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Curved Penises

Bob Loblaw

Bluelight Crew
Mar 1, 2008
My johnson curves to the left.

A bent penis is an erect penis that curves to one side or the other — and in most cases, it is absolutely normal. A curved penis simply can be a result of individual anatomy. If, however, your penis has a pronounced curve or bends sharply to the left or right — especially if penetration is impossible or if an erection is painful — you should see a urologist. You may suffer from Peyronie’s disease — where scar tissue develops in the penis.

The direction that an erect penis takes depends on the proportion of crus (penis under the skin) to exposed penis. Men with a shorter crus, and thus a longer penis, are more likely to have an erection that points downward, while an erect penis that has a longer crus will probably point outward, or even straight up. Sometimes the penis also bends to the left or to the right. In the vast majority of cases, the curve falls well within the norms of most men and should not be a deterrent for a relationship.

Once in a while, a man does have a more pronounced curve than most. Even the majority of these men don’t have a problem in bed, although a few may have to adjust the positions they use. In some cases, however, a man may have Peyronie’s disease, a condition that can make sex impossible.

It curves to the left & is only noticeable when I'm hard. I've been with a few womens, and they've never commented on it at all. I might post a pic so that you guise know the specifics, but I'm not sure. It's more pronounced than that diagramme, though it's never caused problems with intercourse. Regardless, it makes me very self-conscious.

Does anyone else have one that curves to the side like mine? And I'm sure some of you all have encountered this. (I hope :|.) Was it a big deal? Weird? Totally fine? I'm hoping you can help convince me it's NBD, 'cos I'm pretty embarrassed by it :(.
Does anyone else have one that curves to the side like mine? And I'm sure some of you all have encountered this. (I hope :|.) Was it a big deal? Weird? Totally fine?

Yes, mine bends slightly to the left when hard.. it's never been a concern; i never even thought about it until i read this thread lol. No comment has ever been made from any partners.. I don't know if this has helped re-assure you, but if the women you've been with have said nothing and it doesn't hinder your performance then i'd say its nothing to worry about..

I use to be more self-conscious about been uncircumcised then anything, but now i could care less.
I thought meant which hand you masturbate with is the side your dick leans to more...:\
yah same mine has a slight leftwards tendancy
on the other hand it's really huge so woo I'm not complaining.
Mine is pretty much perfect, and is actually quite remarkable in its entirety
Personally i've always though that is a dick is bent really far to the left or right its because the dude has spent so much of his life jacking off and not getting any real sex lol. :p not to judge, but i find very bent penises rather creepy lol) A small bend or whatever is ok most women dont have a problem with it...but if you've got one of those extreme bends....eehh...then i don't really now what to tell you except that sucks, and i'm not trying to be mean. I've actually never come across really bent dicks before, so i'm not the best judge on this lol. But i'm sure theres some women who don't mind.
yeah, I wank relentlessly. now it's pretty much a loop-the-loop
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I've seen it once or twice before and couldn't care less. As malakaix said, if it's never been commented upon or doesn't stop you from doing anything it's likely you're just over-playing it in your head a lot. Try not to think about it so much :)
the women haven't said anything cos its only an issue for you

i've seen a lot and you should chill out. word
side to side curves are no prob.. if it curves up hard it can hurt a girl a lot (can post a link if wanted lol) and if it curves down it is better for getting deepthroated (which is nice lol)
so the only curve you need to worry about is curved up

Dude, upward curve is best curve. We got that g spot going on.
side to side curves are no prob.. if it curves up hard it can hurt a girl a lot (can post a link if wanted lol) and if it curves down it is better for getting deepthroated (which is nice lol)
so the only curve you need to worry about is curved up

Mine curves up, is slightly banana-shaped and I've never had any complaints.

Bob - as long as it's not hooked back towards you it shouldn't be a problem
Def gonna need to see some pics I feel.......;)

But yeah it's really no big deal. Not many are perfectly straight.
Mine curves to the left, too.
I think we should start of group for guys whose schlongs curve to the left.
Left is best!
Fuck righties!
Left is beautiful! and so on.
somebody link TNW to this thread

still no thenightwatch contribution...

im grateful im not the only bler who upon reading this thread also first thought of TNW.

in light of saying that, TNW is very proud of his size, girth and has embraced the very obvious curve in his manhood and not allowed it to be a hinderance to both his sex life and parading his penis proudly to the world.

perhaps he could offer some insight, inspiration or further knowledge OP?
