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Craving thread – v. Hold On

Honestly the only way I know that works is to not have ANY access to them. Because if your an addict and have any substances around, well... you get the picture.
A few things that have worked for me:
Mindfulness...I treat the craving as just a thought and let it go
Talking to someone I trust about it. They don't have to necessarily give me advice, but it helps to have someone that will just listen sometimes.
Find something distracting, talk, ride it out, journal, remind yourself it is temporary. It also helps me to remind myself that overtime the cravings will lessen.

Also, I have found that exercise, healthy habits, eating right reduce cravings and help you fight them off.

Just try your hardest not to dwell on it. Later, when you become more confident you can start to try to figure out how and why you are craving.
When i was clean for 6 months, whenever i got cravings i'd chew some candy or eat some chocolate. I'd also swallow skittles - as i think i have something with swallowing tablets, i really enjoy the whole proccess of doing so and it truly and honestly got rid of them by around month 2.

I have a thing for swallowing pills too. I was shocked when I was at work and had a craving and headache that just taking an ibuprofen alleviated my cravings. I didn't understand, but Serotonin gave me the analogy of Pavlov's Dog and classical conditioning and it made sense :)
sport helps for a lot of people, or any activity that will release/flood your brain with endorphins
Hey twato,

If you really want to help yourself, get rid of the thought of benzos, and give them to me. I have been trying to find alternative pain help, and have been told they would help. Good luck with everything and if you have any sujestions, please feel free to write me. wow I cant spell.. Take Care
I have replaced my desire for drugs and alcohol with a desire for LOVE and oh dear... What a godsend.

I haven't had or wanted any alcohol since new year. I skipped out on my appointment with the prescribing doctor.. seriously. Love will save us all.

Solution Replace one craving for another.
Try and find that one thing other than drugs that helps you to get some release. Whether its music, exercise or even just talking to someone. The worst thing, in my opinion, is to have the drug available. This was said before but cutting off access to certain drugs was the only way I could stop. I find I crave mostly when I am bored, alone or upset. However, there are a million little things that you can try to distract yourself and also find release in a way. For me, yoga has helped. Also having a daily routine to keep your mind focused doesn't hurt either :)
Not everyone is technical per say, but you can translate this to other activities:

One thing that really works for me is to throw myself into a task that is complicated and/or tricky; for me that's usually doing something technical. Before you realize it's happened, all you're thinking about is the probem/puzzle right in front of your face and nothing else.
Working out. For me it was lifting weights. Weight training does a lot to repair your central nervous system after it has been damaged.
Just posted this to another thread, it belongs here just as well. How to deal with the cravings? Distract yourself. Wait them out. Try breathing exercises, meditation, go for a walk, to a friends, talk to someone on the phone, online, do the washing up if a sink full of dirty pots needs doing, take the rubbish out, anything that will actively fill a few minutes more and give you something else to think about while you do it. They will pass. They always do.
I usually get out of the house and walk. And walk. And walk some more. Usual route I take is 2 hours through the forest near a lake, it's really beautifull any time of the year really and helps get my mind of things. There is a cliff I use to climb up on overlooking the lake, we used to jump off it and into the lake when we were kids, fond memories that help me get out of my too usual negative mindset these days. I also try to listen to music that I do not associate with any of the last years of my life if I have cravings, I found myself going back and listening to bands I did when I was a teenager. These songs bring up good memories that I don't associate with drugs. Sometimes these days I find certain music to be triggering, which can be annoying.
goddamn i would love a decent, restful night or day of sleep. not even 8 hours. 5 or 6. please. :(
Im gonna give this staying clean thing a real effort. I have been snorting 80 dollars of heroin a day or whatever money i have that day and the shit is getting absolutely ridiculous. I have no money, i am barely getting high and honestly...i have never felt so depressed about something.

I just have to remember how i feel everytime i use...its NEVER worth it, but i fucking do it anyway its insane man.
I'm now day 9 into WD and I'm sooooooooooo craving some sort of sedative. I was fine on subs. Wasn't getting high, but didn't crave a damn thing other than weed, really miss that. Fuck I'd take anything a benzo, tramadol (which I stupidly left at my parents house), a barb, a dissociative, or an opioid.

If I wasn't working, I'd be able to deal with the sub wd, but I am working full time.
I've been sober from alcohol for 8 months and the rest of the other drugs I was into like pot, opiates, and Dexedrine/Adderall I've been sober from for years but I find myself sometimes craving them randomly but I don't indulge in any of them.
Cravings make it SO damn difficult. It's too easy to give in- ice come too far- I can't fail now.
Was craving heroin today...
Was next door to my dope dealers and going through some withdrawal..
Been throwing up and feeling shitty... but still managed to walk home without buying dope.
I'm just going to go through it... my friend is kicking as well.
We'll see how long she lasts.
Get some Imodium/loperamide - 20mg or so. It helps more than you'd expect.

Heroin is a tough one. The people who can take it or leave it, well I don't think they have really ever felt good h do its magic. They can only chip because they have weak h or aren't doing a lot or with an effective ROA. But for us who have felt a good dose of h, we're gonna want that each time we chip, right? The problem is that it's easy enough to take time off after mediocre h and no tolerance, but even a day with good h will have us obsessing for days and days, phantom WD symptoms, etc. To effectively chip the highs can't be all that good, but as people obsessed with h, we only want the best.

I really thought about it today too. A lot of my clean friends relapsed this week and it is getting to me. Tax return should be here tomorrow. I keep thinking about all of the pain and the shell of a man it turns me into, though, and try and take it hour by hour.

It sucks, no way around that, though, but time.