Mental Health Coming off Invega Sustenna (paliperidone)

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Is anyone else - who's been off this medication for more than 6 months - experiencing episodes where you kinda feel more "normal" for about a week or two and then feel shitty/anhedonia for a week or two... and repeat and so on?
Only 12 weeks off the poison, feeling permanently depressed, no real interest or motivation to do any previous hobbies, its only understanding that my dopamine and serotin receptors are still not working properly and won't be permenant that keeps me going, can't say I'm looking forward to christmas this year, only that I'll be close to the 4 month mark.
On the plus side I'm finally tablet free bar the vitamin D and most of the side effects have gone except the sex drive, just feel like I'm still sedated and have no sense of humour or motivation. Just counting each day down till my body and brain recovers.
Got a psych meeting at the end of the month, that should be interesting when I ask why I was injected with this poison in the first place, its a joke and pretty tragic that people are getting forced this dangerous injection against there will when it causes so much damage and is so long acting, its put me off smoking cannabis again which I don't know is a good thing or not, at least I was happy getting stoned, but the risk of having another funny turn and having to be treated in a hospital again is just too much of a risk and would end up making me parra to begin with I think, my medical notes do say I react badly to antipyscotics, but the pyschs are that arrogant or stupid they just go ahead and inject me anyway, fuck what it does to me. Its hard not to be bitter at the treatment I recieved, but I was off my head initially I suppose.
Anyway I'm rambling on, but it is my weekly update and no one else understands or wants to listen to me normally so l'm left to chat away to random strangers on the internet, its the highlight of the week for me at the moment, I'll be telling jokes next week, keep the updates coming and the success stories it gives those at an early stage hope and hopefully prevents anyone from doing anything stupid.
I got injected 5 months ago (July) meanwhile I got 2 blood tests to see how much of this poison was still in me these are the results
11 September 10.7 ng/ml range 20-50
13 November 6.4 ng/ml / / / /
I want to share them so u can get an idea, I know the time it takes for it to be expelled can be different from one person to another but I saw redmanone had exactly same values on his 4th month.

Have a good weekend
They started me on invega while I was hospitized and as far as I know the two starting doses are the same for everyone and these are 236 + 156 mg

There's 150 mg of poison in the 236 one the rest is oils and water and 100 mg in the 156 one.
I've been off invega for 13 weeks. I still feel like I am heavily medicated. I still have all the side effects. I am happier off it though. I think invega is poison
Nurses in psych wards are brainwashed and taught to treat whoever gets in there like subhumans.. Like parassites.. I've been lied about invega been told it was new and it had no side effectes that it would have kept me more relaxed while I had no psychosis and never had one I always had 'anger issues' since I was a child because stuff I've experienced in the past.. they just putted me on this poison dby lying and when I started complaining about my arm hurting so bad after the injection( I could barely move it ) everyone suddenly changed their attitude towards me and ive been called parassite fromthe primary of the ward, at the beginning they kept saying "we" need to find a way out your troubles we this we that after the injection there was just me and the poison they injected me, this poison also makes u unable to say no it removes your will power. That's why I accepted the injections I was tricked they started me on 4mg pills the first night with no questions I didn't say nothing because I was feeling so bad for being in there after everything I would have been fine the day after and wouldn't have took any pills or shit, they knew and that's why they pushed. When u accept to take thos poison u accept without knowing to become a sack of trash money maker for some multi billionaire pharmaceutical companies who have bought the psychiatric industry which is a huge scam business lead by people who cares nothing but the money. Lobotomy still exists and its now in pill and injection form and those are these neuroleptic drugs that came out right in the 50s when some countries started banning the one practised by incision, this is a chemical lobotomy and its reversible most of the times while the other was not.. Unfortunately there are some side effects that are permanent see tardive dyskinesia etc. Now, if u been throught this you certainly been throught hell but you guys that are here chatting from time to time must retain yourself lucky because I bet there could be thousands of people who would like to be able to tell their story too but maybe they are not even able to stand still or make a full sentence or even think about something to say! You my friends must give yourself the time to fight this shit off and trust me you'll be stronger than ever one day because your body got used to fight a destructive chemical toxin... You won't catch a cold or flu anymore, your brain will be stronger you will be stronger, but you must help yourself and you will learn to love yourself with time, being healthy is an habit.

