dental hygiene is more important than most people realize, it's one part of a very large and complex system. In my opinion, it's absolutely critical to take care of your mouth if you want the rest of your bodies health to follow.

If it's bad enough, legally you are not allowed to get just a standard cleaning, it can actually be considered medical malpractice on the part of the hygienist. Some offices will do it, but go to a reputable dentist (or two, for a second opinion). And remember, you pay for what you get, a crappie cleaning can cause more problems than a proper solution.
Dentist use Chlorexidine+Flouride Varnish and a Ultrasonic/Broom-like device to erase biofilm from different food types/dust from air that eventually may get trapped in a chipped tooth or a cavity/gaps.. but never below enamel structure.

Isn't possible unless you own a medical cabinet, is a protocol they strictly go-by head to head. Clean then proceed to.. Surgery, if not they allow a simple clean too. Therefore dental works must have a germ dome which dentist applies a simple anesthesia, spray vs pill/IV then buf. After clean, you get option of oral sedative vs directly into blood.

Don't play with teeths.
Alternatively OP, and this is for everyone and it doesn't require a lot of self-adjusting is oil pulling.

against the trend, keep a oral cavity toolbox of Olive Oil, not cocconut/sesame or others. Olive have x10 the efficency of any other oil and is less prone to toxicity from outside chemicals used within factory it was packed in, within the van it was delivered in, story goes on. And 10ml of Clove Oil, use a half-table spoon of olive with 6/7 drops of Clove but 6 is love spot with just a nail of water so you can prevent swallowing when it hasn't even enter your jaws, choose a mineral still water with a pH above 7~

I have one with 9.4 Gold Oro, 500ml. I use them to oil pull/brush my teeth. As for your whole backpack of teeth health consistency persist a soft-brush, I'd say Elmex products but everyone is different therefore feel free to choose any soft one, even Colgate.

Clove Oil vs other dousins of oils available from mother nature, has eugenol which aside healing periodontitis has a anesthesia effect for a short-term *40m max but is more than essential can in return remineralize teeth. Other decanted oils do not do that.
They offer DNA saliva tests that tell you what kind of bacteria live in your mouth, and help the dentist decide the most effective treatment route from there. It's actually very effective.
I know it's not the answer you want to hear, but you need to find a trustworthy dentist, get a proper diagnosis, and follow the proper treatment protocol if you want to get it fixed. Once you get past a certain point, no amount of brushing, flossing and homeopathic mouthwash is going to make a difference.
...and a Ultrasonic/Broom-like device to erase biofilm from different food types/dust from air that eventually may get trapped in a chipped tooth or a cavity/gaps.. but never below enamel structure.
Those ultrasonic tools are nothing short of amazing. My wife said she could do a better job in 3/4 of the time with one then with a manual l scaler. Companies pour billions of dollars into research, a lot of it does work well.
I know it's not the answer you want to hear, but you need to find a trustworthy dentist, get a proper diagnosis, and follow the proper treatment protocol if you want to get it fixed. Once you get past a certain point, no amount of brushing, flossing and homeopathic mouthwash is going to make a difference.

+ if were on brushing, lets throw this out there loud.. Don't practice twice a day, instead do it every 2/3 days just 1 single time.

Overbrushing can permanently damage gums and whats below? tooth root.

All what I mentioned, including afferent toothpaste now is rounded at say.. 10 euro, 12 max. But for 10 euro you save your life.

Elmex toothpaste caliber is unmatched, their sensitive gama is "mouthfall"
I understand how you feel. It’s very scary. That’s why the sooner the better they can hopefully do a good deep cleaning and fill the cavities in before it causes them to need a root canal.
if it does turn out that you need a root canal just get a dentist who doesn’t use a metal base for their crowns because the metal base will become visable over time and be less anesthetically pleasing.

you can stop this in it’s tracks now you just need to be proactive about it.

do not brush your teeth after you eat something acidic wait at least a half an hour and what would be even better is if you chewed gum right after eating anything acidic and then you can brush your teeth in 30min

the cost: a lot of people get turned off by the cost of these things
I have had friends who will not pay for their teeth because of the cost but will buy a car that costs that much and I just think it’s something that they need to mentally reframe because you drive your mouth a hell of a lot longer then that car but it’s just so shocking to them the prices of dental work they are blown away

its fucking shocking

I don’t see a country where you are from hopefully it’s the uk and you guys get dental right?

