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Dead as disco..... Not as dead as the scene.

Genasairous (sp sorru)- now what YOU found was a psytrance partay! Congrats and welcome! hehe :) the underground nature and spirit is still flying high in the psy world, and thats why i love it so :) hehe...
theres still many underground bush parties and psy events in nsw..dont know about melb. just need to know where to look
i could go on about how the scene has changed since i joined three years ago, but im that jaded i cbf! hehehe
nah but i honestly think another reason the scene isnt as "friendly" as it used to be and so on is half to do with the quality of the drugs these days. pills are definately as strong as they used to be, and definately not at all like the mdma pills i used to get. Not that the drugs should really make a difference, but in a scene like this of course they do. (talking crap yet? hehe)
Neway, from one semi jaded raver clubber type, i have decided i only go out to things that i REALYL wanna go to. I know the feeling i used to get that bfb said when u go out, like getting all excited, butterflies in the belly kinda excited about going out and stuff, and i havent had that in a long time. Hence why i only go to things that really interest me :)
ok enuff babble,
taliana out :p
Miss apple: I have never gone to a club and stopped and looked at the guy next time (who looked back with one eye half shut and wavering slightly from all the piss in his system) and gone 'Hey man, im Phil, im having a fucking excellent night!! how about you?' cus it usually ends up in a fight.
Talian: Er... no it was an absolutely banging nrg / tek party put on by a lady that I cant remember the name of but I owe a huge debt of gratitude. The first was at a hotel on the corner of LaTrobe and King St and the other at Billboards :)
the clubs are obviously different in Melbourne than Sydney then.
Luckily I'm too stoned to enter into a debate about this.
i think everyone goes thru phases where they havent had a really great time for a while, maybe because they've turned partying into a boring routine, and they end up spending the nights sitting outside the club or in the car or whatever complaining about the music, the crowd, the venue and anything else they can think of to blame it on.
i think you've just gotta remind yourself of what you loved about the rave/club culture in the first place, keep it fresh by taking a break now n then, and stop blaming your lack of inspiration on everything else but your self.
one of these nights you'll go out and have one of the greatest nights of your life and you'll remember what its all about...
I think jb hit the nail on the head. Indeed, people have been saying the same things for years and years, hell, I said it myself once! But it isn't "the scene" - honestly, how can the scene be one way or another, good or bad, alive or dead, it's not a person - rather, it's how you are feeling about it.
I think the main reason most people go through this phase at one point or another, is that the drugs lose their magic. Maybe they still work, but you find yourself taking multiple pills to try to get the feeling. Then of course there's the increased maturity, like jb mentioned. You start to see through some of the shit, maybe have a few bad experiences, and suddenly you think the scene is dead. When it's not, you just got smarter.
Then of course there's the caning-it-too-hard factor. This is where you need to step back, do some other things for a while, and only go out when you have the time and energy to make it worthwhile. Keep in mind that partying fucks you over mentally, between the drugs, the sleep deprivation, and trying to hold the whole thing together.
Miss apple: no they aren't any different.
Genasirus; well done there mate, good stereotyping. let's put all clubs into the same catergory. mind if i do that with raves too? are they all alike? oh, they are? no wonder i hate raves...
it's exactly this type of narrowmindedness that makes the whole thing ridiculous. all these raver types going on and on about how everyone has a great time at raves, and how the vibe is welcoming and how everyone is welcome... except of course if you look different, or dress different, or like different music...
i go to plenty of places here in melbourne where i can happily talk to friendly strangers who (shock horror!) might be drinking alcohol. and you know what? many years from now, when techno is just an embaressing dated fad, there will still be places like that for me, and all my friends, where we can drink and have a good time without all that noise...
I'm a really big fan of a big-crowd vibe.
The one-hour sets, back announced by a sweating MC who's trying to remember his next sentence through a mind-blowing peak.
The five million glo-sticks weaving lights spells at different levels and velocities.
The idiot teeth-grinding grins flung back and forth, as the substances make a hard-core homophobic homie-g grab his best friend in a warm embrace.
The roar of a crowd as this week's, or last month's, or this year's anthem is dragged up from the bottomless bpm pit and driven into our spines by bass-bins that shudder hard and long.
Fuck being pretentious. Find a party, get off your ass and dance. And smile. And hug. And scream. And kiss....
In my opinion the people 'ruining the scene' are those that still go even though they aren't enjoying themselves...
*remembers the scene from Human Traffic with the two jaded people on the couch*
all these raver types going on and on about how everyone has a great time at raves, and how the vibe is welcoming and how everyone is welcome... except of course if you look different, or dress different, or like different music...So true... :)
"Look, I'm an individual too!"
well said johnyboy.
Also, im gonna generalize here but I rekon people just get worn out from goin to these places too often. Heaps of people make it such a routine and within a few months of going out and getting fuked up every weekend they get all cranky and shit :) and suddenly its just "not the same anymore".
Sure its not in warehouses, bla bla bla, but who cares. For me if the music is good, theres friends around or if not, just people to chat to and have a boogie with then im happy. For me the music comes first tho, and it has nothing to do with being jaded cus i was never not-jaded in the first place.
