Mental Health Coming Off Invega Sustenna (Paliperidone) v.2

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my libido has been gradually coming back but I am thankful and have a girlfriend who is helping me. being in this recovery phase is dehumanizing, and shameful what it does to you, as I felt useless having sex at first because I couldn't do anything I was so weak and couldn't feel anything. those problems are starting to go away though.

I have a hard time conversing with others in public, online I feel fine but when I have to think of the words on the fly, it's kind of obvious there is something wrong with me, I hate it.

All I'm trying to do is accept that this is who I'm going to be for awhile and it may never get better I don't know for sure, everyone says healing is possible but I am starting to come to terms that this is just who I am going to be thanks to the invega now I'm slower in general. I hate what invega has done to me but if I didn't take it I may not be here.
Baylissa's Sunday Encouragement: I know sometimes I sound like a stuck record and what I write is repetitive. But I do this to invalidate the withdrawal voice that lies so convincingly. Every day it says things that aren?t true. ?Maybe I will be the person who does not heal.? ?I am getting worse, not better.? ?I won?t make it.? ?None of my friends are healing.? ?Maybe I am permanently damaged.? ?My body can?t survive this stress.? So this is why I repeatedly say to you: ?You are not going to be that one person who does not heal.? ?You are getting better, not worse. Recovery is a time issue and time is passing. With each new day, you are one day closer to the end of withdrawal.? ?You WILL make it. You have the strength to do this and you will.? ?Your friends, too, are healing. There may be nothing dramatic yet, but even if they are a bit ahead of you, or maybe just after you (in the context of time off the drug), you will all heal. It?s just taking longer than anticipated, but they will recover and so will you.? ?You are not permanently damaged. Think ?neuroplasticity??. Plus it?s way too soon to even consider such a thing. Focus on recovery, because that is where you are headed.? ?Yes, your body can handle the stress and it will. Your resilience is part of what is keeping you going. You are strong enough. You will survive this.? Everything stated above is true. You don?t even need to believe it to heal. The reality is that withdrawal is temporary and recovery is the outcome. Keep going? Keep going? Keep going. You can and you WILL make it. Sending healing thoughts and wishes, Baylissa
I?m trying to study now and it?s much harder to focus now than it was preinvega, I don?t feel like I?m reading I feel like I?m just staring
@invegaisnotgood : I had the exact same symptom until around day 125 then it improved to the point where now I can read and study almost "normally".
People that are at 9 months off Invega, do you feel back to normal yet? I?ll be at 9 months by December 17, and I?m debating whether or not to go see my extended family for Christmas based on whether or not I still feel mentally disabled
@specified: you have to bang! Let us know how it goes if you go next week. As we all know libido is a serious issue for those who have taken invega so it's a worthy topic to discuss. My libido during zombie phase was non existent but it did come back eventually.
Don't know if it will be next week depending on cash flow. Also it could be a waste of money and awkward seeing as I can't get it up at a brothel as most brothel girls are hotter than your average girl on the street.
How do you know if it's 80% water 20% semen?
I wouldn't have sex with hottest woman in the world since I have no sensitivity down there, also my orgasm is weird, I feel something, it is different compared to month five, yet it doesn't feel good, I lack of better words to describe it, I would call it anhedonic orgasm, because I can feel something happening in my brain but it is not pleasing... Not to mention the ejaculation "quality", 80% water 20% semen... Sorry for tmi.
@Empty1128: it's called watery semen buddy. too liquid and not thick enough. that'll happen and is better than no semen or ejaculation at all. that not so good feeling in your brain is a sign you are intense when it comes to coitus and also that something is starting to work right. it's called your receptor is waking up. it's better than anorgasmia. i knew you were a lady killer, this proves it XD.

@Specified: really?! don't see how things build up in your mouth while you sleep? your mouth has more germs in it than a toilet does. it's a literal breeding ground of germs and diseases. plaque never stops, it's adding crap to your teeth from air you breathe, stuff coming back up from your stomach (where do you think digestive acids in your mouth com from?) and foods or other things that go in there but your teeth decay over time and this adds to it. brushing twice a day helps keep the enamel from going away cause once it's gone, it doesn't come back (i have no more left now, bummer. thanks invega :(). flossing keeps the crap in between your teeth that your brush can't reach from getting worse. rinsing... i'm sure you knew all of this already.

or are you trying to make another best of thread? (cough hands cough)

welcome back shades, how was your trip?

to the room: this is a quick in and out but so far what you all experience is pretty normal. someone please think on the fact that trinza would have a longer delay release mechanism than the once a month invega/xeplion injection does. plus there's more fat in your butt and your hip than your arm usually. so ya, it's going to kinda take a lil while longer to break down but not decades.

we still have ladies here so sex talk good, making them uncomfortable bad.