if it’s the USA and it turns out you need some extensive work done there is an option with a service called care credit where you apply like you are applying for a loan and then they approve the amount and you can pick how fast or slow you want to pay it like 5 year loan vs 2 year loan

if you don’t understand and need me to explain that better let me know

I would do that
it’s totally worth the investment in yourself
to feel good about your teeth and your smile 😀

you will never regret investing in yourself and it will not get cheaper it will only get more expensive and inflation with them constantly increasing the damn loan rates if you are here in the states you know

you could also apply at your bank for a loan or your credit card company but check all the rates for interest I see a lot of people who have care credit at their dentist or veterinarian and put the bill on their credit card instead because they don’t want to take out a loan
psychologically it feels better to just charge it
but when they are looking at a 21 percent interest rate on the credit card! It’s not a good move financially

this made me laugh 😂

See if you can find a dentist who has nitrous or if it’s really extreme; sedation
I had all 4 of my wisdom teeth pulled at once and went under sedation to do it I just woke up and it was over and my head felt like it was the size of the moon —the dr tried to get me not to do all 4 together he suggests ppl do one side then the other but but I was insistent
I didn’t want to spread the suffering out I said I know myself this is how it needs to be done - lol
i did not get sedation when I had my dental implant post drilled into my jaw and even though I felt nothing hearing the sound of the drill and feeling the vibration was awful but I didn’t have my iPod and had nothing but my own dark thoughts to distract me and it was shite

I go to the dentist so fucked up sometimes I wonder what they think of me
I just pour myself into the chair
i recommend people take anything and everything they have on hand to make the experience better
definitely take Tylenol it helps with anxiety as well as pain

If your teeth start to crumble when they start scraping the tartar off they will probably need something to make that area strong enough to be a proper biting surface again either composite bonding or a crown
before they even start to work on your teeth they will do an X-ray and they will know what the situation is. If the teeth are crumbling but the root/pulp of the tooth is still healthy they will be able to remove the part of the tooth that is too damaged to stay intact and then fill the area with bonding and if too much of the tooth is affected = crumbing etc they will have to put a crown over the tooth. If the pulp is dead you will need a root canal and then a crown
I have seen many people get the root canal and then not get the crown bc it’s expensive everything dental is expensive getting the quotes is like getting mollywopped and even after all this time I still can’t get over how damn expensive it i
like teeth are like fucking important not just for nutritional and aesthetic purposes when you have infected gums and cavities in your mouth constan swallowing that shit causes inflammation throughout the body and leads to heart disease and causes damage to the heart valves even leading to growths on the heart valves

there was this poor kid who had to have brain surgery bc he had a dental abscess that was so bad and another case like that this poor kid died he actually called his mother and said pray for me and she rushed to the hospital and he was gone
because of dental problems! because dentistry is so motherfucking expensive!

it’s criminal

edited to say this because i drifted off topic and never finished the statement
I see people who do the root canal and then skip the crown and invariably the tooth will break sometimes Breaking so low it’s at the gumline and now cannot be saved when all they needed was the crown and I get it I love to procrastinate I hate spending a shitload of money on something that isn’t fun and where you know they are running your damn pockets
but this is one area where you have to follow the directions and do what the dr ordered
once the tooth is root canaled it is very weak why I don’t know but when you leave it without a crown it’s just a matter of time before it breaks and if your lucky it’s just more expensive to fix and then you still have to get a crown or worst case scenario you have to have it pulled and either get an implant bridge or a flipper

I wish we humans could demand that things be more fair
medicare doesn’t pay for dental work
this stupid idea that the body is separate and that the teeth aren’t medical is stupid the idea that the body doesn’t work together as a united machine that needs each part in rip top shape I’m order to run properly is asinine

Having teeth shouldn’t be a luxury


Make sure you pray before you go to sleep," he told her.

The next morning at about 6, she got another call, this time from the boy's grandmother. Deamonte was unresponsive. She rushed back to the hospital.

"When I got there, my baby was gone," recounted his mother.

It was on Jan. 11 that Deamonte came home from school complaining of a headache. At Southern Maryland Hospital Center, his mother said, he got medicine for a headache, sinusitis and a dental abscess. But the next day, he was much sicker.

