Mental Health Coming Off Invega Sustenna (Paliperidone) v.2

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@Jonnyhalo : thanks man. I know what you mean when you say you have to agree with everybody. I had the same problem and it was horrible. You had seven shots, hmmm... I bet you are going to feel better after 300 days off. Regarding the remaining side effects, you could be an average healer which means that it may take 10 to 14 months for you. There is hope for everybody in this thread.

Best regards
I remember reading on here that months 1 to 4 is like a Hell Phase. Months 4 to 8 is called "Zombie Mode" or Zombie Phase lol.. I'm basically a Walker for another 3 1/2 months. Zack's in like a Heaven Phase.. Or no Normal mode now huh lol..
Hey everyone,
I recieved a total of 4 injections (156*2 and 117*2) for acute psychosis. I'm currently 2.5 months off and I can see some improvements as in cognitive functions, behavior and social interactions. There's definitely room for improvements as cognition, mood, creativity and skills acquired before. Hopefully by 7-8 months off I'll be 80% back to normal. I'm currently having examinations in med school which isn't easy being affected by this poison. Hope everyone has a speedy recovery!
Another thing that gets me is that I haven?t had 8 hours of sleep in 6 1/2 months and I don?t feel tired at all. Imagine not sleeping for 6 months straight. I thought I?d be going crazy by now. I just want this to wear off so I can get back to my life that I had before. This is hell
@lifeline I too went 6 months without sleep. I tried sleeping pills which don't work because of the invega. I also tried cannabis at most I felt a buzz like if I smoked a cigarette, but not a high; that helped me sleep lightly for about 6 hours. A psychiatrist I had, started testing me so I had to give that up. Even though I have a medical card and it worked somewhat for me to sleep. So now i drink a cup of chamomile tea and just lay in bed with my eyes closed. It feels almost like a deep meditation not sleep at all, just a very light sleep. I never feel tired and when i told the psychiatrist that, she said i must be manic lol. I'm like, ok because i can't sleep i must be manic. Gtfoh. Psychiatrist are starting to prescribe people with insomnia ap's, even though one of the known side effects is insomnia. They will find any reason they can, to drug people.
I wonder or is the hope how our brain will do to become normal again, in any case force you because this E crap It's a fight of 7/7 24/24 @Nvegasux
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@neuroleptique33 it's really a struggle. I know the first 2 months it was unbearable. Just absolutely couldn't think of anything. Idk I think I've just become used to it. I try explaining to the pill pusher that I have no thought, no inner voice, and they just treat me as if they don't understand. My psychologist seems to get it but all he can say is he's sorry. No one can reassure me that I'll get my thoughts back. Our thoughts come from our cerebrum the largest part of the brain. So this drug not only blocks dopamine but shuts down other parts of the brain like cerebrum and prefrontal cortex. It's a lobotomy. My psychologist said they'd rather see us shuffling and out of it than for us to act out of the norm. That I should learn to live with it. So idk if you or i will get our thoughts back. I can't live like this so that is an unacceptable answer. I'm trying to wait until this poison is out of my system but everyday is a struggle. I don't want to die but I don't want to live like this either.
@nvegasux I?m sorry to hear you have/had the same problems. I?ve tried Trazodone, Ambien, Doxepin, melatonin, and another one but nothing has worked...I?m so over being in this state of being...are you sleeping now or feeling any better?
@lifeline I'm sorry you're going through this too. Idk if I'd call it sleep lol. I got tired of staying up all night watching tv so now I just lay in bed. Close my eyes and I can lightly sleep for a couple hours. It's like I'm in between wakefulness and sleep. So i feel unrested. It's been 5 months since the last injection. Not feeling any better
No thoughts
No emotions (if I cry it's a couple tears, if I laugh I can do so without it feeling forced but can't feel happiness)
Can't fuck
Can't get high even red bull and coffee have no effect.
Basically just a zombie
Besides sleep are you feeling any better?
@lifeline I just read your post from earlier today. Yea people in our lives don't understand. When you have no thought doing ANYTHING is a task. Even though you have a degree doesn't mean your mentally able to do the job. How can you if you can't think?! I used to be a massage therapist my mind doesn't remember how to do it. Also without any emotion I can't connect with the client. My best advice is try to get out every once in awhile. It's hard but sometimes a change of environment even for a lil while helps.
Don't worry people your thoughts will come back, I can think pretty clearly and even overthink a bit, but it's different, I used to deeply overthink all day, now I'd say my thinking is 75-80% of what it was pre Invega. I can promise you it does get better.
I had your same problems with sleeping guys, for 5 months, exercise helps a lot to sleep, or at least in my case it works
Our psychiatrist who we do this I'd like to fuck them all it's bastard, if it's permanent praying for mine, she's going to spend a nasty quarter of an hour.. , everyone wants the same thing and I think people like me will never find that, how can you? That's a big question..
Xeplion 1 injection temps moyen de remission : 10.5 mois
Metaltommy : 5 mois
LifeAfterInvega : 8 mois
Copperdome : 15 mois
NotAPsycho : 15 mois
2 injections temps moyen de remission : 13.3 mois
HateInvega : 4.5 mois
Koz26 : 12 mois
Momogus : 13 mois
Anhedonia67 : 8.5 mois
Nathan Cissel : 10 mois
PhuckInvegga : 21 mois
Redmanone : 12 mois
Starkid : 32 mois
Khaverim7 : 12 mois
Jmorin : 13 mois
zack365 : 8 mois
3 injections temps moyen de remission : 11 mois
Robe11 : 11 mois
SurvivedXeplion : 10 mois
Bad Robot : 12 mois
4 injections temps moyen de remission : 10 mois
Decisive : 10 mois
5 injections temps moyen de remission : 13 mois
Symbolicone09 : 12 mois
Shay96 : 10 mois
Lazar : 11 mois
Unexpected175 : 18 mois
6 injections temps moyen de remission : 15.3 mois
Steph78 : 11 mois
Dirtyinvega : 20 mois
Rel : 15 mois
12 injections temps moyen de remission : 4 ans 2 mois (50 mois)
Invegauser : 5 ans 4 mois
Iridiscentblack : 3 ans
24 injections temps moyen de remission : 18 mois
Jmoore52 : 17 mois
KyliePsychic : 19 mois

1 injection : 10.5 mois
2 injections : 13.3 mois
3 injections : 11 mois
4 injections : 10 mois
5 injections : 13 mois
6 injections : 15.3 mois
12 injections : 50 mois
24 injections : 18 mois
When I read that list and I see many people took more than a year I feel there's still hope. Thank you Zack for updating it.
@empty1128 it's good you have some of your thoughts back. Reading that gives me a little hope that mine will return. I loved overthinking. I just knew so much and learned quickly. My happy place was my mind. I hope with you getting your thoughts back, your emotions will soon return
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