
cops suuuck! dont even get me started on that haha.

jail sucks. i was arrested and went to jail for a warrant and marijuana possession. WORST experience of my life. the cop didnt show up to court [luckily] so my case was dismissed. but i will never forget my jail sticks with me always.
Still doing good, Day 68 sober for me. The days are really just starting to fly by for me. Cravings are much easier to handle. Feels like I am longing for a lost friend.

It was weird I saw two dudes and a chick stumbling around outside of a bar a few days ago. That triggered me big time. Thats how drunk I liked to get, and it was very difficult to "get there" at the end for me (god knows I tried). Anyways, this disease/addiction (still figuring that out) warps a persons mind so much.

Also in regards to herbs smell, now that I stopped smoking cigarettes and bud, I can smell the stuff miles away. It smells much stronger then most smokers realize. Sometimes is makes my mouth water lol. I really didn't like bud for the last few years and don't really crave for it. I still think it should be legalized and will fully support efforts to do so.
I don't miss the life or the addiction.

shit's much better.

biggest concern - physically getting injured to the point where I wonder wtf to do for pain. Chronic opiate abuse has no room for error in my book. I've had some shit fuckin pain as of late but it doesn't trigger me, it pisses me the fuck off.
Dude have you ever used a vaporizer? The smell doesn't cling.

There wasn't weed to be smelled and no one smokes in my car.

This couldn't be simpler.

Yes I have used a vaporizer countless times because I smoke pot everyday I'm alive lol.
And everytime we have smoked some kind bud or some dro in a vaporizer it has still completely stunk up the place.
If you open a window and blow it out the smell goes away much faster, but its still there is the point.
It smells different and its not as potent but it still smells imo. And thats just my opinion. But if you also search the thousand or so threads made about this topic most people agree vaporizers still smell, nothing really gets rid of the smell 100%. The oils in pot are so strong all it takes is the smallest amount for someone who doesn't smoke to smell it.

I'm not challenging your story I'm just asking you to use your mind. Unless you're using some spaceage vaporizer from the 30th century it still smells.