Eventually, he was rushed to Children's Hospital, where he underwent emergency brain surgery. He began to have seizures and had a second operation. The problem tooth was extracted.

After more than two weeks of care at Children's Hospital, the Clinton seventh-grader began undergoing six weeks of additional medical treatment as well as physical and occupational therapy at another hospital. He seemed to be mending slowly, doing math problems and enjoying visits with his brothers and teachers from his school, the Foundation School in Largo.

On Saturday, their last day together, Deamonte refused to eat but otherwise appeared happy, his mother said. They played cards and watched a show on television, lying together in his hospital bed. But after she left him that evening, he called her.

Make sure you pray before you go to sleep," he told her. 💔💔💔😢

The next morning at about 6, she got another call, this time from the boy's grandmother. Deamonte was unresponsive. She rushed back to the hospital.

"When I got there, my baby was gone," recounted his mother.

In spite of such modern innovations as the fluoridation of drinking water, tooth decay is still the single most common childhood disease nationwide, five times as common as asthma, experts say. Poor children are more than twice as likely to have cavities as their more affluent peers, research shows, but far less likely to get treatment.

Serious and costly medical consequences are "not uncommon," said Norman Tinanoff, chief of pediatric dentistry at the University of Maryland Dental School in Baltimore. For instance, Deamonte's bill for two weeks at Children's alone was expected to be between $200,000 and $250,000.
Thank you so much for your excellent information and sorry I haven't replied sooner. I am still procrastinating about what to do. It's Friday morning right now so another week has passed by. You are brave to get all your wisdom teeth out at once. I will say that I probably wouldn't have a root canal and if my teeth or tooth is that bad then I would just rather have them out and get falsies or something. I wouldn't get implants either. I have to go to the "poor" public (free) dentist so I have this idea that they won't use the same painkilling meds as the expensive private dentists and might not be as "gentle". It's probably not true though.

I will get on it but they just feel porous or something. Theres a spot near the gumline on both my two top front teeth (one side is worse than the other) where it's wearing away. I felt at one time a "ridge" or sharp piece where it was kind of chipping away in there but that's gone now so I think it is wearing away. Feels like it's wearing away and the tooth is going to go to mush. Also they hurt all over. And I can't stop the nicotine lozenge addiction which is what I believe caused it.

That's sad about the kid drying of dental abscesses. I also read a recent story in Australia about a young woman who almost died from impacted wisdom teeth and she didn't even have pain there but she got a sepsis infection and her extremities started turning black and she had to be put in an induced coma. It took a while for them to work out what the cause was but luckily they did and saved her. Her tongue was turning black and they were going to amputate her tongue but saved it.

I guess something like that could happen if I ignore it.

I don't have the energy to type much today but I appreciate your reply. Thank you
My wife is a hygienist and she said that sometimes, after a long time, you need what's called a "deep cleaning, or phophy", and it involves substantially more time and work (and naturally $ too) than a regular cleaning. Dental hygiene is more important than most people realize, it's one part of a very large and complex system. In my opinion, it's absolutely critical to take care of your mouth if you want the rest of your bodies health to follow.

If it's bad enough, legally you are not allowed to get just a standard cleaning, it can actually be considered medical malpractice on the part of the hygienist. Some offices will do it, but go to a reputable dentist (or two, for a second opinion). And remember, you pay for what you get, a crappie cleaning can cause more problems than a proper solution.
Thank you for your reply and good advice. As much as I put it off it might even be that my bad teeth is causing my poor general health and making me feel worse. I need to get on this and stop procrastinating. If I lose teeth I lose teeth. I can take paracetamol before I go for the cleaning pain/sensitivity.
Dentist use Chlorexidine+Flouride Varnish and a Ultrasonic/Broom-like device to erase biofilm from different food types/dust from air that eventually may get trapped in a chipped tooth or a cavity/gaps.. but never below enamel structure.

Isn't possible unless you own a medical cabinet, is a protocol they strictly go-by head to head. Clean then proceed to.. Surgery, if not they allow a simple clean too. Therefore dental works must have a germ dome which dentist applies a simple anesthesia, spray vs pill/IV then buf. After clean, you get option of oral sedative vs directly into blood.

