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Craving thread – v. Hold On

Sheeesh, I crave whatever buzz is available right now. I guess we'll both be really proud in a few days. Christmas without getting wasted seemed impossible for me. It kind of is right now though...

You two should be proud surviving your respective situations. Just be careful not to reward yourself w/ something which will completely defeat the purpose of staying clean, right? My mind tends to go to drugs just as easily in the good times, or for celebrations, as it does in the bad. If you can make it through the crunch and out of the frying pan it would be a shame to cave in and use having gone through that.
today I been craving heroin badly. an old dealer somehow texted me. I deleted the text so I don't have the number (took a couple seconds to get the strength) and I still have $180 that I can freely spend... got license, have money, had a dealer contact me, got a vehicle WITH GAS, and feeling physically shitty from this possible flu (feels like dopesickness). Idk Wtf is up as I'm almost a year clean. maybe its birthday blues combined with holiday stress (last year at this time I was in a great relationship and nodding like crazy). ill be alright though. just had to get this shit out. also lost a good friend to pussy addiction (he's with my ex fiance :/) so I'm kinda searching for a way to not feel anything. too sick to make it to a meeting tonight as well so today I had to stay home :/ I will make a meeting tomorrow no matter what!
today I been craving heroin badly. an old dealer somehow texted me. I deleted the text so I don't have the number (took a couple seconds to get the strength) and I still have $180 that I can freely spend... got license, have money, had a dealer contact me, got a vehicle WITH GAS, and feeling physically shitty from this possible flu (feels like dopesickness). Idk Wtf is up as I'm almost a year clean. maybe its birthday blues combined with holiday stress (last year at this time I was in a great relationship and nodding like crazy). ill be alright though. just had to get this shit out. also lost a good friend to pussy addiction (he's with my ex fiance :/) so I'm kinda searching for a way to not feel anything. too sick to make it to a meeting tonight as well so today I had to stay home :/ I will make a meeting tomorrow no matter what!

Holy damn! That seems to be a perfect storm of sorts for a relapse. Congrats on holding strong against all odds.
I woke up feeling fine, but I am dealing with terrible cravings now. I would have already got a bottle of liquor if the liquor stores weren't all closed. I would of already called my dealer if it wasn't Christmas day (he has a young kid) *and* pouring rain outside. I hope I can work through this because once and gets a little later I won't mind calling my dealer anymore. The fucking holidays gets me every year.

I try to just let the cravings pass without relating to them but I have been on drugs so long it just feels like I'm being strangled when I'm sober. I'm going to keep on toughing it out for now but Christ this is hard... I've been killing all my physical and emotional pain with drugs for so long my body certainly doesn't seem to like the sober alternative.
I woke up feeling fine, but I am dealing with terrible cravings now. I would have already got a bottle of liquor if the liquor stores weren't all closed. I would of already called my dealer if it wasn't Christmas day (he has a young kid) *and* pouring rain outside. I hope I can work through this because once and gets a little later I won't mind calling my dealer anymore. The fucking holidays gets me every year.

I try to just let the cravings pass without relating to them but I have been on drugs so long it just feels like I'm being strangled when I'm sober. I'm going to keep on toughing it out for now but Christ this is hard... I've been killing all my physical and emotional pain with drugs for so long my body certainly doesn't seem to like the sober alternative.
you'll end up digging the hole even deeper. as you said you've used for so long and its pretty much the only way but the longer you use, the more you reinforce the idea of there is no other way. I've known people who used for 40 years get clean. it can be done. hang in there!
is it pathetic if i really really dislike cleaning and while its not my drug of choice i was really wishing i had a bit of tweak for the moving/cleaning thing

i dont know how i am gonna clean up after a kid...
i really hope i can do it and get the whole mom superpowers thing ...

I used to wait until i got zipped up to clean. I wouldn't clean unless i was lit, but afterwords i would clean evvveeerryythhhiingg. I haven't been using for a while now, but often i reminisce of soaring high cleaning extravaganzas and want to binge, clean, and do tedious craft projects...
I won't sleep. I won't eat. but ill clean every house on the street. that's meth!
My cravings are SO bad right now because I'm in withdrawal. This is the 1st time I've ever been truly in withdrawal. I feel like dying. I'm lost.
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is it pathetic if i really really dislike cleaning and while its not my drug of choice i was really wishing i had a bit of tweak for the moving/cleaning thing

i dont know how i am gonna clean up after a kid...
i really hope i can do it and get the whole mom superpowers thing ...

tackyspiral. ((hugs))
First of all, I have been. there. My neurons have ONLY in the past associated cleaning with chemicals. It's a deep pathway that took time to rewire.

