

Bluelight Crew
Mar 7, 2007
Happy December everyone!
I figured OCTsober and NOvember were well received so we'd continue into December-

In this thread, we attempt to, more or less, move to a better place in life by the end of December. Though friendly encouragement, help and overall positivity, we strive to make an effort to put our darker days one month further behind us.
It should be a great way for TDSers to bond with each other, meet new people, and help others, as well as themselves, find those better days.

Some people in this thread will want to be more official about things than others. Some will want to count days, kick serious habits, and really treat this as a de facto detox process. Others will simply strive to lower their intake and feel better as the month comes to a close.
Finally, some people may just want to use this thread as a venue for discussing day-to-day sobriety, with no outright goals.
Everyone is welcome, of course.


* Introduce yourself to the thread, briefly about your past, as well as your goals for the month
* Remember that personal safety comes first; abstinence is a challenge, yes, but DEcember is only practical when one knows one's bodily limits. BE SAFE!
* Be friendly to others. This is a great opportunity for addicts of all different types of drugs and/or actions to socialize and get to know each other.
A good bonding experience for TDS, if you will....

We are all strong people (even if we don't admit to it), so let's make this month count!

(The above was stolen from last years NOvember. Thnx to RL for that :))

The previous months are linked above in bold.
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Yess, I'm apart. I have HAd ENOUGH of this shit. The more I use is almost equally the more I hate myself. I already made up my mind a few days ago but this time I'm just entirely sick of it all. Its not worth living like this. It has nothing to do with the high anymore (pods dont even give you a high), it just completely makes you devoid of all feelings. Thats not life thats already dead.
Before this year ends I want to rediscover my Zen. I seem to have misplaced it over the last couple of months and my life is poorer for its absence.
^Me toooooo Lolie! :)

Welcome to BL and to TDS mayo :)

Bojangles- Glad you're in! <3
10lbs muscle while retaining boxing conditioning. This entails complete diet and quitting smoking ciggs/making myself live completely clean and sober life.
^I think we did that last year?? I will change the name :)
Good idea Roger<3
so far so good in the month of december, 6 hours into it. 35 days. like xmas so I should be ok this month, but time shall tell. one day at a time.

cant sleep in past 6am for some reason still. not a huge deal as I kind of like being up early and I get 6-7 hours of sleep a night......just kind of weird. Used to be able to sleep ten hours no problem. might be a good thing.
I haven't been addicted to heroin in over 2 years.

10lbs muscle while retaining boxing conditioning. This entails complete diet and quitting smoking ciggs/making myself live completely clean and sober life.

Congrats man! Quitting smoking is not easy and I am so happy you did it!
I've been doing alright the past few months. Drinking/drugging hasn't really been much of an issue, but I've been dealing with a bit of anxiety and a touch of depression and haven't been sleeping well at all. I have been using Ultram every day as a crutch and I'm not happy about that, I'm going to use it twice a week tops on bad days and only until my anti-depressants arrive (should be before New Years)

I guess my goal this month is to start being healthy as well as being sober. I'm going to start going to sleep and waking up at set times to try to reset my Circadian rhythm.

I also need to get back in to shape, I've been working out less this fall due to lack of motivation from getting clean. I'm going to stop making up excuses to not lift.

Also, I want to get outside more in general. (It was 75 degrees yesterday!! 8o)

I've focused so much on *getting* clean in recent history I need to start learning how to *live* while being clean. <3

Ideally, I'd like a get a good mental and physical base this month to set myself up for 2011 to be the best year of my life!
Yay im really happy to see this thread open early : ).
Well November went really well for me.
I didnt do any dope since nov 6 and i cut down on my sub's and my xanax.
My goal for decEndber will be to end taking my sub's first and then the xanax.
I will update how im doing : )
I hope evreyone's decENDber goes really well : )

Just wanted to add happy chanuka to evreyone : )
Its so funny all my non jewish friends had 2 remind me its chanuka 2day : )
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goin on 5 months clean from all drugs(including alcohol)

it seems a miracle cuz i turned 21 in june and have been waiting for this age for a long time. and to become completely clean and sober during this time just blows my mind. I never thought it would be possible to live and most importantly ENJOY life w/ drugs. BUT IT IS. this summer has been amazing and i have really been enjoying every second. i have a 3 year bid coming in january and i just enjoy each day as it comes.

the obsession has been lifted.

its crazy, i just finished going over my 2nd step w/ my sponsor and it just proves how insane i really am to think that drugs were a solution to my problems when in fact they just caused a mountain of more problems.

anyways good luck to everyone and just remember it can and is being done!!!!
Hi everyone. Most of last month went well for me with the exception of a one night bender that ended ugly (me throwing up everywhere). I have managed to stay off of alcohol for 5 days strait now, which is kind of a record for me this year I think, so I am happy for that. I am continuing the same goals this month and trying to limit my alcohol intake as well as staying clean of hard drugs (which I have been). Good luck everyone!!!
I'm down to 33.75 mg morphine a day total. The pain is getting pretty intense and my husband said I need to quit tapering and see the doctor to have him up my dose again! Yeah, right! How long before I'd be on oxymorphone again then? I'll take the pain! I'm tough. It's probably the freaking cold weather and it will get better once spring comes :)

My goal is to be down to 25 or 30 mg by xmas. I'm doing the taper slowly and so far have had no WD at all this time round. No PAWS, just some increased pain.
I was going to go all out and cut back my drinking this Decemebr but failed miserably on day one... grabbed a bottle of vodka on my way home from work >.< oh well, a late start is better than no start at all.
Because of the way the public holidays are going to fall here this Christmas I'm going to have to make up my mind in advance whether or not I'm going to drink on Boxing Day (the traditional "catch up with friends" day). I would rather have decided on the day.
Yay im really happy to see this thread open early : ).
Well November went really well for me.
I didnt do any dope since nov 6 and i cut down on my sub's and my xanax.
My goal for decEndber will be to end taking my sub's first and then the xanax.
I will update how im doing : )
I hope evreyone's decENDber goes really well : )

Just wanted to add happy chanuka to evreyone : )
Its so funny all my non jewish friends had 2 remind me its chanuka 2day : )

I'm Jewish and I also forgot about Chanukkah...

I kicked my habit but I still use occasionally.. oh well. :)

DecENDber/LESSember could lead to JaNEWary or jANEWary...this should be a year-round thing! :)

How about Jan-you-wary?
Hi everyone. Most of last month went well for me with the exception of a one night bender that ended ugly (me throwing up everywhere). I have managed to stay off of alcohol for 5 days strait now, which is kind of a record for me this year I think, so I am happy for that. I am continuing the same goals this month and trying to limit my alcohol intake as well as staying clean of hard drugs (which I have been). Good luck everyone!!!

Congratulations! Alcohol is a very hard drug to quit using once you become accustomed to it.