@Jonnyhalo: welcome to the thread. lot's of info as i'm sure you read in both threads. please keep asking questions, visiting here and putting your recovery process first. it does get better, promise. btw it's called anhedonia. it sucks and constitutes most of the zombie phase but it doesn't last forever. hang in there.
@Empty1128: it's called watery semen buddy. too liquid and not thick enough. that'll happen and is better than no semen or ejaculation at all. that not so good feeling in your brain is a sign you are intense when it comes to coitus and also that something is starting to work right. it's called your receptor is waking up. it's better than anorgasmia. i knew you were a lady killer, this proves it XD.

@Specified: really?! don't see how things build up in your mouth while you sleep? your mouth has more germs in it than a toilet does. it's a literal breeding ground of germs and diseases. plaque never stops, it's adding crap to your teeth from air you breathe, stuff coming back up from your stomach (where do you think digestive acids in your mouth com from?) and foods or other things that go in there but your teeth decay over time and this adds to it. brushing twice a day helps keep the enamel from going away cause once it's gone, it doesn't come back (i have no more left now, bummer. thanks invega :(). flossing keeps the crap in between your teeth that your brush can't reach from getting worse. rinsing... i'm sure you knew all of this already.

or are you trying to make another best of thread? (cough hands cough)

welcome back shades, how was your trip?

to the room: this is a quick in and out but so far what you all experience is pretty normal. someone please think on the fact that trinza would have a longer delay release mechanism than the once a month invega/xeplion injection does. plus there's more fat in your butt and your hip than your arm usually. so ya, it's going to kinda take a lil while longer to break down but not decades.

we still have ladies here so sex talk good, making them uncomfortable bad.

@Jonnyhalo: welcome to the thread. lot's of info as i'm sure you read in both threads. please keep asking questions, visiting here and putting your recovery process first. it does get better, promise. btw it's called anhedonia. it sucks and constitutes most of the zombie phase but it doesn't last forever. hang in there.
Oh yeah I kind of knew that things build up in my sleep in my mouth but didn't see it as much of a worry to brush my teeth in the morning as I do at night. I didn't know that plaque never stops. I never had that talk with my parents, in fact my parents never really told me anything as I was growing up which is why i'm so fucked up now. Flossing I don't floss but will try and remember to change my habits. I didn't make the best of thread it was the member LandsUnknown or something like that, but I guess maybe I contributed to it somehow I don't know how.
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@invegaisnotgood I have the same thing with the reading! It feels like I just stare at something and no information process is happening in the brain. You're at month 7 and still have that problem! Man I'm so afraid I will never be intelligent again... @invegauser Does that get better? The information process and the intelligence, rational/logic thinking/understanding? Clear mind?
@invegaisnotgood How is your sleep? Do you have problems with it? How many hours do you sleep?
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woah invegauser made an appearance from the wild! hope you stay with us.
I'm having a hard time getting it up (no pun intended) but I'm hoping the problem goes away, feels like I lost my down town. Makes me wish I was a woman so I didn't have to try to get it up atleast... terrible poison, I don't know when it'll get better, I have good days and bad days.
So good to have his energy (invegauser) back. Do not you pull the �� completely.
14 weeks

No major improvements so far. I felt i was doing better at 12 weeks off but it was just a glimpse of recovery i guess. I go everyday for a 2 hour walk and i always feel like shit afterwards. I have no motivation to shower or brush my teeth and i just spend my whole day watching movies. No libido still, although lately my penis grew when i was having sexual thoughts, but the erection is never complete if you know what i mean. Still ejaculate sometimes during my sleep. I decided to stop the anti depressant since i read it can have side effects like lack of libido.

My sleep schedule is completly backwards, i go to bed at 07:00 am and wake up at 15:00, sometimes i wake up several times during the night, sometimes i don't. I noticed that if I drink alcohol my night of sleep is far worse and ofcourse i still can't get drunk.

