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Cocaine Crack Cocaine - Freebase Megathread

^It's common for people to use those kinds of pipes in the US and Europe too...They do give you a big hit, but they burn up a lot of product quickly! Crack must be pretty cheap in Brazil I would think!
well, it's five bucks (5 R$), which is pretty expensive, but those favela (slum) living people do anything to get it if they're addicted to it.

smoking with the ashes makes the crack last a lot longer than in glass pipes, i think
^Can you get "Chore Boy" there? copper scouring wire sponges? I mean, if you just tried to smoke it in an empty glass tube, you'd have problems...but if you have chore boy you can take smaller hits...the ash thing really only works well for big hits IMO...hmmm, I haven't had a hit of crack in almost 2 years! And that's one thing I know I could get within 15 minutes of where I'm living now....I don't think my heart could handle crack anymore though
we have similar products to chore boy, but nobody in their right mind use em here. and yes, everybody goes for big hits here
i mean, i put so much crack in my bottle that the thing wont end! so i stopped and saved it for later cos i'm way too high now.
have you guys ever known of the 'third world bottle trick'? Here in brazil, people don't smoke with glass pipes, they take any tube, bend it, put tinfoil on the top, poke little holes on it, and add cigarette ashes to do it. that's just how it goes, what can i say?
buuuut.......i've been ingenious with that tinfoil and ashes dealie by putting tinfoil on a big plastic bottle, then the ashes, poke a hole in the bottle and french kiss it while lighting it on the top. it's UNBELIEVABLE how much smoke you get inside the bottle. you can take two extra hits without having to light up the nugget on the top - and huge ones. try it and you won't regret it a single bit. I don't smoke crack regularly but sometimes it's pretty good. it relaxes me, and when i do it, i do 6 to 7 crack rocks on a binge. i don't worry cos there's a wide array of medicine here to help me with the comedown. a bit off topic, but why roofies were banned from the us?

I smoked most of my homemade crack in a weed pipe with a lot of cigarette ash on top of the "filter"....glass pipes for crack are hard to come by around here cos like I said it isnt sold normally, only cocaine hcl is sold and if you want freebase you make it yourself and we don't have those fake roses in glass tubes that I hear so often are in gas stations in the USA, lol, makes me laugh someone would buy that shit legitimately for their gf/wife.... the only downside smoking this way was if i didnt leave the base to dry long enough, which would happen sometimes when I was too damn eager and was sick of it waiting in the fridge and freezer, it would be too liquidish and would go liquid and fall down through the ash and filter and basically i'd get weed+ cocaine resin....that shit is potent after you clean up those metal pipes hah.

A couple times I did it real ghetto like you are saying with a bottle of coke (irony) that i'd make holes in with a compass, some people smoke hash/weed this way when they are young or shit out of luck or in a rush with only a small amount of weed. It works, but I wouldn't always be satisfied with my hits this way, it seems too easy to fuck up.
I smoked most of my homemade crack in a weed pipe with a lot of cigarette ash on top of the "filter"....glass pipes for crack are hard to come by around here cos like I said it isnt sold normally, only cocaine hcl is sold and if you want freebase you make it yourself and we don't have those fake roses in glass tubes that I hear so often are in gas stations in the USA, lol, makes me laugh someone would buy that shit legitimately for their gf/wife.... the only downside smoking this way was if i didnt leave the base to dry long enough, which would happen sometimes when I was too damn eager and was sick of it waiting in the fridge and freezer, it would be too liquidish and would go liquid and fall down through the ash and filter and basically i'd get weed+ cocaine resin....that shit is potent after you clean up those metal pipes hah.

A couple times I did it real ghetto like you are saying with a bottle of coke (irony) that i'd make holes in with a compass, some people smoke hash/weed this way when they are young or shit out of luck or in a rush with only a small amount of weed. It works, but I wouldn't always be satisfied with my hits this way, it seems too easy to fuck up.

Rose for your chic-->pipe for your crack. %)
Crack sucks anymore. Now most dealers sell whip. It used to kick ass back when it was a amber color u could almost see thru and $100 would get you 5 rocks the size of the tip of your pinky. I don't agree that crack is better than IV coke. If you are fortunate enough to get really good yay you will definitely hear the train coming. Good rock will come close. Ive heard the train after breaking down really good hard w/ vinegar and banging it too. The best part about rock is getting a BJ and taking a bellringer just before you blow a load in the poor girls mouth lol. It will definitely make u cum a freaking gallon rofl! I know most people use stems but if u use a "L"shaped hose connector from an irrigation store with tin foil it catches all the residue and then when u run out take the foil off and put a little isopropyl alcohol in it and shake it to clean the pipe. Pour the alcohol on a dinner plate and light it to burn that alcohol off.the put the plate in the microwave for 10-20 seconds to dry the remaining water and scrape the residue with a razor and u will get a couple blasts. Definitely a crackhead tactic that works.
i know of that tactic - all crack heads here do it. heck, you gotta remember we live close to colombia and bolivia so the best shit is sold here cheap, see thru amber colored like you've said. But hell knows when i'll be smoking that again. just a whim, really. if i was hooked i'd be down the street whith thirty bucks already, and what i wanna do is stay home and listen to some music. Getting high on the same thing all the time spoils the fun ;)
Lucky you, I stopped in part for the health of my heart and the fact I had wasted over 8000 dollars in 5 months or so, and I had sold a 2001 subaru impreza wrx just for the yay at some point...