Take care
Have you noticed any improvements screwinvega over the months ?
Have you had depression, lack of concentration, motivation or sexual issues and if so have they got better now your at the 5 month stage, its hard not to feel angry at what has been done to us, you've just got to believe that you'll recover back to normal given time, its just a waiting game.
I'm feeling the depression lifting slightly at the 3 month stage, but I'm still a shadow of my former self, just hoping to be back to normal in 4 to 6 months, according to the half life of the drug it could be 8 months, staying sober hopefully speeds things up, but its starting to get boring and I can see me back drinking in the new year or sooner, the weeds another matter, that I think I need to give up or reduce to night time smoking only in the future, at the moment I'm just in zombie mode.
You are healing, the depression you describe is caused by your central nervous system being damaged by that poison, take it as it is.. your cns is like frozen now and it has this mechanism to keep you safe, because you wouldn't copy well with everyday stimuli now... its quietly healing itself don't push it trying to feel better with substances.. I've been told by my psy dr that I had symptoms of depression (this 1month after the injections ) and he wanted to put me on antidepressant... (bad choice) I said no and also quitted going after a while. Closing relationship with them gave a slight boost.. I was feeling stupid every time I went talking to these drs... imagine being raped and having to go once a week telling how you feel after being raped to the rapist..fool me once.. less smoke in my eyes because of this too.. so now Im living day by day not thinking much about how am I right now.. trying to be always busy.. I know I still have limits I can sense them in certain situations, I still have cervical and back problems I'm actually full of contractures it's been diagnosed and I'm doing ultrasound therapy for it, thats another wall I hope to be able to climb and overcome, it will be another boost.. I used to work out alot heavy lifting before these injections.. it was a passion a lifestyle it helped me so much now it's been 5 months I'm stuck waiting to get back on track.. I was very bulky and after the injections all my body turned against me I had so much pain and tension I couldn't sleep more than 3 hours a night the first 3 months, but I kept my self in bed till the morning anyway.. I didn't permit that poison to change my habits I still tried to follow a healthy routine as much as possible even if sometimes I felt like I couldn't stand it anymore I kept going on.. the sexual issues are still present, it could be the prolactin... dopamine has alot of tasks and one is to keep the production of prolactin in normal range.. when this gets blocked by the poison prolactin gets sky high I still had it sky high 1 month ago it was 29 Ng/ml range 8 to 15 and it was just little bit lower than the month before. Anyway I don't force myself.. I had 3 wet dreams in a week for some reason a couple weeks ago or so.tbh I didn't like it.. and I also know that when u reach orgasm your prolactin increases... dopamine gets released (resulting in feeling little better for short period but having it less) and testosterone decreases for about a week.. dopamine is the reward system..alot of stuff we do in life are influenced by that.. also, addictions are based on it... hopefully I got it across, I still get fogged thoughts when I try to concentrate and elaborate on something but it's for sure better than before and I see it getting better with time and practice

