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Cocaine Crack Cocaine - Freebase Megathread

I think most of the the coke now is cut with bullshit, stuff like speed and you don't get the feel the good effects of coke. Your just amped up and geeked out.
If your lucky enough to know the difference between real coke and that shit their selling as coke (you'd be surprised how many people do not know the difference) and can get the good shit, hold on to that connect. Most of the dealers i buy from do not get high themselves so they don't know what they are selling. Has anyone else noticed this. I have bought ready rock and coke from many different people from the corner to people with a little weight and it can't be all garbage. Any ideas? I live in Baltimore and I also travel to Columbus Oh frequently, a lot of garbage in both places has anyone else noticed the changed in quality.
so im at the deathadone clinic one day and this guy asks if i wanted some xanax so he was like take me to the pharm and we can get them, i get a little sketched bc i doint know if hes burning scripts or what. but comes out with the bottle, gives me what i paid for and was like ill give u another 10 if u drop me off somewhere. reluctantly i said yes bc i knew it was going to be in the ghet-o. we get out and go in this paractically abonded house turn the corner ands there are all the ppl smokijng crack in a barely lit room. just one light bulb, no shade lol. i said to himthey all smokin? he asked if i wanted to be a 20 all call it even, i was thinking, sweating, think of how high i could get, then go get a shot dope and all this shit, demonoisis the only contect i can put them in.... and my mind controlled it, he said i understand and i rolled.got my 10 bucks too.point isif you will it, it is no deam.
so im at the deathadone clinic one day and this guy asks if i wanted some xanax so he was like take me to the pharm and we can get them, i get a little sketched bc i doint know if hes burning scripts or what. but comes out with the bottle, gives me what i paid for and was like ill give u another 10 if u drop me off somewhere. reluctantly i said yes bc i knew it was going to be in the ghet-o. we get out and go in this paractically abonded house turn the corner ands there are all the ppl smokijng crack in a barely lit room. just one light bulb, no shade lol. i said to himthey all smokin? he asked if i wanted to be a 20 all call it even, i was thinking, sweating, think of how high i could get, then go get a shot dope and all this shit, demonoisis the only contect i can put them in.... and my mind controlled it, he said i understand and i rolled.got my 10 bucks too.point isif you will it, it is no deam.

Okay... thanks for sharing, I guess.. ha. But, that kind of stuff is better suited to your blog..
lol i just smoked some delicous bomb og indica you can mmove it to the blog if you want dude. or if i can let me know.
The only thing I have to say about this thread? Brillo Pads? Did you accidentally buy crack instead of weed for junior prom, and remembe hearing something about people using "brillo pads"?

It's chore boy....or any equivalent shredded copper or brass, not steel wool infused with soap and other chemicals....

Also, only use the brand name chore boy, because the "generics" aren't pure copper...most of the time..
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Hey, just joined, first post. Thanks, this site has helped me a lot.
Ok main question:
I like crack, but it it makes me so impotent that I can't even get hard with my beautiful wife. Any solutions? You guys experience the same?
crack is pointless unless u have a stem, to smoke off foil u need to be really skilled at doing it, but even still u wont get a direct bell ringer unless u got the metal/glass stem and chore. i have had someone light it off foil for me as i had no stem, and i got good rushes, but i prefer the direct route of glass dick
Hey, just joined, first post. Thanks, this site has helped me a lot.
Ok main question:
I like crack, but it it makes me so impotent that I can't even get hard with my beautiful wife. Any solutions? You guys experience the same?

Yes. Too much of any stimulant, due mainly to vasoconstriction, results in impotence. Smoke less crack before boning.
Tried Viagra or Cialis on crack? Been wanting too. But might be too hard on the heart right?
crack is pointless unless u have a stem, to smoke off foil u need to be really skilled at doing it, but even still u wont get a direct bell ringer unless u got the metal/glass stem and chore. i have had someone light it off foil for me as i had no stem, and i got good rushes, but i prefer the direct route of glass dick

Crack works wonderfully off foil...

Doesn’t burn up as much rock either... Doesn’t take much at all to ring-out...
i know, i suck at chasing foil, i had a friend do it for me a few times, and i got decent rushes..but i prefer the chore..or ill take foil, and roll it into the shape of a stem, and shove brillow at the end and make it air tight..
hey i saw this on drugs-forum. and was wondering if anyone had tried it.

