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Cocaine Crack cooking failed !


Sep 8, 2024
Last night was my first time !
i did got white crystal ( cooked coc with bicarb ) BUT the crack was so strong and with an acetone-like after taste also i didnt get high ( i think ! )
- i did 0.5 gram with some bicarb ( i think i add too much bicarb ! )
- i took hell of time cooking , adding water then bicarb then water again …
- i did got the oily bulb but it wasn’t sticky enough to hold ( why ?! )
I followed step-by-step this guy ( link below )
Does anyone have ideas to make things right this time ( the other 0.5 g is waiting xD )

Use 1:4 bicarb to cocaine, let it cool fully (or dab at the oil with a knife or a copper coin)

Best thing though is to just accept that crack is a nasty-ass fucking terrible drug and don't touch that shit again. Perhaps "the universe" has saved your ass by fucking up those first hits and is telling you something

Nothing good ever came from freebase cocaine, it's a shocking drug, absolutely awful. Good luck.
Use 1:4 bicarb to cocaine, let it cool fully (or dab at the oil with a knife or a copper coin)

Best thing though is to just accept that crack is a nasty-ass fucking terrible drug and don't touch that shit again. Perhaps "the universe" has saved your ass by fucking up those first hits and is telling you something

Nothing good ever came from freebase cocaine, it's a shocking drug, absolutely awful. Good luck.
As my name suggests am a doctor so i know !
Thank you for the advice !
For the crack , i THINK i add too much bicarb , but through my readings , since the freebase is bubbling it means the reaction is still on and the cocaine is not fully prepared , so i kept adding more and more bicarb , is that wrong ? Should i stick to 1:4 formula no matter what ?
Thank you again !
yea don't ever add any more

it could be 3:1 or 2:1 depending how strong you like it - but start like that - and just maybe like 2 or 3 drops of water just to be able to barely mix it

but you gotta let it cool off too - which might be hard because you're all impatient

yea don't ever add any more

it could be 3:1 or 2:1 depending how strong you like it - but start like that - and just maybe like 2 or 3 drops of water just to be able to barely mix it

but you gotta let it cool off too - which might be hard because you're all impatient

Being patient is not really my virtue !
So i ll add less bicarb this time , also less water apparently, let the oil cool down ( without heat , i know also O2 what makes the freebase solidify into crystal! ) before trying to get it off the water
That s it ?
Thank you again !!
Last night was my first time !
i did got white crystal ( cooked coc with bicarb ) BUT the crack was so strong and with an acetone-like after taste also i didnt get high ( i think ! )
- i did 0.5 gram with some bicarb ( i think i add too much bicarb ! )
- i took hell of time cooking , adding water then bicarb then water again …
- i did got the oily bulb but it wasn’t sticky enough to hold ( why ?! )
I followed step-by-step this guy ( link below )
Does anyone have ideas to make things right this time ( the other 0.5 g is waiting xD )

No need to think, you would know if the rock was good.

20secs of xtasy followed by 2 hours of horror.

You use anything to come down? It's why so many are also H user's. Not telling you to do that though.

EDIT, this would of been your first time trying rock? Or cooking it ?

Maybe that's why you said " I think".

Anyway,be careful be smart.
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