Mental Health Coming Off Invega Sustenna (Paliperidone) v4

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Did anyone stop anti psychotic medication and recover? I’m sorry wondering if I am going to have to so my brain can heal
Have you read any of my posts??? Being on that medicine just wants u to find the negative stuff but seriously theres so many sucess stories here now i used to have to look up threads years ago for it.
Thank you for responding. I have more severe problems like I used to be writing 4 books at one time and now I can't remember or maybe I just don't have the ability. I can't talk is what I'm saying. All I know is that the part of me that had dreams is lost. I used to literally watch pop culture and know I was going to meet people cause I knew I was going to be famous

Its like, the obliteration of my mind was so long ago I'm starting to think what happened is not relevant to what is happening right now and il just be retarded forever, things were way more specific for me pre invega
I know how you feel. There's people in these threads that've gone through the same. But I don't think you should be saying your issue is more severe out of sheer personal belief on something you sound like you've never gone through. Depression is bad too, like suicidal ideation, considering it, and then in worst case scenario making a plan and acting out on it. The feelings are dark and heavy with a mix of hopelessness and maybe worthlessness. On top of that you're exhausted and fatigued; sometimes to the point that you can't even work. I know your speech means the world to you as you're a writer, but people literally die by their own hands from depression. Not a dulled mind. Mr. Haldol here was considering killing himself earlier in his Invega recovery because he felt hopeless (sorry to bring that up Haldolhell).
You'll get your mental acuity back just like he's back to himself. None of this lasts forever. Just takes awhile.
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So far after 10 months off invega and a total of eight shots. It’s easier for me to talk to people. I uste to just say something stupid because I had nothing to say. Now I still say stupid stuff but it’s easier to talk to people. Still no energy and low motivation. Take adderal to clean the house. Lost 20 pounds of what I gained. (Starting to gain weight from family stress) still no real ideas or creativity. Much more anti social. Better than I was but a long way to go.
Guys I know it’s super rough, but hang in there. You all are super strong people and this will be a story you’ll tell to others one day of how you overcame something so difficult. You will be a better, stronger, and happier person after all of this. Things do get better, just give it time. My messages are open if anyone wants to hear about my recovery or you need encouragement to keep going. YOU DO RECOVER.
Thank you for responding. I have more severe problems like I used to be writing 4 books at one time and now I can't remember or maybe I just don't have the ability. I can't talk is what I'm saying. All I know is that the part of me that had dreams is lost. I used to literally watch pop culture and know I was going to meet people cause I knew I was going to be famous

Its like, the obliteration of my mind was so long ago I'm starting to think what happened is not relevant to what is happening right now and il just be retarded forever, things were way more specific for me pre invega
It's going to take some time to adjust. I understand if you feel like you had severe problems dude i felt like everyone had a better chance at recovering and i was fucked. I was running online businesses. Everything from writing product descriptions to running ads and visiting the post office to ship. I was even making parts from scratch through a 3d printer at one point having to design custom parts for every customer separately. I got manic though and overwhelmed eventually. Got my own apartment before 21. Lost everything though eventually after stress overwhelmed me sleepless nights and lack of proper diet and 20 joints daily on-top of that turned to psychosis. My my positive mindset my music my own meds(tea,weed) stayed for a while. Then the long lasting injectable stole that away from me. I entered the worst state of mind yet. If you thought living without money was sad ur now living with a lack of chemicals in your brain to work (dopamine, euphoria, serotonin). I was actually happy somewhat losing it all cause i could still think positive and feel like i could bounce back.

it's hard for you to look on the bright-side even when i heard of people recovering i thought i was more fucked like i said.