BFB Status: Not as Jaded as Yesterday.
Im much better today. I stand firm in what i said, but today Im a little more accepting that it's changed, I've changed, fuck it as long as I've got my group of friends SCREW anyone else without my happy vibe, I'll just dance next to them and bombard them with
Haha this is funny as I just had the best weekend of my life and it included partying. The whole weekend was filled with the best vibe I've seen in ages, If I dragged you along bunny you wouldn't be jaded anymore.
My theory is that everything is enjoyable while absolutely treeless.My advice is to take more drugs. :D
Seriously though, I think if you simply ignore the complainers and just concentrate on having a good time, you'll probaly enjoy yourself more!Is'nt that why you're there in the first place? :)
[ 29 January 2002: Message edited by: evilcalvin ]
I'm not sure about alot of the younger bl's here, but coming from an older perspective - I always used to fall into the trap of winging that things were much better in "my" days. I came to the recent conclusion that it's not that things were better in "my" days - I didn't miss the old days, I missed my youth!
JB, in his infinate wisdom, has nailed it on the head - as we grow, we change - our attitudes, responsibilities, likes and dislikes.
With any music scene there is progression and people progress with it while it still possess an interest for them.
Sometimes it's good to look at the other side of the coin - maybe the rave scene hasn't changed, maybe you have?
[ 29 January 2002: Message edited by: haste ]
Whilst a purist definition of a rave may be an event with some illicit element associated e.g. no venue permit, I think that “underground” events are appealing to many due to the reputation of the promoters from past events, or more specifically – their intent.
Even a club gig can create a similar vibe as a secret outside venue. It’s all about what’s put in for what expected back. When we do a club gig (and we do no more than 1 every 2 months) we make props and artwork, sometimes for months before. We involve others with a similar attitude, including lighting and sound people, and try to come up with different themes every time. The same applies to outdoor events.
If the dollar is your most important consideration (much above breaking even) then your event is already commercial. After 5 years + of promotions we still have many of our original supporters coming to our parties. They certainly go to other events, but seem to appreciate this philosophy, and often choose not to go out for a week before such a party; saving up their energy and arriving full of anticipation. We have a simple party rule, nothing new:
Make your attendants an integral part of your set design.
Underground or commercial, it’s as much your attitude as it is the responsibility of the promoter to set the stage. Perhaps it is as JB said “it’s called growing up”. I just can’t seem to get a hold of that one myself. Tastes may change but that doesn't necessarily mean enthusiasm.
As familiarity is always the root of contempt, avoid it by doing different things. That goes for music styles as well. Many tunes of now are designed to be loved today and hated tomorrow, You guys in Melbourne and Sydney have so much choice (phase_dancer develops a definite shade of green) so live it up with variety.
One thing’s for sure, if you get bored – you can always do it better by having a go yourself. Combine resources and put on your own party, only not JUST for the money!!
Announce your intent and happy people will come from everywhere to help.
“Mankind are always happier for having been happy, so that if you make them happy now, you make them happy twenty years hence by the memory of it” Sydney Smith
haste, I agree with some of your comments but be careful not to confuse youth with youthfulness. Not everyone is possessed of the later but for those who are it doesn't wane, or indeed change much with age! :)
I know what you mean. And I don't call it jaded either. It's seems to be swamped in something I never have had a feel for.
It disappoints me when some of my friends feel that some of the best nights they've been having of late are at people's houses or in the car at a party. Where's the magic that we began with..... I know it's still there somewhere. I found a glimpse of it at Sunny on the weekend... *chuckles* sorry can't go on.... me ... the weekend...... mashed..... thankyou to the faces and people I crapped onto for hours on end. The hugs and back rubs and texture moments. Hugs to all, and remember to be there (where ever there is) for the right reason.
*Dancing around the computer* You out there are part of the reason I have so much bloody fun!!!
BFB: Seemed to have lost part of my night. Can you find it for me?? I tried then gave up.
phase_dancer you make a good point regarding youthfulness. I agree, some people posses youthfulness in later stages of their life - I for one am one of those people. But on the same token I have to admit it's degree has changed - and I think anyone who thinks otherwise is fooling themselves.
I would love to have the care free spirit I had when I was 19 (or whatever) than I do now at 30 with debts, bills, a career and son to worry about. My youthfullness has been waned in order to fit into my present lifestyle - for it to be the way it was, I would have to neglect the above.
So maybe my earlier statement should have read - I miss my youth and the youthfulness it carried with it at the time :)
i sat up last nite and thought about wot to me made one hell of a good nite out and ya no wot?? besides the fact when i was younger and started going to raves, we drank yes drank not popped (im female by the way). wot else besides sitting behind the venue with a bottle of vodka made it a night out:
My whistle (yep, im not ashamed to admit im one of those people).
and a lot of happy hardcore.
so wot did i do pull out my still loved collection of happy hard classics and my old whistle. and thought the next time i go im going in the biggest cheesest grin my face can manage and im spending the whole nite on the dance floor and im not going to give a toss wot everyone else thinks and above all im going to have a good time and enjoy the music, say hello to as many people as i can manage and not whinge the whole nite about the good old days.
And im going to have a fucken awesome time!!!