DecENDber / LESScember

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Bluelight Crew
Sep 8, 2002
Mods - I hope you do not mind that I went ahead and started this - feel free to nuke/edit/modify as necessary. I'd like to carry on the tradition. <3

In the tradition of Octsober and NOvember, this is a thread where we can talk about our goals for our use, whether or not it consists of abstinence, cutting down, using differently, or any modifications to unhealthy habits we have picked up over time.

My own story is available in the Octsober and NOvember threads. In short, I abstained from alcohol in October, relapsed horrendously in November, and now it is a new month that I have started clean from everything except benzodiazepines (prescribed and used as directed - and needed for a taper).

I got off to a running start in Octsober and really believed I would clean up my act and keep it that way, but I didn't in November. My goals for this month are as follows:

-Keep away from the bottle in general. I think I pushed absolute abstinence on myself, and it worked for a time, but let's face it - I like a glass of wine once in awhile in social situations. My goal is not to turn it into 10. Every day I go without alcohol, I get a pat on the back. Every day I drink, I must think about why I drink, what my triggers are, and exercise extreme self-control.
-I will be out of town and around my cousins for half the month, some of whom are small, and be a good and sober example for them. The one that is old enough to have a glass of wine or so - keep an eye out for her. She has horrendous OCD where she drives all night as a compulsion, so I need to be sober to help keep her safe.
-Not get in a car with anyone who has been drinking or using. This should be easy. I do not myself drive intoxicated.
-Absolutely no hard liquor, and this includes at parties.
-Cut down on smoking both weed and clove cigarettes. Both have gotten a bit out of hand (though I haven't smoked weed in a week, just a couple edibles).
-Not give into family drama or say an unkind word. Take time outs when necessary to deal with feelings of anger or frustration.
-Maintain a healthy and regular diet.
-No excessive partying at parties; knowing my limits with substances that are not alcohol, including my scripts.
-Get on an antidepressant that works for me and helps me be strong and happy.
-Be of a cheerful overall disposition; the holidays do not have to suck. Seek beauty and happiness in everyday life, and pass that to others without being too Pollyanna.
-Save money. I have done well with this, but I need to do better.
-Not overdo it with my sprained ankle and stay off opiates. I have done this well in November (kicked Tramadol to the curb) and need to continue.

So, TDS, this may be the toughest month so far for a lot of us. Here is where we keep each other motivated. I think the mods would appreciate if no triggers were posted.

What are everyone's goals for this month?
To do what I'm doing, but make the weekend slip-ups further between.

I'm not going to be too optimistic and say I won't drink for 30 days, but I only want to have maybe one weekend the entire month when I drink socially.

And stop smoking: I managed nearly 2 days but caved and had two cigs tonight. None tomoz though.
Thanks Mariposa- We were trying to decide between doing another month or a few other options but since this is started I guess we will continue on through the month and maybe start the year off with a year long support thread.
The NOvember thread can be found here.
I also recommend people read the general guidelines and expectations of these monthly sobriety/abstinence support threads

My goal- one of the few vices I have left- is cigarettes. I plan to try to quit smoking- This should be my last week of smoking! eeeek! Nervous but I am going to try my hardest!
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November has been an overall mess for me. I got heavily into pills and drinking, and I'm not at all proud of myself for doing so. The only two plans I have for DecENDber is to completely abstain from recreationally abusing pharmaceuticals, and I also plan to quit drinking alone. I shouldn't have too much of a problem with these, but it will be nice to have some support for when times get rough.
you guys are killing me with the wordplays. what are you going to come up with for january?

anyway ive been clean off benzos for four months now, but still have a lot of withdrawal symptoms. hopefully i'll see some improvement this month, but i doubt it.
Okay- So tobacco may not be a drug to some but it is my addiction SO-
In trying to quit, I am weaning off of them :)
Today I am going to allow myself 3.
I have taken a few drags, put i t out, taken a few drags and put it out- I still have half of a cigarette left on my first one of the day.
Smoking cigarettes is one of my 'calm yourself' things......So, I am a little worried about my anxiety levels the first week without a cigarette.
Tomorrow I plan to have one or two.
Then either one or none on Saturday.
I have nothing to do this weekend, so that'll be good.
I figure I will crochet to keep my hands busy and try to keep my mind occupied without getting stressed out. :)
I feel a little silly coming in here with a cigarette addiction:) hahahaha
^It's hardly silly. There are studies, many of them, that show that cigarettes are among the more difficult addictions to quit, both physically and mentally. Have you considered taking a medication for smoking cessation? Wellbutrin and Zyban are identical (both buproprion), and generally given at the same dose for depression and smoking cessation. I took it for depression.