Don't compare just come here for hope. If you have doubts you can address them nicely. Not everyone is the same but most of us had anhedonia,not able to read, concentrate, lost our productivity. Feel free to read through paliperidone-v2 and v3 if you can find them through google. It's mostly filled with complaining but i went through 100's of pages to find that one success story which is on v4 almost overtime i come back. it's going to get better you have to keep that in the back of ur mind and not count the days. If you have to be bidridden for next 7 months. Take this time to plan how you are going to stay healthy when this shot finally wears off. No matter what mental illness you dont take care of urself u can end up on a 5150 having AP's forced upon you.
I'm bipolar and I have to use every last skill i've learned from alternative meds, to basic changing my mind and eating sleeping right. Psychosis is 3 sleepless nights away still.
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Guys I know it’s super rough, but hang in there. You all are super strong people and this will be a story you’ll tell to others one day of how you overcame something so difficult. You will be a better, stronger, and happier person after all of this. Things do get better, just give it time. My messages are open if anyone wants to hear about my recovery or you need encouragement to keep going. YOU DO RECOVER.
I used to kinda low-key not believe/mad when people said stuff like this. It's actually a really proud moment when u finally make it through this pain
I know how you feel. There's people in these threads that've gone through the same. But I don't think you should be saying your issue is more severe out of sheer personal belief on something you sound like you've never gone through. Depression is bad too, like suicidal ideation, considering it, and then in worst case scenario making a plan and acting out on it. The feelings are dark and heavy with a mix of hopelessness and maybe worthlessness. On top of that you're exhausted and fatigued; sometimes to the point that you can't even work. I know your speech means the world to you as you're a writer, but people literally die by their own hands from depression. Not a dulled mind. Mr. Haldol here was considering killing himself earlier in his Invega recovery because he felt hopeless (sorry to bring that up Haldolhell).
You'll get your mental acuity back just like he's back to himself. None of this lasts forever. Just takes awhile.
How are you doing dude? It's nice to see you still on here! One of the few that stayed positive and logical.
I was on it for about a year and a half and my mom started complaining about no emotion and I even started yawning and hanging my mouth and tongue open. I quit about 4 months ago and that stopped but I still have no sex drive please tell me it comes back.
My sex drive is coming back after about 9 months off this shit. I started taking more suppliments like lions mane and st John's wort and also a 5htp suppliment. Everyone's journey is different, and no one's experience can relate to someone else's. All you can do is have faith and keeping that hope alive that one day you will be back to yourself. That's what's getting me through this. Hope. And I've seen glimpses of what life is like on the other side of this. And it's absolutely breathtaking.
My sex drive is coming back after about 9 months off this shit. I started taking more suppliments like lions mane and st John's wort and also a 5htp suppliment. Everyone's journey is different, and no one's experience can relate to someone else's. All you can do is have faith and keeping that hope alive that one day you will be back to yourself. That's what's getting me through this. Hope. And I've seen glimpses of what life is like on the other side of this. And it's absolutely breathtaking.
how's your weight loss journey? is it possible to lose weight? I am pretty much 8 months off Invega but i am still on Ablify injections.
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whats an excuse to get off the shot?
i really want to risk my mental health and get locked up for 28 days.... no but in all seriousness in the UK anyway you can come off 3 months after discharge from hospital i wanted to make sure that i had the best possible chance to stay well if i recovered against my own wishes i decided to stick with it until i got the okay to taper off everything and i’m feeling better every day/week so stay strong.
i really want to risk my mental health and get locked up for 28 days.... no but in all seriousness in the UK anyway you can come off 3 months after discharge from hospital i wanted to make sure that i had the best possible chance to stay well if i recovered against my own wishes i decided to stick with it until i got the okay to taper off everything and i’m feeling better every day/week so stay strong.
I really regret staying on it for as long as I did. The doctor lied and extended my court order. My lawyer wanted to fight it. I regret it very much because I’m afraid I will never get better.
I really regret staying on it for as long as I did. The doctor lied and extended my court order. My lawyer wanted to fight it. I regret it very much because I’m afraid I will never get better.
for me personally i don’t take so much as a pain killer unless absolutely necessary get off all medications (other than stuff for physical health) learn to cope without a single thing how can your brain get back to the natural state if you fill it with stuff that changes the chemistry of it all

How are you doing dude? It's nice to see you still on here! One of the few that stayed positive and logical.
Pretty good man. I'm probably going to be getting off of antipsychotics in June here so i'm stoked for that. It's nice to still see you here too though dude, and it's nice seeing that you're doing a lot better now.
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Invega took my limbs away from me even to this day I am working on getting my life back. This shit is the anti-christ of existence. There really is no God.. they never tested this with the FDA enough to see the side effects I have like mutations in my veins and face, limbs.

There is something to consider about the plasma and abusing invega like I chose to fight it before dying from it so now I am an animal

I can walk and move still and use my arms but not normally I'm still working on doing my own blood transfusion because the condition is so severe that no doctor will side with me And just call me mental.
The weakness in your body must be addressed if you felt that happen to you
Invega distorts your hormonal system that's why it kills you eventually.
I just wish I would recover. I don’t have high hopes because most people have by now. I don’t want to stay like this
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