The aim is to sublime the drug, that is to make it go from a solid to a gas wiothout it going through the liquid phase. This converts all the cocaine into vapor gas not smoke (smoke is usually burnt particles and if the crack in your pipe goes black then you are burning it. stop. Clean the black carbon with an earbud and a touch of moisture. IF IT IS STUBBORNLY BURNT IN AND WONT WIPE OFF THEN HEAT YOUR PIPe ON YOUR GAS STOVE OR USE A LPG/PROPANE gas bottle and heat the black part of the pipe until it glows red and eventually burns off completely. OK NOW either heat your glass long pipe till its glowing hot, not using a bic or butaine lighter obviously. and then drop in the crack rock slowly suvcking and rotating the rock onto the pipes surfaceRemember this stuff hates heat and will run away. If y our glass pipe ishot enough what will happen is that your rock will start to violently spin and shrink and eventually dissapear. The smoke you will obtain will not be white. It will look like vapor. eg a gas that is slightly visible as it comes out of your mouth but dissipates immidiately in the room. NOW YOU ARE THE HIGHEST YOU CAN EVER GET. everyone who has tried my method has remarked that it is the highest they have ever been. PEOPLE HAVE PULLED OUT THEIR DICKS AND STARTED TO MASTURBATE, OTHERS COME IN THEIR PANTS. thIS IS HOW YOU DO COCAINE. good luck. And YES i'f you recognise me YES ITS ME- THE INVENTER AND i DON'T GIVE A FUCK IF THE WORLD KNOWS NOW. Have fun and listen to what I say. 99% of the advice on crack is bullshit. Have fun

Read more: http://www.drugs-forum.com/forum/showthread.php?t=57009#ixzz2YaCp9nqt

credit to "doctort" if it works
I stopped smoking freebase i'd make myself with ammonia most of the time or soda when on a rush and not anywhere near my garage...that is to say it was fishscale quality cocaine, very good when snorted to those who liked, pretty much the best contact in a small town, last time i smoked was in 2009, a few months before I heard of that levamicoke shit, but I always made my own crack as they do not sell it here...i think the hell's even come after you if they hear you're selling freebase, for some reason they won't allow it, anyways, when i wasnt able to the coke i wanted from this guy, he had a very complicated system and you could be delivered stuff at certain hours only and close up shop after the 11 pm deliveries..anyway, and I can attest to the fact that if you make your own crack yourself, the freebasing process removes much of the speed and other unwanted things as their freebasing point are all much different than of the cocaine, but when i would get myself some of the lower quality cocaine...it would be really terrible to see how little cocaine survived the soda and water process....i would be left with maybe .15 out of .5 when I used that shit tier blow, while when I used the top quality guy, when I bought say for .7 or .8...he does it 10 for per point, anyways, I would be left with pretty much all that I was sold as cocaine hcl, blew my mind.

It's funny how when I decided I wanted off cocaine I got off it as easily as I wanted...very quickly too. People who ruined my time and energy when I started at the MMT clinic when I had to be inpatient about how their "withdrawal" was several times worse than opiate withdrawals....I had this argument where thankfully, being a full on cokehead, he was the one that got violent...just because they never got past the 16 year old "my drug is more hardcore than yours" mentality. Also, when I had a little temptation a few months later after I stopped in jan 2009, the guy for the good stuff was like "don't call this number anymore", once I met the cool guy who the main delivery guy in the operation and i asked him : "Is the guy still doing his business? he just told me not to call him anymore that one time for no fucking reason? or was it just temporary and the delivery guy went "Nope, there never was a stop to anything." I guess that guy once you stop calling for a month he starts to think you're not a good customer.

What a fucked up shitty world the coke scene is, I'm real glad to be out of that scene. Opiates ruined my life (albeit temporarily) but at least I have medical reasons and the fellow junkie is always much nicer and empathetic, it's crazy the lengths my opi guy would go and go through his own scripts of dillies and HM Contin to help me out when I was sick, and he would give em to me outright, being given 30mg HM Contins is quite something considered its getting into cocaine prices, but you have way more doses for the buck if you know how to abuse them...
crack makes me hyper sexual!!! i have no impotence on it, sex helps the crash alot, and its amazing
have you guys ever known of the 'third world bottle trick'? Here in brazil, people don't smoke with glass pipes, they take any tube, bend it, put tinfoil on the top, poke little holes on it, and add cigarette ashes to do it. that's just how it goes, what can i say?
buuuut.......i've been ingenious with that tinfoil and ashes dealie by putting tinfoil on a big plastic bottle, then the ashes, poke a hole in the bottle and french kiss it while lighting it on the top. it's UNBELIEVABLE how much smoke you get inside the bottle. you can take two extra hits without having to light up the nugget on the top - and huge ones. try it and you won't regret it a single bit. I don't smoke crack regularly but sometimes it's pretty good. it relaxes me, and when i do it, i do 6 to 7 crack rocks on a binge. i don't worry cos there's a wide array of medicine here to help me with the comedown. a bit off topic, but why roofies were banned from the us?