I accidentally discovered this myself, in conjunction with the research on the drug, when I first went on it for depression. I suddenly became totally and completely averse to the smell of cigarettes. I was a nonsmoker at the time. It was bizarre - I could smell one a mile away, and it smelled so unpleasant. It may not be right for you, but that's my experience with what I believe is a miracle cure for a LOT of smokers in quitting permanently.
- Don't end up homeless for xmas. Although I doubt that I'll find a place by then. At least be in a better situation by then. Get a second job.
ocean I'm quitting cigs too. Had just two on Wednesday, both at night after having none all-day. That sounds stupid but I get more down/edgy at night sometimes. Today was stressful at work and I had about four all day at work, then two tonight.

This weekend I plan to go cold-turkey as, like you, I have absolutely nothing to do so I can't blame it on stress from work; It will be my own willpower.

I quit for nine months last year and found it easy after the first 5->7 days. A friend at work gave me this tip: the intense cravings only last 5 minutes. Find something to do for 5 minutes and they subside. They might come along 30 minutes later but just find something to do for that 5 minutes. This helped me last time so hopefully it'll help you too.
ocean, I'm with you. I've been stuck on the stage you're in for about a month. Maybe I'll finalize my quitting over the holidays, we'll see.
Completed Octsober and NOvember - I'll be here all month hopefully, will have 18 months clean from everything this month.

Still smoke like a chimney though ;p
^Yay you!! :) Good job!

tree and laser- we can bitch about it together!!! :) haha Its hard!! So far I have had 2 today. I said I would allow myself I still have one more to go.....I am going to just take a couple drags and try to make it last......

Good tip from your friend LH- I found that to be true today. Everytime I wanted one I'd just fight through it....Like after I ate dinner I always have a cigarette right away- I made myself wait 15 minutes or more, then took the last couple drags of my second one.

Mariposa- I am going to try to do it with no quitting smoking aides. I can't take Wellbutrin and I have a packet of Nicorette (but its expired and I was afraid to use it but will) if I need it.
I am gonna try to be a tough girl and just fight myself. :) The husband has been warned and he is going to try to help me be stress free my first week (unlikely I will have no stress, given my current situation- but he will help as much as possible) :)
It may turn out like PMS- he always jokes when he knows I'm PMSing that he and the kitties have to hide out....this time they really might! hahahaha :D

Glad to have 2 others in the same boat as me:) We can do it:)
uhhhh i've been sober from everything for 10 months now...I get the alcohol monitor on my ankle removed January 5th so that will bring about a whole new world of temptation (even though I get randomly ETG tested)...

My social anxiety/lonliness is getting out of control..I need to be more extroverted and less shy around people or this will end in fucking suicide...

It's very hard to not to able to drink or go to bars in a college town like mine that is small and full of girls..I need to get a job during the weekends to occupy my time as well as open up my social networks..
I'm really wanting to drink right now :\ I've got bud, but it's the worst thirties that i've had probably since I was in florida :| I hope I make it through tonight without a drink or any pills.
Less intoxicants, more psychologically supportive drugs

I'm doing the same....I'm sticking to marijuana and any hallucinogen like mushrooms, LSD, ketamine, etc. The marijuana addiction will have to wait.....I don't see any problem with the hallucinogens because I love the introspection and think it will help in quitting my addictions in the present and future. Not to mention I don't get them that much.

My social anxiety/lonliness is getting out of control..I need to be more extroverted and less shy around people or this will end in fucking suicide...

It's very hard to not to able to drink or go to bars in a college town like mine that is small and full of girls..I need to get a job during the weekends to occupy my time as well as open up my social networks..

i feel your pain brother :\
For me less barbs and opiods more mood stabilizers.

Also, tonight. More productive coping. One day at a time I guess.
The holidays are really tough for me - crazy family etc. But I just started seeing a new therapist recently...and he's cool...I've been really honest with him so far (which was really

Ida know...I think lately I'm just ready to let go and admit that I've got issues. Not easy for me. But in keeping with the theme of the thread, I'd really like to cut back (dare I say quit?) this meth bullshit. Nine years on this shit, and I think I'd finally like to know what it feels like to just be normal. Even if that "normal" means a little least that's real. When I started this shit I was only 25...and it was all fun and parties then. It's not fun anymore.

Yeah, so maybe with the help of my therapist and some willpower...this can be DecENDber...or at least LESScember.

i need some support...I'm really considering relapse tomorrow.
^No,no kc!!
You have come so far!!
If you go back now it'll only be that much harder to get clean again.
<3 <3 <3
Keep moving forward! This feeling is normal but you just gotta fight through it.......
We are all here to talk if you need us....

What is leading you up to this feeling?
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