I'm getting desperate with this shit and I'm often getting suicidal thoughts since I feel like i don't have reasons to live for but I always convince myself that I have to be stronger than this injections and everything will return to normal.

I hope you guys are doing better than me
@drugsoff welcome to the board. Thank you for sharing your story. Another feedback of someone past 3 months still in zombie zone. I can sense I am normal at this stage moving into my 2nd month no injection.
I think it's amazing that people from around the world have stumbled onto this forum because of one reason, the medication that was given to them. We live vastly different lives in completely different countries and cultures but we all share common stories, almost feels like fate in a way. We have created this support network for each other because those who have never taken the medication do not know what it's like nor do they care because they're after a quick solution to a complex problem. I really think the psychiatry community need to tap into this forum and read our stories so they can see how debilitating the side effects are, maybe then would they reconsider administering the drug. To them it's a simple jab in the arm or buttock but for us it's a life altering moment that can lead to depression, anxiety, suicidal thoughts, insomnia, blurry vision, speech difficulties, cognitive difficulties, rigid movement, social awkwardness, fatigue, stress, no motivation, no pleasure, hopelessness. If that isn't a bad list of side effects then I don't know what is? I am holding onto hope that one day our voices will be heard and they will stop administering invega due to harmful side effects, just like they have done with other drugs in the past. Thats my rant for today. As far as my recovery journey I am coming up to my ninth month of withdrawal and I'm 90-95 percent recovered. I still deal with a little insomnia and stress from work. Hang in there those early in withdrawal it does get better!
seeing as you asked so nicely @dellad. a few questions before i get back to working on things.

@Rosi71: i'm happy you got time with Elias. don't give up on him, he loves his mum and wont forget about her. children have it deep inside them. you will see in time. try dark chocolate once a night but no wine, it might help kick on the receptor. europe chocolate not american chocolate cause it's better for you and less crap than american food has in it.

@robe11: doing better, much improvement. keep it up. as far as the fatigue you mentioned goes, yes. it get's worse the more we push ourselves. we're all different and half can be active while half of us can't be but that's why i say know your own personal limits. don't want to over load yourself and make things worse. the intense dreams are your mind preparing to slow way down due to the stress the poison causes, it's your brain taking care of itself while healing. basically that part of your dream factory is offline until healed. it's only temporary.

Yeshuah said:
invegauser took AP's for a very long time and is (to this day) experimenting with different kinds of drugs, such as Adderall, Benzos and who knows what else.
ouch friend. i wont take it personally cause i know what you were getting at. good attempt cause it's the thought that counts. i actual look forward to being med and drug free for a very long time if not forever as i have been for a lil while now. you asked a lot of questions that are what we all ask and are worried about while healing, your experiencing things we all do/did so that's a good thing right?! it's a good sign you will fully heal and everything will return like pre-invega. (it's really hard to read and follow while suffering so could you please insert some paragraphs in txt to break it up and make it easier for some to read? thank you) and yes, reading does get better. before i started another stupid video game i had my tv shut off for 3 whole days while i read a book. i can foolow it, read each word, get lost in it and understand it again. it's one of my personal ways i knew i would be healed. i wanted to read again so bad, after i beat this game i'm gonna put a huge dent in the stack of books i've been collecting for 8 years and throw this tv out once and for all.

@I_WANT_TO_RECOVER: why do you feel like crap, can't get out of bed and why is this happening? cause the receptor is overloaded. it's the anhedonia on top of your body and brain having taken on too much. when they are ready to get back on with working at recovery they will, in due time. until then take it one day at a time and focus on getting past this part. i know you were venting and that's a good thing, it's part of what this thread is here for.

@Ho-Chi-Minh: agreed. on the topic of psych meds and receptors: some of the same receptors are targeted by different psych meds but not all are. the 4 injections that seem to carry the same side effects that are pretty debilitating (as well as the dreaded anhedonia) with a pretty wide spread set of people are zyprexa, abilify, invega and haldol. as i've mentioned in the past i've taken all of those in pill form but not abilify, they were not too shabby and i could see them helping others with what ails them. risperidone has the same active ingredient as invega does (palliperidone) but resperidone came first, agreed there is a difference between the two.