Don't play with teeths.
Thank you for your reply and good information about this and the oil pulling. I have heard of oil pulling before for teeth but never tried it. I think the enamel structure is eroding or becoming porous/brittle which is what scares me about using metal tools and deep cleaning it. I have this weird mentality of just letting the filth hold the tooth together (and teeth are better than no teeth) but that's going to damage my health long term.
+ if were on brushing, lets throw this out there loud.. Don't practice twice a day, instead do it every 2/3 days just 1 single time.

Overbrushing can permanently damage gums and whats below? tooth root.

All what I mentioned, including afferent toothpaste now is rounded at say.. 10 euro, 12 max. But for 10 euro you save your life.

Elmex toothpaste caliber is unmatched, their sensitive gama is "mouthfall"
Thank you for your reply. I do think some people over-brush. I don't even do it every 2/3 days now. I barely do it. I'm in a bad way.
I advised oil pulling with coconut oil in my first reply as well. I saw a dentist look under the microscope at a patients saliva after them oil pulling for 30 days and there was a significant decrese in the amount of strep then in the sample from 30 days prior

coconut oil in general is amazing
its antibacterial, anti-fungal, it helps with plaque and there is anecdotal evidence it whitens teeth
love it 🥥 💗

clove oil definitely is a good pain killer for sore gums and inflammation
when I had my wisdom teeth out my oral surgeon had either soaked the packing in clove or something because it tasted like clove

I add it to my coconut oil when I pull but only on occasion because I was actually scared it might not be good for my enamel

I had a waterpik with one of those giant reservoirs of water on the back and I would put a few drops of clove oil in it so when I would water pik my teeth before flossing it would get the clove oil everywhere

one day I went to wash out the basin and there was pitting all in the plastic and I had to throw it away
it had to be the clove oil bc there is no other explanation

it freaked me out because I thought if it can do that to plastic then what can it do to my teeth ? So I stopped using it regularly and if I had to use it to spot treat I would mix it in coconut oil which I knew you were supposed to dilute it with a carrier oil but I usually wouldn’t because.. I’m dumb lol

what do you mean by 40m max? Is that a measurement or a type of essential oil strength or…?

and are you saying the clove oil can remineralize teeth?

my teeth need to be remineralized

I even bought the remineralizing post whitening gel and still I feel they need to be remineralized and like that gel didnt do shite

but as good as coconut oil is (antibacterial, anti-fungal, kills strep a, and so on) once you have visual decay you need a dentist
theoretically you can reverse decay but the level of attention you have to pay to your diet and the quality of good healthy food you need to eat which would be expensive and time don and how strict you need to be which would be basically giving up any addiction or Vice in order to try and be healthy enough to maybe heal your teeth and what if you didn’t and they got worse and you screwed yourself over by waiting?

I don’t know

I read this guys book dr Nigel something and he said raw milk and all this stuff and you can heal your tooth decay
im am going to see if I still have the book just because now I’m curious and I would like to present the information
I can’t remember his name but I really thnk it was Nigel

Ramiel Nagel
I do have a visual ridge or crater at the front teeth (one is worse than the other) near the gumline. I sometimes get food stuck in it which is very uncomfortable and trying to dig it out with my sharp nail was unbearable. It touched something in there not good. Like almost raw nerve. And that's just what I can see myself. I got that quote at a cleaning years ago that said I needed about 3 fillings which I never had.
I don’t have personal experience with this specific situation but I asked my sister (dental hygienist) and she said it’s standard practice for where she works to clean everything up before any kind of procedure. It’s like rinsing your dishes before you wash them off with soap and water I suppose.

Best of luck with your dental situation!
I don’t have personal experience with this specific situation but I asked my sister (dental hygienist) and she said it’s standard practice for where she works to clean everything up before any kind of procedure. It’s like rinsing your dishes before you wash them off with soap and water I suppose.

Best of luck with your dental situation!
Thank you so much for your reply and asking. That makes sense that they would need everything as hygienic as it can be before they do any procedures.
If you don’t brush within a certain number of hours can’t recall how many the soft plague on your teeth will turn to hard tartar that can’t be brushed away…let me find out I hate just saying shit
if you can keep your teeth it’s always better
I can’t force you to do anything but I had a bad cavity that when the dentist pushed on it just caved in and it only by the grace of God needed a filling the magnitute of damage doesn’t dictate if you need a root canal whether or not the root is infected or dead is what makes it a root canal situation and also some of the ridges and things you could be feeling might me plaque calculus and tartar

this information about tartar having bacteria in it and causing cavities might be helpful in shifting your mindset about having it hold your teeth together

can you buy nitrous and suck some from a balloon in the bathroom before you get into the chair? You can buy it online

can you buy xanax ?