Take care
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I'm seeing a pysch social worker once a month,I don't think its doing me any good, I need to get my life back to where it was 3 years ago before I started drinking and smoking weed during the day after a family tragedy, its what I've got used to. Been reading surviving antidepressants a lot looking for success stories and they keep going on about the CNS getting stressed during withdrawal, can't say I agree with the 10% method on A.P's, better just to be off them if you don't need them, the side effects are just mimicking withdrawal imo.
Managing to sleep for 8 or 9 hours a night at last, was waking up at 5am in the first month and finally not waking up with a constant depression, just going through the motions tho at the moment and not really living my life, need to get interested in my previous hobbies and interests and forget about the weed and weed growing. I am planning on drinking again, but only at night time and plan on returning to the pub next year. Must be getting better because for the last few nights I've been tempted to have a drink, but the longer I go without one the faster I'll recover from this poison.
Its hard believing that this injection can block your dopamine for this long, I try to explain it to family and friends why I'm feeling so shit and they think you should be taking more tablets I think, glad to be finally tablet free, at stages I tried diazipam and beta blockers to try and get some relief from the side effects, thankfully I haven't resorted to anti depressants, I bet the pysch offers them when I see him later this month, I just need dopamine. Will be doing away with the mental health sevices like you very soon, i'll just wait to see what the pysch docter has to say about my treatment in the hospital. If I'd listened to them I would have been having more injections of the poison, luckily I was able to refuse once out of the hospital, its just a pity you can't refuse in the hospital I'd be recovered by now and looking forward to christmas I think.
Its good that you are keeping yourself busy, my days are just spent surfing the internet at the moment, hopefully I'll get some motivation back when I hit the 4 month mark in the new year and the cannabis withdrawal will be a bit easier hopefully, when the sex drive comes back I'll consider myself recovered from the poison, not going to resort to looking for supplements its just a matter of time, I'm not sweating it yet, I'm just grateful the shakes and akathsia have gone, I did get an injection of clopixol aswell in the hospital, can't remember the first month of my stay, then the lunatics give me invega instead because of a bad reaction to one antipsychotic, its a miracle I haven't got PTSD from my stay. Anyhow keep us updated screwinvega and I hope the back recovers.
Once again, a break from the icy grasp of the cold dead fingers of Invega Sustenna. Now approaching the sixth half-life of the medication, which actually starts tomorrow, I feel clearer and more in control. Though this could be the medication really starting to wear off fast now, I'd be selling myself short if I admitted that were true - which it isn't. Through this process I've taken up many techniques, ranging from simple to fairly extreme, and I'll just say that meditation has definitely been a big part of it. If you want get this drug out of your system as soon as possible; you're going about it the wrong way. Reinvent yourself. Take time to really look at your situation and ask yourself, "Why am I here?" "Why am I experiencing this?" In time, you'll have grown and changed and - if you're lucky - have found a way out of this persistent reality distortion... this poison. Or you'll come out the other side none the wiser, having learned absolutely nothing from your experience.
13 weeks, don't know whether its the vitamin D kicking in or getting off the predneslone, but I feel a lot better, had 3 cans of beer last night and can feel like my old self a bit today. Last time I tried beer a couple of months ago it freaked me out. I'm planning on going to the pub a couple of nights a week next week just to get me back to the reality of my previous life pre invega. I'll just have to make sure I don't fall back into the daytime drinking and weed smoking that got me injected with the poison.
Going to join the golf club next year so that should give me something to do during the day a few times a week, hopefully as the months go by my concentration returns so I can chill out some days watching a movie or get jobs done round my house. Just got to take it easy and not expect to much at this stage, but I don't want to be spending next year surfing the internet all the time looking for success stories of people getting off this poison.
The doctor did say the invega has all passed through my kidneys and liver when he did the blood tests, but with the half life I'm still expecting some of my receptors still to be blocked or needing to regenerate and am not yet fully recovered, but I have a sense of optimism for the future for the first time since getting forced this stuff.
I haven't ruled out smoking weed again in the evenings, not the best idea I know, but I managed to do it for 10 years without any problems, its just a matter of recovering during the day and getting some interests and not over doing it, I suppose I should just chill for the moment and be grateful I'm able to have a beer, the weed could be a bit much at this stage, but who knows, I got parra last time because I was growing my own and am on a suspended sentence till march because of it. Its just a matter of not falling back into smoking it all the time, I enjoyed it more at night time previously and am actually feeling like my body and brain could handle it for the first time in 3 months and it might make the next 3 months more enjoyable while the rest of the invega leaves my system and all my receptors return to normal.
Can anyone or can we use this thread to link to success stories? People coming off this drug. We need positive thinking.

Or describe things that have helped you the most? Whether to cleanse/detox it, (what kinds of)? Or combined with drugs, herbs, foods, medicinals, truly medicinal?

