Mental Health Coming Off Invega Sustenna (Paliperidone) v4

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Is anyone Of u working a 9-5 job after taking this paliperidone?How do u get the motivation to do so
Is anyone Of u working a 9-5 job after taking this paliperidone?How do u get the motivation to do so
I haven't been able to work for the first 6 months. Only now do I feel like I could work so I've applied to deliver for Uber Eats and work as much as I feel I can. I'd get a proper job but I haven't finished uni yet
Is anyone Of u working a 9-5 job after taking this paliperidone?How do u get the motivation to do so
I haven't had a job in two and a half years. While on anti psychotics I honestly couldn't perform simple tasks as my cognition was affected greatly. These drugs have stripped away my self confidence. I had a job interview last week and it was one of the hardest things I had to endure. I sounded like a complete idiot. I have a pretty good job history but the fact that I have no confidence and self esteem and am not very enthusiastic about anything, no one will give me an opportunity unfortunately. And the thing is I'm really only looking for part time. I don't think I could handle full time at the moment. I'll keep on recovering and we'll see how the rest of the spring/summer/fall go. My plan is to be as active as I can. Every nice day I'm either biking or walking. I may take up running once I lose some of this stomach I have grown. It's embarassing when you run and have all this flab bouncing around.
When I first had my "episode" I was on Seroquel, olanzapine and risperdone for about six months. Then they switched me to Invega Sustenna. I was on that for a year. And then they switched it to Abilify. My psychiatrist told me the Abilify would make me want to jump over the moon essentially. It didn't. I stopped taking everything. I haven't had any drugs since December. I'm only now starting to see some improvements. Hopefully by next year, I'll have my confidence back and will be able to perform even a part time job.

I only really started walking and being active back at the end of last summer. I really had to force myself to go for even a half hour. This year though, I thoroughly enjoy being active. Going to the park and listening to the birds is one of the things that makes me feel human. The geese have had their babies and watching them gives me a truly wholesome feeling. There's so much beauty and innocence in the world. Unfortunately humans have ruined most of it.
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Everyone on here consider yourselves lucky you get to recover off of Invega Sustenna some of us still have to take this stupid medication because our brains can’t function without it. You will recover just give it time.
Are you trying really hard to lose weight? Like diet and exercising?
Not at all. I have no appetite since coming off so I barely eat, which is not healthy.
I don’t work out either.
It’s still been steadily decreasing every month.
I have been on AP pills before and I had gained 30 pounds and lost all of it in 6 months. That was 2 years ago.
So this is my second time gaining and losing.
If you're going to fast, it would be a good idea to take a multivitamin tablet, and make sure you're drinking plenty of water, 2 litres/half a gallon of water per day. It's probably not a good idea to fast for more than 48 consecutive hours, and it's definitely not a good idea to fast if you've got a history of eating disorders.

Bumblebee123 said:
That’s too hard for me.
What do you typically eat each day? Do you currently do any exercise at all?
Also, don’t be disheartened.
I was in hell the first 8 months trying to lose weight as well.
And then it slowly starting coming off out of nowhere.
I have still not lost all of it, so it’s a long road ahead for all of us.
Also, don’t be disheartened.
I was in hell the first 8 months trying to lose weight as well.
And then it slowly starting coming off out of nowhere.
I have still not lost all of it, so it’s a long road ahead for all of us.
Are you on any other antipsychotics?
Nothing is getting easier because I’m not going down in weight and getting more fit like I used to be Invega is putting a stop to me getting fit and this just sucks
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Yes I had tried everything.
I was working out for 4 hours every single day and even restricted my calorie intake to 500 calories a day! At one point, I just stopped eating and fasted for 2 weeks and still gained 3 pounds! I also tried multiple weight loss pills but NOTHING worked.
This was basically my life for the first 6 months that I was off Invega.
At the 6 month mark I got tired and just stopped trying and went to back to eating normally and not working out.
At the 8 month mark, I noticed I was down 5 pounds without doing anything.
Yes I had tried everything.
I was working out for 4 hours every single day and even restricted my calorie intake to 500 calories a day! At one point, I just stopped eating and fasted for 2 weeks and still gained 3 pounds! I also tried multiple weight loss pills but NOTHING worked.
This was basically my life for the first 6 months that I was off Invega.
At the 6 month mark I got tired and just stopped trying and went to back to eating normally and not working out.
At the 8 month mark, I noticed I was down 5 pounds without doing anything.
That’s so messed up, and exactly what I don’t want to hear. I’m hoping I have some luck with my injection being brought down to the 25mg mark but with your story I’m second guessing everything and being at 50mgs I can’t even lose a single pound really and I walk twice a day watch my diet and bike ride. I friggen hate this I have no idea what it does to the body to not make it lose weight but it’s driving me absolutely insane. I don’t have another two years to waste to lose this twenty pounds!
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