Mental Health Coming Off Invega Sustenna (Paliperidone) v.2

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I'm experiencing severe adhedonia lack of motivation, 0 sex drive, etc etc

Pick it all up with Whole Organic Raw Oats.
That will bind everything for excretion from the shitter. Ha, drink plenty of water for elimination out the dickhead. You got it man!
I have been on the highest invega sustenna dose(234 mg) for almost 4 years. I suffer everyday. This injection gave me severe adhedonia, depression, lack of pleasure, etc. as well as sexual side effects. I want to get off of this poison. Is there an alternative drug? What other injectable antipsychotics are there ? with less side effects?
Can someone please tell me if after stopping invega it is possible to lose weight if I reduce my calorie intake?
It of course is! It will be harder, but I've known people to lose weight on even clozapine, which is the most powerful antipsychotic.
I have been on the highest invega sustenna dose(234 mg) for almost 4 years. I suffer everyday. This injection gave me severe adhedonia, depression, lack of pleasure, etc. as well as sexual side effects. I want to get off of this poison. Is there an alternative drug? What other injectable antipsychotics are there ? with less side effects?

My opinion: Get off the drugs, dude. Drug-free is the way to be. Niacin, Niacin, Niacin.
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I have been on the highest invega sustenna dose(234 mg) for almost 4 years. I suffer everyday. This injection gave me severe adhedonia, depression, lack of pleasure, etc. as well as sexual side effects. I want to get off of this poison. Is there an alternative drug? What other injectable antipsychotics are there ? with less side effects?

My phone is trash, and that was an accident. What an accidental paste, huh!!?

Really, their scumbag drugs will turn you into a diabetic quick. If you want to live to see 50, get off the dope NOW!
The question sounds like a bait setup, but if your legit, there is some sound advice. They are of an industry of death!
Can someone please tell me if after stopping invega it is possible to lose weight if I reduce my calorie intake?

Rock a low-fat low-sugar dense nutrient and psychologically battle the urge for Zombie's brains that shit gives you.
By the way they made a mistake on the labeling of what you know as dududa Invega Man Sustenna a Man, it's actually, and I'm gonna get this right for you, Incrapa Sushitsinya. So, there you go.

The last thing I need or want to hear, especially on this website, and especially from someone as yourself is another vague control misdiagnosis label. Really, where do you get off!!?
I really do think you should stop trying to be Supervisor and let people enjoy being themselves without your criticisms.
Indeed, everyone has (at least a slightly) different experience. This is just probability-wise (the literature reflects that it's superior both as a first-line and as a treatment-resistant agent).
I honestly refuse to believe that any psychiatric medicine ever helped or cured anything. If ppl believe that psychiatric meds help them then they truly do not know how to live.

No and a millions times no. Psychiatry is not backed by any science and anyone who deludes themselves into thinking it does need to be harshly brought back int the real world
Mental illnesses are usually not "cured" however the symptoms and affects they have on the well being of the person can be eased so ppl can be more comfortable within themselves and self sufficient.

Psychiatry is profoundly complicated. Mental health is complicated so while you might not think much of it, anyone else can make up their own minds.

My mental health is questionable tbh. Some meds have helped but its also lifestyle and also drug choices.

Psychiatry is a wage-protecting self-indulgent industry of merciless dehumanization, human rights violations, and DEATH!
The scum must be shut down by physical force. Here today, gone tomorrow.
Those who have been raped by the filth will kill. I just don't know why they're taking out the innocent when they could be much more effective going rigjt to the source of origin.
If you ever had any amount of social unrest and civil disobedience, those that were responsible were never on the angelic "medication". Well now they are, and especially those that have been forced against their best interests wil KILL.
You want some bankruptcy out of my well-being, you want to decide whats best for me as if my life applies to you!!?YOU ARE NOTHING. AND NOTHING IN A DAY BUT BANKRUPTCY. YOU ARE A LIFE THIEF WASTE OF HUMANKIND THAT THIS WORLD CAN AND WILL DO WITHOUT AND YOU MUST BE EXTERMINATED!
Aired weekly, jewish 'Survivor' cries, Who can screw over Who the "best" for the 20 G's. Is that really the day amd age we live in. Look at their zio-media regulation. If we keep hearing the control labels of massive jewish media, we may naturally tend to begin believing it.
This country was founded on immigration, for example. What was the identity of those immigrants?
"We are all equal". And that is in respect to God's design, the laws of nature, and sin.
There are so many control labels, not to mention they've hi-jacked virtuous political terminology and self-applied for their zio-globalist goals and agendas.
Can I say that the holocaust is a lie, ideas of slavery and White supremacy is a lie, what they tell you about the Klan is a lie, White "privilege" is a lie, the "Indian" story is a lie, or that White females pursue an exchangist matriarchal absolution is correct. Is anything beyond 1-10 in Our constitution relevant to Our Founding Fathers principals. Trust as you must, but We know the lies and deception of psychiatry and it's evil must be delivered from these lands of respect and care for human life and happiness. The idiots want to get in on individual freedoms self-apply and roll around in the mud happier than hogs in shit. Why? Because they can. They can, and they can get away with it. However, they do not know, you do not trespass this Man and get away with it. It's about cause and effect. Their cause is bankruptcy the effect is their debt.
Truth, Liberty, and JUSTICE have a place in this jewish zionist globalist supremacist world!
The best anyone can do after the exposure to toxic sustenna is:

Get NOW 500mg Niacin and gradually work up to a higher mg in dosage that in combination with access to a sauna will optimalize the detoxification process


1,200mg of Sam-e in combination of Vitamin E Gamma w mixed tocopherols and tocotrienols, and B6 (P-5-P) 50mg four times daily


Dandelion, and Green Tea w Ashwagandha and Mucuna L-Dopa

Add Coconut Oil and Oats in your diet

Garlic and Lemon for detox

And more sweat and more unflouridated water.

Now go on and heal.

I am sorry to say, but those that have received more of the poison will find it more difficult in chances of full recovery.
Now the idiots want to lock you in with codependency in the medical "business". Don't feed the greed of bankruptcy with more debt. DIY
You never needed them, they only needed you.
Militia is always there. Get connected.
Whats with all the weird posts? It is what it is. We got the shot. Its not the end of the world. Depression and all the other symptoms that follow this drug are only temporary. Stay positive man this pain will pass
Whats with all the weird posts? It is what it is. We got the shot. Its not the end of the world. Depression and all the other symptoms that follow this drug are only temporary. Stay positive man this pain will pass

Thanks grizzly.

I'm just madder than a rattlesnake toward one person. And I've been debating rather or not I should go to prison for the rest of my life, that's all.
Thanks for the replies. Has anyone had any success in losing weight after stopping the medication?
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