Thanks all
The only success stories for coming off Invega on the net are on here, some positive peeps on this thread
Weed helps imo in moderation
Just had a joint
Once again, a break from the icy grasp of the cold dead fingers of Invega Sustenna. Now approaching the sixth half-life of the medication, which actually starts tomorrow, I feel clearer and more in control. Though this could be the medication really starting to wear off fast now, I'd be selling myself short if I admitted that were true - which it isn't. Through this process I've taken up many techniques, ranging from simple to fairly extreme, and I'll just say that meditation has definitely been a big part of it. If you want get this drug out of your system as soon as possible; you're going about it the wrong way. Reinvent yourself. Take time to really look at your situation and ask yourself, "Why am I here?" "Why am I experiencing this?" In time, you'll have grown and changed and - if you're lucky - have found a way out of this persistent reality distortion... this poison. Or you'll come out the other side none the wiser, having learned absolutely nothing from your experience.

How long are you counting for each half life ?
Try adding an anti histamine H1 and H2 blockers like Zantac and Benadryl for the anxiety that might acompany Sustenna withdrawal. It might just work. Im talking 6 months plus after last injection.
Reading up about withdrawal symtoms for invega and it lists anxiety and lack of concentration that can last for 3 months after discontinuation, not sure if its the long half life or withdrawal symtoms that make this so difficult to recover from. Still getting anxiety first thing in the morning, it goes after about 4/5 cigarettes, 3 cups of coffee and a long walk of the dog.
Not sure if drinking and having a joint in the evening is best for recovery, might have to try to have some sober evenings, but as long as I don't start it through the day I can't see it doing much harm, I do feel a bit more foggy first thing. Just want the 4 month mark to come as soon as possible and be recovered from this poison, can notice some slight improvements, but I've got no motivation for doing anything much that I liked doing pre invega, just got to wait it out for the brain to re wire itself I suppose. It would help knowing a more accurate half life, but surely this stuff can't linger in your system for the full 6 half lifes and a lot of the symptoms must be withdrawal based, the anxiety and depression are the worst for me at this stage. I'll not mention the sex drive or lack of, thats got to return soon I hope, feeling chilled at the moment, but its hard not to panick when you've got this poison in your system blocking your dopamine and serotin receptors.
Week 14, at least thats definately 2 half lives gone, don't feel as drugged up, but the depression is just as bad, can't seem to be able to shake it off, had to have a drink last night just to take the edge off it, no weed in 3 days. Not sure whats causing the depression, I'm guessing lack of dopamine, its making getting through each day tougher and tougher, just wondering if others have been through the depression stage and when they noticed an improvement. Its not helping just spending my days at my parents just surfing the net, but I can't seem to get any motivation to do any previous interests, can't even chill in my own house at the moment. My previous 3 years drinking and weed smoking are partly to blame I think, but the hospital treatments don't help, got to get my head round not wanting to spend my day in the pub drinking and getting high, being on the sick is cushy, but I need to be thinking about getting a job again just to be around normal people.
Got to blame the injection for feeling this way, I'm not even at the 4 month stage yet, don't want to have to resort to antidepressants, but I wouldn't mind trying a dopamine agonist, it might even fix the sex drive, iI'll see what the psych says when I see him next week although It will probably be another waste of time. Might even ask for cognative therapy, at least it will be someone to talk to. God this is a depressing post, but I suppose its a depressing thread, most people just move on when they're recovered and its not like there's a magic antedote for this poison, I suppose its just time till the brain rewires itself, I just wish I knew the exact timescale, is it 4 months or is it 8 months or longer and then there's the withdrawal timescale which can be 3 months and how long does the sex drive take before it returns to normal. Surely some recovered posters will return at christmas or the new year to give us an update. Anyhow if I don't return myself happy christmas and an invega free new year.
While I was consistently taking the invega sustenna, and up until just fairly recently, depression was the only emotion I could actually feel. It wasn't until this week that I finally had a significant breakthrough (possibly due to a little something-something) and started feeling all sorts of emotions! Even the things that were making me sad gave me so much joy. I was practically in tears over how much joy I've actually been feeling.
I'm assuming I already hit the withdrawal stage because I started to get this "stiffness" in my neck. Withdrawals went away using magic mushrooms. Haven't had that stiffness since.
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