Thankfully, children grow slowly enough that by the time it really matters if the space is clean, your brain will have time to heal and re-associate cleaning with regular life. For the first 6-8 months you will only need to worry about laundry and your own meals. Clean towels for the breastmilk that is pouring everywhere, the spitup, etc. If you don't have your own washer and dryer this is the only necessity that they don't advertise in the magazines and books. Everything else is just for show. And, you will WANT to do laundry.

After 8 months you will need to make sure there is one room where the floor is clear and room for the kid to move around. The rest of the house can be trashed, but one safe space is key. It's easy to toss everything else over the baby gate and worry about it later.

So, kids grow with us.

Personally I relapsed onto speed at 18 months and it worked out detrimentally for me, but after another year of getting clean my brain has completely rewired its pathways. I clean every day because I enjoy the patterns and organizing (sober).
As an aside, my 4 year old is on "vacation" at her auntie and uncles for 4 nights. I haven't cared enough to clean for MYSELF. 2 nights in, and my house is trashed. This isn't how I'm doing things lately at all, and at this point it's pretty funny. I'm gonna clean right about now anyway, as I have a few hours to spare and a date tonight so I need to feel in order. Put on some tunes, dance around, and make my brain happy with patterns. It's not a superpower but a different association/reason to have a neat space.
How do you get your mind off cravings?

We all know how difficult it is to ignore them - is there anything in particular you do to get your mind off intense cravings that works well for you?
But seriously, do something that puts you in the moment. I like making music and exercising because whenever I do those I can do them on my own for hours (don't need to rely on people) and they keep me focused on the task in front of me. Since I've gotten farther away from my drug use I actually don't use exercise as an escape anymore because I work out on a set schedule instead, but when I first started to get clean I would go to the gym at least 6 days a week and go for runs and bike rides on top of that. Those runs and bike rides were hardly ever planned, but they happened almost every day. If I started to feel like shit or feel like getting high, I would go outside and go run. Nothing like getting some natural endorphins when you're craving fake ones.

It's probably not good for you to exercise that much but it's better than getting high.
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When i was clean for 6 months, whenever i got cravings i'd chew some candy or eat some chocolate. I'd also swallow skittles - as i think i have something with swallowing tablets, i really enjoy the whole proccess of doing so and it truly and honestly got rid of them by around month 2.
I'm pretty much homebound so when the cravings get to me, I look for something in the house that needs straightening. That could keep me busy for a while but after 20 minutes or so on my feet my back starts hurting. So I end up sitting watching some old westerns on tv with the old man. That makes things a teensy bit better trying to get something accomplished. Cooking meals helps pass the time and keeps my mind off getting high. It's rewarding but then I gotta wash all those dishes afterwards! The trick is keeping yourself busy.
readin' or watching movies sometimes helps. going for a hike. walkin' the dog. anything to occupy the mind for a few.
For me the most effective things were:
1. social interaction (with people that don't use of course)
2. physical exercises
3. books/movies
4. taking a walk
Worst you can do is sit alone and think about how it was when you were high.
When i was clean for 6 months, whenever i got cravings i'd chew some candy or eat some chocolate. I'd also swallow skittles - as i think i have something with swallowing tablets, i really enjoy the whole proccess of doing so and it truly and honestly got rid of them by around month 2.


I found that eating candy piece by piece also helped quash a food addiction that I had. Don't know how, but it worked.
swallowed skittlez did u shit out a rainbow lmao just kiddin.

In much respect im seeking ways for myself to rid the cravings, ive been on suboxone it really works i stayed clean for 6 months then i decided that i would stop the treatments. Bad idea that very same day took like 20 Norcos. Keep in mind i stoped taking the suboxone like a week ahead to make sure it was out of my system and nothing was stopping me from getting high (suboxone). So i walked out of my docs office with a purse full of Norcos and smiled said bye and popped em with joy and yea so now im looking st get back on the shit. Eh i hate addiction it sure will kick your ass. Good Luck.