At least it was easy, you feel guilt when you are coming down off coke/crack, not always with awesome stuff, like i'd 3/4 of the time get through the very complicated connection I used back then but one of the last times I failed my freebasing process due to being really fucking high and shaking and I felt so down the gutter and bad about myself I just had to stop.

Wasn't the same with the Dilaudid...

I don't understand people who have to go to detox clinics for cocaine, you feel awesome after a couple days feeling down the gutter, it's mainly due to some temporary authentic chemical imbalance going on....I guess the knowledge I had about drugs helped me back then but when I went to the MMT clinic at first, I had to stay 6 days there and here in canadia they throw us in the same hospital floor as the alcoholics, cokeheads,meth-heads etc., wasn't nice at all to be told by people with no brains that I was an idiot to continue taking something that gets me "high" and that I should go totally clean while at the same time being told that cocaine withdrawal is several times worse than anything on earth.

Had I been in a third world country where no hope of getting a better life in sight I would have stabbed each of the fucking cokeheads in the eye with a fork so they had about one fourth of the idea of what kind of pain it is to be withdrawing from opiates and or benzos...
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Except for poor people, they have NO idea of it. They struggle to get tem bucks of money just to get agead in the day with crack. Just see 'cracolândia' in São Paulo as an example. Bet if you were thrown to live there you'd see how hard it is.
Plus, addiction varies from one person's biochemistry to another person's. I was committed due to cocaine cos it was worsening my paranoia and hallucinations. Plus 10g of fish scale ér day doen't help.
Yes, the come-down sucks, the depression is horrible. They are pretty much right about there being no physical withdrawal symptoms, which is why there are few clinics that allow detox for cocaine. I however would fight this tooth and nail if I had the motivation. The come-down nearly killed me, so I HIGHLY disagree with your theory on detox clinics for coke being pointless. And this is why.....

I ended up jumping from a high distance after being rejected from every local rehab there was, because no one thought detox from cocaine was serious enough. I can't tell you how much it irked me as I stood on the phone, as low as I could possibly be, depressed and contemplating taking my own life, when the person on the other line from the rehab said "We do not accept people for cocaine, it is not life threatening". As soon as I ended that phone call, I walked to the highest point in my city and I jumped. Broke nearly every damn bone in my body too. Had they had some compassion and taken me in that day, none of that would have happened.
Thanks for the tips on how to get the best bang for your buck, before i was just loadin up the pipe, meltin it alittle then i hit it by putting flame on it and ive been goin thro it really fast, the last few hits ive done it ur way and get jist as high with 1/3 of the rock used.

Quick question, does crack still negatively effect your teeth alot if you keep up with your hygiene and visit the dentist regularly? Im sure it has some negative effect bc its smoke.

It's the acidity of the crack that degrades your teeth. Obviously good oral hygiene is going to help big time, but there will still be damage if you use it enough.
what is crack cocaine? just cocaine with bi carb added? what does the bi carb do?
Anyone else sometimes feel like they need to throw up or end up throwing up after a crack hit?
i can see this turning into a crackhead social real quick.. not saying anything bad about anyone, just it will be fun to watch everyone tweaking out and then taking a break from the computer (because it has a camera on it) to go take another hit.

Lol ya a good majority time on my extended crack binges are whiled away reading and posting on BL. Something about it is perfect for that time in between hits where you need something to occupy ur mind to help space out ur blasts. Ive written many a long long post while the bells in my head are ringing like a church on Sunday morning.

Crack is far from my DOC but my girl cant get enough so I end up smoking it all the time cause she is.
Anyone else sometimes feel like they need to throw up or end up throwing up after a crack hit?

Ya when i first started smokin rock for maybe the first 4 or 5 times i ever used it i would always feel naussea after a good hit and often really would hurl. I even started making sure i was near a toilet or keep a bucket within reach. Nowadays that happens rarely. sometimes if I take a truly massive pull if I get that pukey feeling its accompanied my a super intense rush like a litttle scared I did too much kinda rush. I normally can only get that high from the first couple resin hits after I push the chore through.
Hello people so I got a question, ive never abused cocaine so I have no idea how long it stays in your system.
Lets say I smoke 1gram of Crack/Freebase over the course of a day - how long will it take to completely leave my body(urine) ?
(Getting tested both with the quick test and then analysis of the urine)