if you can’t do any of that definitely take a Tylenol it relieves pain and anxiety
this is proven by studies
it helps with social anxiety
it also makes people less empathic but that isnt relevant to this situation

good luck
trust that the dentist has seen it all
try and save your teeth if you can your natural teeth are the most comfortable and
their health effects your whole body
buy nicotine patches and dump those lozenges!
1800ny quits gives you free nicotine patches pretend you live in ny

Tartar is calcified plaque, a hard-mineral deposit that forms on teeth A rough, bumpy line at the base of the teeth is one sign. However, tartar also forms below the gum line.


Even if you take great care of your teeth at home, you still have bacteria in your mouth. They mix with proteins and food byproducts to form a sticky film called plaque. This gunk coats your teeth, gets under your gum line, and sticks to fillings or other dental work. Plaque carries bacteria that can damage tooth enamel and lead to cavities. But if you remove plaque regularly, you can prevent permanent tooth decay and gum disease. Bigger problems arise, however, if plaque stays on your teeth and hardens into tartar. Tartar, sometimes called calculus, is plaque that has hardened on your teeth. Tartar is mostly mineralized dead bacteria, along with a small amount of mineralized proteins from saliva. Chemically, tartar is made of calcium phosphate, calcium carbonate and magnesium phosphate. It can form at and underneath the gum line and can exasperate gum tissues. Tartar gives plaque more surface area on which to grow and a much stickier surface to adhere, which can lead to more serious conditions, such as cavities and gum disease. Not only can tartar threaten the health of your teeth and gums, it is also a cosmetic problem.


Tartar can make it difficult to brush and floss like you should. This can lead to cavities and tooth decay.

Any tartar that forms above your gum line could be bad for you. That’s because the bacteria in it can irritate and damage your gums

Dental plaque facts and stats​

  • More than 80% of American adults suffer from periodontal disease caused by plaque formation.5
  • Plaque buildup can lead to tooth loss if left untreated.
  • Plaque hardens within a few hours of forming on your teeth.
  • Green tea and red wine help prevent plaque buildup. However, red wine can stain your teeth.
  • Olive oil can cover teeth with a fatty film that stops plaque from forming on the teeth.
  • People who drink green tea are 20% less likely to lose teeth due to plaque formation.
  • Pregnant women are often more susceptible to plaque buildup and tooth decay than the general population
Once plaque gets onto your teeth, you have a limited amount of time to remove it before it hardens. Most plaque hardens within 48 hours of formation, and within several days it will become so hard that it is almost impossible to remove. This hard substance is tartar and the only way to remove it is to see your dentist for a professional scraping of your teeth. There are some types of toothpaste that promise to help with tartar control, but they work by removing plaque off your teeth before it hardens and becomes tartar.

Brushing your teeth is important for removing plaque that has already begun building up, as well as for preventing plaque buildup in the first place. If plaque has formed on your teeth but has not yet hardened into tartar, brushing can knock it off your teeth altogether.
Thank you again so much for the good info. I went to buy the lozenges yesterday and saw the patches were on clearance which reminded me so I bought a packet for when this lot runs out. I will try that with some xylitol gum or something. I brushed my teeth this morning for the first time in weeks and it's that bad that even toothpaste hurts them. There's all blackness/dark brown patches near the gumline on a lot of my lower teeth that really stand out from the normal tooth and the erosion part went from white to a brown/greyish colour as I must have removed the plaque or old food from them. You can see a definite crater and I can feel it with my tongue. That's at the gumline of my two front teeth and what concerns me the most. I can tell there are other cavities though.

I will ring tomorrow (Monday) for appointment.

That's so interesting about tylenol though. I remember hearing about something like that. I was taking celebrex (which is different) and found it made me feel less depressed and it made me wonder if sometimes it's not caused by inflammation in the brain and I googled that med and anti depressant effects and there are reports of it helping.
I did ring just now and got in tomorrow at 10am tomorrow (it's almost 2pm Monday now)! The person who took the call was even surprised and said how it was our secret to get such an appointment so quickly! So in less than 24 hours from now I will be there and be seen!!! Please wish me luck. I hope they don't do much at that appointment to prepare me but who knows.