Mental Health Coming Off Invega Sustenna (Paliperidone) v.2

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Invega Sustenna is demasculating, exacerbative, mutilative, and extremely life threatening. In short, poison.
Get Justice.
I am assaulted all day and night all day and night. Legal killers have no place in this country.
The idiots outside of the subjugation just think, "better you than me".
As a lesson learned from the devils in psychiatry or any other fool, I say "better you than me". But I will go right to the origin of the problem and eliminate the threat.
I have never been so trespassed and violated in all my life, and Justice will prevail.
Those are bad people, you guys. And they just use the fraudulency of "medication" to justify their profession, which is fraud. They've killed millions and not cured a one.
They must be disposed of.
I was really not ill, but I had a wrong Diagnose from the past. I didn't know the danger. It seems it will never get better. When I was very ill after this poison, they have stolen my child. You can look on Facebook our pictures. We were so happy!!!

Well I'd take you on here with me and try for another one if things weren't so uncool right now. Haha

I think you should really try 2mg of Ativan twice a day until you completely recover. That will greatly help you with the anxiety and enable you to cope more with tragedy. I wouldn't recommend any more than 4-5 months of the Ativan though.

Any AP might seriously make it worse, but have you considered Wellbutrin? Maybe a low dose might be a good idea.
Slowly I give up hope, that I could ever get nearly the person I was before. My life is very empty. I forgot, how rich it was before.

Hi, I hope your feeling better today. I know it's really slow on getting up first thing in the morning.
For headaches and feeling just miserable I use Green Tea. It's a life saver. If you can, get some Mucuna L-Dopa and take it with the Green Tea. It's cheap and it really helps. That will get some dopamine to ya
In 18 months, if your not feeling better, then theres another mountain to climb. But your not even at 18. I would avoid ANY AP from here out.
I don't know if Cabergoline is good for females but this man is getting some hopefully by next month.
Remember, We are all with you Rosie.
Green Tea will help. Give it a shot.
2 months and a 2 weeks off the poison. I had a brief moment when I thought i was healed a few days ago but only because I was high on klonopin and weed. Today Im starting to feel a comeback of old symptons and crazyyy thoughts. I wish this nightmare would end already. I could be worse off but damn this drug is really testing my mental and physical health :( Stay hopeful everyone this too will pass
I dream but why don't I feel like before, when I am awake? Today I will late investigate my brain.
Hello everyone, it's another bright and glorious day. Just started on my Green Tea and Mucuna.
I haven't had erectile problems after the 3 week mark and ejaculation is at 90%, just in case anyone was really wanting to know. I am experiencing emotion- I joke a lot, I can tear up at really awful shit, and I can gdt madder than a TX rattlesnake.
The only problem I have is slight cognitive setbacks and a serious lack of motivation. Other than that I'm okay.
I really think I'm going to recover in 6-8 months. I don't have a history of AP's, I eat healthy, I'm not on any drugs now (not even an anti-depressant), and I was only hit with the two loading doses (234 and 156mg).
I probably, at this point, have about 90mgs of the nuclear waste in my body.
How's everybody else?
Im dealing with insomnia, restlessness/akathesia, depression/anhedonia, terrible thoughts suicidal/homicidal >:/, slight tremors and ticks. I feel like a completely different person right now this poison is driving me insane.
Hiya grizzly not been like your mum but a bit if a warning coming off invega is nothing to getting off klonopin benzos are mean mate good luck
Hiya grizzly not been like your mum but a bit if a warning coming off invega is nothing to getting off klonopin benzos are mean mate good luck
I know Ive only been using them occassionally for 2 weeks Im dropping them after my bottle runs out I definaty dont wanna go through benzo withdrawl too

Try some Green Tea with Macuna L-Dopa and Ashwagandha. Dandelion is great in the afternoons too. I'm doing a lot of Coconut Milk and Oil for washout. Garlic and Cayenne with Lemon is an excellent choice also.
Greek Yogurt will boost your metabolism.
And don't forget- LOT'S OF WATER!
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