Mental Health Coming Off Invega Sustenna (Paliperidone) v.2

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20 year old only.. I'm so sorry for what happened to you at your age :'(
Can you help me find some positive recovery storys in this thread and posting them one by one?
I'm re-reading everything again and want to post them for us as a reminder
From metaltommy of v1 thread:

After 4 - 5 months, it seems I am now back to normal. I had terrible insomnia since my injection. Everyday I could not sleep, always waking up before I could get enough rest (just 6 hours), and even then could not fall back asleep. For 4-5 months, I did not get even a single good nights rest! I hated it, I felt like crap everyday.?

But now, I can sleep! Being fully rested feels incredible.?

I only took one injection of invega. I dunno the dose, standard I assume. Don't lose hope mates! Like you guys, I was unsure it would ever end, but as long as there is a little bit of hope, you will keep going. Seeya later mates!

can you also link it? and be carefull and safe it first and then go on reading, because there are people that thought they'd recovered and then came back and said that it was just a window
The most positive profiles I can find here, click on Find latest posts on the profile page to see their posts
@Yeshuah, here you have all the people who recovered. You just have to check their latest posts from their profile's link. Good luck
(healed after 10 months)
I just came back to say that since 2 days ago I really feel good, a feeling of sweet wellness and I have waves of emotions even stress (the good one which pushes you to achieve things). It all happened when I was invited to stay at home with all of my best friends because one of them is going to get married. I was so happy for the bride and to meet all of them again (we were always busy with university) that felt a burst of emotions, and a sweet wellness and it lasts until now I hope it will continue like this :)
That's the reason why even if you feel nothing, force yourself to stimulate your mind and soul to help your brain to recover quickly: go out, meet good friends or family, enroll a sport club, whatever, by the time I swear that you'll see some noticeable improvements, just be patient. Each day is a new day with some amount of poison eliminated!

With love ♡

Thanks @zack365 but it is actually making things worse... because they keep on saying that they recovered but their brain has never got the same again! :(
Please join us again and let us know how you feel today!!
Have you read through the posts @zack365 they all say that it was never like before and it took them all 1 year and a few months.... (Sorry for spaming, still trying to find some positive recovery storys)
(Recovered ?fully? after 10 months)
I got Xeplion injection back in december 2016. Total of 3 shots. The following 8 months were the worst of my life. I had to end going to university, move back to my parents house and abandon my friends. I literally couldn't function anymore, like others have said. I had the same symptoms as others here, so I'm not going to go into detail of those. But I just wanted to drop by and say that after about 10 months, I recovered fully. Of course my life is still in shambles, but I'm no longer feeling suicidal because of the crippling effects of Xeplion. My mood is a lot brighter and I have hope for the future, I'm trying to get back into school and hopefully sometime in future I can start living my own life again.

To anyone who is still under the influence of Invega/Xeplion and feels like there is no hope left, just wait. Wait, wait and wait a little bit more. If you're like me, you will find yourself feeling better as time goes on. Don't give up. I too thought that the damage was permanent, but it definitely wasn't for me. Hang in there and the real you will be back, trust me!

This thread was really important for me in the beginning and I remember reading pretty much every post back then. I never posted myself, but I thought it never hurts to share a successful recovery story. Just try to relax and remember that the best way to speed up your recovery is to do things that make you feel happy even for a second. It's hard in the beginning of your recovery process, but it gets better!
Yes, I'm fully recovered ! :)
I feel exactly like my prior state: a lot of motivation, emotions, interests, I'm very talkative, very deep and fast thoughts, and I'm never bored!
It took me about 10 months (6 half lives) to recover everything, knowing that I had in total 400 mg injected.
I let everyone know this big news at the page 10 of this second thread because I wanted to give you hope, I know what it feels to be stuck in a dark tunnel, but I swear that yes everything has an end and that there's a light at the end of this tunnel.
If you want to discover my progress, I started posting and sharing updates in this previous thread since the page 25.

Take care
(Recovered within 10 months)
Hey guys. I'm a recovery story from halfway this year. I was able to get high drunk all that within 10 months of recovery I was having a really hard time with arrhythmia for my heart with normal day stuff then exercise.

Definitely look into vegterian ism that was the straw that broke the camels back. I have a normal - lower heart rate now because of veggies and I feel like my old self again. That and I would tell u guys also to look into CBD oil (the legal kind) for all others.

Recovery is possible, this stuff is terrible, but u will get through it.

Good luck guys
I could only feel good in one dream, that what I wished so much, that my child is ok and healthy and has love. Then when I dreamt this, I felt good. But other dreams I can not dream, only sometimes very short that I was by the house of my parents but then I remembered what happened with my child and that my mother is not living anymore and then I felt a very very big fog of sadness. There is a very big wall of negative emotions in me but they cannot awake in my dream.
hi Rosi71 I feel so sorry for you :( :( I don't know what advise I can give you to be honest. I'm searching through the internet on and on but I can't find any solution for our problems. I start thinking that the government is banning information about how to recover from this horrible drug..
@Rosi71 I wouldn't worry much about your dreams, that's the smallest problem we have. I'm more worried that we ever get able to feel life again and think like we used to :( :( Please God! HELP US!!
@zack365: HateInvega was fast but not the record breaker, only for this site i think. i heard of one other person who had one or two injections and healed in a matter of a couple months. another who had up to 5 and healed in a couple months. though i can't confirm this, %80 accurate. we're all different.

@Yeshuah: no but i do eat regular beats.

i'm glad to see your enthusiasm for wanting to bring hope and support to the thread.

if your scared it's because you are adjusting to what's happening to you and this too shall pass in time. it's the initial phase where everything is new but not in a good way, your having a hard time coming to terms with what it going on, xeplion injections were never invented before the last 10 years so you have nothing to compare it to. over time you will adjust and settle into this. it's scary but we all go through it at first.

beesinthetrap is a woman as she has stated in posts, she is temp banned. she pops up with alt accounts every month or so. Tina3000 has popped up in the last year or two with a couple posts but doesn't hang around long. i think she is still healing but not sure.

the average healing time is 8-14 months with a 2 year cap. those who heal in less time usually do so within 8 months or less. thankfully there are more short term healers than long term ones. don't be scared by my experience. i have gone through just about everything anyone else has gone through with the exception of gynecomastia and what women experience, i've almost shaken the last of it off now. i'm a negative exception (and an extreme one at that) but that doesn't mean you will take as long as me. i hope no one ever does.

remember that not everyone who has been on this site has had a mental illness. quiet a few were misdiagnosed with temporary psychosis due to drug use, there are other reasons as well. so when someone says they fully healed but their brain doesn't work the same it might not necessarily be so. we are patient and give them time.

drink lots of water, try some vitamins or other things that will help ease your suffering or help to find the antidote. exercise whenever you can. keep checking in here. and above all else your healing comes first so stay distracted during times like this so your not ruminating on things and get more upset then need be. socializing when you can helps too. i have yet to hear of anyone who has not fully healed yet so everything is going to be ok.

this phase your going through wont last much longer so hang in there.
Yes please God help us!! But he helped not for such a long time and the dreams that are away, the vivid sparks when sleeping, that is also a bad sign. If I could only feel really good in my dream, it would be better than nothing.
Yes please God help us!! But he helped not for such a long time and the dreams that are away, the vivid sparks when sleeping, that is also a bad sign. If I could only feel really good in my dream, it would be better than nothing.
You are so sweet
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