Mental Health Coming Off Invega Sustenna (Paliperidone) v4

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I think it's safe to say we are fucked guys. Death is our only option
This is absolutely not true. I've read of a lot of people recovering. It just takes time. How long has it been since your last shot?
This is absolutely not true. I've read of a lot of people recovering. It just takes time. How long has it been since your last shot?
I had 4 high dose shots. Its been 2 months since the last dose. I just don't believe in recovery since that entails 100% dissociation of invega from the receptors. As you know the binding is irreversible.
I had 4 high dose shots. Its been 2 months since the last dose. I just don't believe in recovery since that entails 100% dissociation of invega from the receptors. As you know the binding is irreversible.
Once the drug leave your systems completely or is at a really small amount it won’t effect it anymore, and the new receptors will work. People have said that you go back to the person you will before. The people that don’t belief that just ending tricking themselves that there still affected long since there’s nothing left in them.
I had 4 high dose shots. Its been 2 months since the last dose. I just don't believe in recovery since that entails 100% dissociation of invega from the receptors. As you know the binding is irreversible.
It's only been 2 months man. I know that must already seem like a lifetime, but the hard truth is that sometimes it takes people TWELVE months to recover. But the point is that they DO recover. Like I said, it just takes time. Definitely don't give up yet!
I had 4 high dose shots. Its been 2 months since the last dose. I just don't believe in recovery since that entails 100% dissociation of invega from the receptors. As you know the binding is irreversible.
Cell will absorb the receptor and create new one. And only irreversable antagonism is on one serotonin receptor ht5(I think) which is not for mood but for memory. But when receptors get antagonised a lot they might die and than you experience bad wave until they recover. But as time goes they die less because less poison is in you. You can help them to recover faster and be more durable by eating well. I almost dont experience waves, it goes constantly to better(but very slowly) for me, never backwards.
Cell death might happen if you don't eat well because cells are weak and cant absorb dead receptor properly and process of absorbtion stops in progress (but it is rare)
It's only been 2 months man. I know that must already seem like a lifetime, but the hard truth is that sometimes it takes people TWELVE months to recover. But the point is that they DO recover. Like I said, it just takes time. Definitely don't give up yet!
Yes 2 months seems like 2 lifetimes.
I think it's safe to say we are fucked guys. Death is our only option
I had 2 shots and I'm 2 months off and see mood improvements, enjoy writing on this forum, enjoy walks(30 % as before), enjoy (15 % as before) in good movie, no insomnia, enjoy showers(30 % as before), enjoy talking with friends on themes which interests me(15 % as before). All of this I didn't enjoyed before 1 month. This still suc*s but I see improvement. I was total zombie before a month and could not even read this forum cuz my brain hurt by reading. Because you had more shots you have to give it more time but it will come. Until then do what you can to help your body. I suggest you force yourself to go to walks in nature for 1-2h in morning and in the evening. And try to stay in bed as long as you can in mornings(play subliminals from guy who recommended it before few days, it relaxes). After I started taking turmeric 2 tea spoons per day I felt worth improvement in mood.
Cell will absorb the receptor and create new one. And only irreversable antagonism is on one serotonin receptor ht5(I think) which is not for mood but for memory. But when receptors get antagonised a lot they might die and than you experience bad wave until they recover. But as time goes they die less because less poison is in you. You can help them to recover faster and be more durable by eating well. I almost dont experience waves, it goes constantly to better(but very slowly) for me, never backwards.
Cell death might happen if you don't eat well because cells are weak and cant absorb dead receptor properly and process of absorbtion stops in progress (but it is rare)
About the seratonin receptor…is there anyway it will regrow? Memory is important so how do we fix this?
I don’t think dopamine and serotonin receptors regrow or regenerate. I think that invega causes permanent damage to them and they do not recover. The evidence being the hundreds of people who don’t recover at all.
I don’t think dopamine and serotonin receptors regrow or regenerate. I think that invega causes permanent damage to them and they do not recover. The evidence being the hundreds of people who don’t recover at all.
All parts of the brain are capable of regenerating or reassigning the nerve cells to different functions, including receptors. It's called neuroplasticity.
Then why are there so many people who don’t recover?
You are exaggerating the number of people who don't recover. It's not helping you or other people in this thread. This thread is for giving and receiving SUPPORT and for sharing recovery stories, not for fear mongering and making up data.
I had 4 high dose shots. Its been 2 months since the last dose. I just don't believe in recovery since that entails 100% dissociation of invega from the receptors. As you know the binding is irreversible.
U will. I was literally here saying that wanted to commit suicide .I'm in month 8.Trust me ,u still won't believe what I said because I was in the same position as u
You are exaggerating the number of people who don't recover. It's not helping you or other people in this thread. This thread is for giving and receiving SUPPORT and for sharing recovery stories, not for fear mongering and making up data.
I think you’re underestimating it. I’ve ton a shit ton of research and it sure seems to me that the majority of people don’t recover. I would go a step forward and say that no one actually recovers. The dopamine receptors are permanently damaged. The people who “recover” simply get used to feeling the way they do over time. I don’t think anyone actually gets their dopamine back. I haven’t seen a single case of someone being able to get high again unless it was extremely early on. That means the receptors aren’t working. I would bet if any of these recovery stories tried to get high that they wouldn’t be able to. That’s bc of the permanent damage to the receptors. This is seriously potent shit. It fucks your brain up for life.
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