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Dating apps and drugs?

To any of the people who use dating apps - when do you mention that you like getting off your tits? Is it a dealbreaker if shes never had ayahuasca?

Or is simpler to just stay home taking drugs and choke the chicken as and when required?

Thanking you.

Usually in the questions bit (for yourself) they ask about alcohol, smoking, and drugs? I using just say yes to all and also that IDGAF if the other person does or does not do any of those things
Every fucker uses drugs (well just about), it's just the legality and actions of the drugs that differ.
Any woman willing to listen about how LSD stopped me from becoming a reclusive hermit, with a fucked up body image, but a (fairly) confident person, with a comedic take on most of life's crap, agrees that classing 'drug use' all under one definition is ignorant in the extreme. Anyone who cannot see the difference between therapeutic psychedelic use and dependant, compulsive cocaine use, is pretty much beyond help (and will probably end up voting tory anyway).
You can only try so hard. Shit, even my aunt, who is 80 year old, understood that my recent experience with AL-LAD was nothing but therapeutic and helpful, regarding my wife's death. If an 80 y o, tee total woman can see therapeutic use, anyone my generation or younger, who can't, is just so far up their own arse, it's unbelievable...
I have tried advertising on dating sites that I frequently use ecstacy and psychedelics and looking for the same. No takers.

I got really lucky and met my lady friend outside of the liquor store.

She does X with me all the time and one day she took a milligram of DOC.

I'm hoping she will dose 2mg of DOC with me one day.

Until then I just feel lucky to have met a chick to hangout with, spend time with, cuddle with, and do ecstacy pills with. We used to drink together but I quit drinking so now she is the only one drinking.
Yea it’s all coming back to me on how to go about this, last time I was 19… Very few women seem open to pursuing anyone with open obvious drug use for anything more than a one night stand. It’s understandable looking at everything, past and present. Even my ex wife didn’t just immediately warm up to it all. I remember now having increasingly open conversations where I explained each substance in detail and why I felt they brought benefit to my life.

I also brought her in very slowly, and made it obvious the entire time her safety was my number one priority. She used to get frustrated that I’d under dose her but deep down I think she appreciated and trusted that I had her best intentions at heart.

MDMA was the one drug I really wanted to share with her. Our first roll we got some kayaks and went up river to this secluded section with some pretty sand bars and too shallow for real boats to come by. Then proceeded to spend the day talking each others ears off, walking in circle’s constantly (wore a big ring in the bar) and smoked a ton of bud.

Our next experience was the first roll with REALLY good pills. Either perfect ratio of MDMA/MDA or just damn good pills period. (I notice when I look back all my favorite pills were suspected by some to contain partial MDA. Whether that’s true or they were just killer MDMA idk.)

We went to the city and get a room in a fancy old hotel right across the street from a cool venue. Ate our pills then went to a show and had the time of our lives. Once we got back we then sat in the tub for hours talking. This one we went really deep and felt like it was this experience that really bonded us. That night will be burned into my memory.

Drug use being a male dominated activity, if we want to share this with our partners we have the responsibility to do so in a safe way that doesn’t jeopardize their health or future. If they can see that it hasn’t destroyed your life and you are adamant to make sure it never does for them, some women will open up to give it a try.

I have tried advertising on dating sites that I frequently use ecstacy and psychedelics and looking for the same. No takers.

I got really lucky and met my lady friend outside of the liquor store.

She does X with me all the time and one day she took a milligram of DOC.

I'm hoping she will dose 2mg of DOC with me one day.

Until then I just feel lucky to have met a chick to hangout with, spend time with, cuddle with, and do ecstacy pills with. We used to drink together but I quit drinking so now she is the only one drinking.
Yeah, DOC, but if you want overwhelming beauty, you should try to find a few mg of DOM, for both of you. I have cried at the beauty DOM (at the right dose) opened up to me
I was taken aback when I saw a few state in their bios "Absolutely no druggies"

And to be honest - taking psychedelics IS more fun than female company. It just is. After all sex only lasts 2 minutes 20 seconds (and that includes taking my clothes off)

Why would you be shocked by that?

It’s a sad state of affairs when you find substances more fulfilling than meaningful connection with other humans.
Why would you be shocked by that?

It’s a sad state of affairs when you find substances more fulfilling than meaningful connection with other humans.

You can only know euphoria thru drugs tho and I find euphoria more fun than anything else.
My approach is anybody not willing to listen to how psychedelics have helped me, or the benefits of cannabinoids in treating cancer are probably too thick, or have too much in common with Katie Hopkins.
Either way, no way they are getting near my willy, or will experience the sexual joy I've been told I'm quite good at giving!
Ismene is jaded
We're all jaded fuckers, here, in one way or another. He may be jaded, with a dark twisted sense of humour, but he is a good bloke. Christ, if coming out with dark twisted humour and maybe not most people's opinions on certain subjects gets you labelled as jaded, I hate to think the adjectives used for me...
You can only know euphoria thru drugs tho and I find euphoria more fun than anything else.
What a sad thing to say.

We're all jaded fuckers, here, in one way or another. He may be jaded, with a dark twisted sense of humour, but he is a good bloke. Christ, if coming out with dark twisted humour and maybe not most people's opinions on certain subjects gets you labelled as jaded, I hate to think the adjectives used for me...
I was in relation to that comment, only knowing euphoria through drugs.
Been awhile since I was on a dating app, but things that worked for me.

Couple of good pictures, show ya teeth. Women hate manky teef

Got a pet? Bonus

Got friends? Bonus

Big dick? Wouldn’t know how that one pans out.. 😂

Being tall is also a bonus, but those that demand it on their profile usually have little to nothing to offer other than a moist socket.