@Offvega: yes, walking, running, talking and a lot of other things are slower with other complications. it's cause our brain is lagging. it all gets better in time, you'll see the closer you get to being healed. yes, there is hope. it is temproarily disabled but those who have come before you and healed are living proof that you will too. HAHAHA!, tell me about it, idk how many times i lost track of people coming and going in this thread alone; made being a negative exception suck even more but your still within average healing time. you'll get there. rock on at the concert.

@invegaisnotgood: cough syrup feeling still, that's ok. you might be stronger in some way than others. it's not the first time anyone has heard of it. you might be resisting the effects of the invega more, the feeling we think is the receptor working at it's most base level. it's not healing super quickly but it is an attribute of a positive exception. very cool. ya, i felt like the r-worded cousin too (btw retarded is a huge no no word in today's world, jsut a heads up) and i powered through it if i could show up for the day. it's important to remember this is not you, it's the poison making you this way so use that to redouble your efforts into remembering who you are and then get back to healing. why? cause it doesn't matter what people think, when you're healed your going to blow away any misunderstandings they have about you anyway with your awesomeness.

@shadypenguin: yes, less oily and smelly urine is a good thing. if there is a strong odor to urine that smells like vitamins and has a darker yellow color in appearance it usually means you need to drink more water as your organs are passing more concentrated bad things out of you to work more efficiently. clear and watery urine is usually the best cause your body isn't hampered with other things and flushing itself correctly. your not really choosing to be a downer, no one is. it's the poison doing this to you because that positive receptor isn't working for now. wait and see when it starts working again, you will understand. so don't worry about it and try the best you can. it's all anyone can do for now.

@Empty1128: thanks for adding to the list nybryx started. good follow through. your still working on the english thing and that's good, it's ok your not the bestest ever at it and i really appreciate you try as well as i'm really sorry we all don't speak italian. so there will be some miscommunication when you give your opinon here. don't stop trying to help others and do good, just let others know where your coming from and misunderstandings will get sorted out. it's nice to see you had a window, it will keep happening more and more until the windows melt into pre-invega days.

@dellad: ya, it really sucks not taking a shower daily doesn't it. good news is i take one every time i want to now. brushing the teeth too.

@Specified: i didn't have anyone looking out for me growing up much either. wonderful day and age we live in with the net. also whenever i see a doctor of any kind i listen very closely to what they tell me and ask questions so i can remember it all and not let those i care about go through the same thing i did. my nieces and nephews as well as friends have better habits and lives from it. sorry i still don't know what makes the libido come back other than just being healed but if i hear of anything i'll definitely let you know shades.

@Jonnyhalo: sorry if i seemed curt about the anhedonia yesterday. anhedonai lasts for the bulk of the healing process and clears up more after your first window and the windows and waves phase starts happening. it is only temporary and doesn't last forever.

@Drugs off: you noticed the sleep thing too huh. my sleep was crazy, more so than yours but yes, a lot of people go through that. smart move in laying off the alcohol, it taxes the creative and emotional side of our brains while healing. better sleep comes from it like you say. i hope you get past the frustration soon and don't go through with acting on your thoughts. it's not worth it but you are. sorry the poison has done this to you. you got a strong outlook on the healing process and your being a trooper. thanks for the words and sharing your strength with others here.

@zack365: good questions. i think what your experiencing is what we all do but you notice it more acutely on the way out the door. i think what this means for you is being healed sometime in the near future. your brain is discovering itself again, going through the rooms in the house of the mind that were once closed off from you by the poison for so long. it's time to flip the lights back on, take a look around, clean them up a bit and organize each one to how you like having your brain set up if that makes sense. the lights are coming back on and the doors are being opened again naturally as that's what the receptor does, the rest is up to you as you go along. it will feel familiar shortly enough.

to the room: if i forgot anyone or didn't address anything, my apologies. feel free to post it and i'll get back to you. i was going to check in again in awhile. for now i've got a lot of work to do before my symptom kicks in fully and i'm half way back to where you all are at now. i'm enjoying things again, haven't relapsed, stayed drug free and everything is just like it was pre-invega.

you all seem to be doing better and we got a few new recruits here, thanks for helping them find there way and including them here. we have a few who made huge strides in healing in just a short week, killer!

you all can and will heal. it's a matter of time, understanding and effort.

heal quickly. peace.
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