Mental Health Coming Off Invega Sustenna (Paliperidone) v.2

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How long were you on Sustenna?
What dose(s)?

Did you take cabergoline while your levels were high?

The trash that forms hardens from a1-2 yrs. Better hit it with some of those prescription creams.

How high were your prolactin levels?
I got 6 shots 15 months ago today prolactin went up to 670 made me put weight on no breast issues I am feeling much better than 6 months ago starting to feel a bit better still cant feel stimulants but it's coming what a vile disgusting drug worst trip ever into a sea of miserable depression but anyway it's easing now and I can see the end is on the way happy healing john
If your last shot was 15 months ago you should have normalized.

I hope that depression gets better for you. You should try Mucuna L-Dopa and Ashwagandha. It will really help.
Does anybody know if Cabergoline might be a good idea two months out from The Trash?
I'm teally worried my prolactin levels might be high but don't want to run the risk of seizure with the D2 agonist.

Also, I'm trying to get a hold of some Trinza for a special somebody. Ya think I can score it with Medicaid and be able to "self-inject" it without a doctor?

In addition, do We ever have stories of short 6-10 month recoveries? Everybody's a year or two.

I got to get some Trinza because I need "help".
Still I have not a feeling brain, that can show really emotions like deep sadness or feeling human. When I dream, then any unnecessary things, but I want to see that my soul awakes. I want to help my son.
I would like to contact Aiden, how it was for him. How it was for him, maybe he would give me hope.
JoWright said:
Today 20:54
Sustenna is hell.
You guys maintain with the mainframe, we'll all get better soon. It's not permanent. Go the extra mile and SCREAM!! when you get that horrible feeling of abandonement and isolation.
Keep kicking, punching, and sreaming until you get hit with the reality of normality then put in the Skrewdriver and crank it up. Invite the friends over and crack open the Svedka.
Punk Rock n' Roll
I?ve been neglecting to mention that my prolactin labs have come back when I was 2-3 months off invega my prolactin was at 34 being almost 10 months off my prolactin levels are at 26. I?ve been supplementing like crazy After the test results, anti prolactin vitaminsmore testerone vitamins, gyno I can?t tell if it?s getting worse or better. The weight is falling off but the heart is still being weird. I?m struggling hardcore I?m functioning but my mind is racing constantly. Emotionally I feel fine but these fat body insecurities are making me feel deeply insecure about myself. I wanna go out and drink with my friends but my alcohol tolerance and the fact Idk it I?m actually getting drunk or not. This is fucked
Is there really no way to get this out faster? Can't we all come togheter and show the world the harm this causes to many people and somehow find an antidote? There must be a way to dissolve this medicine out of the body without damaging anything else, even if it hasn't been found yet.
Get The Trash out fast-

1.) use generous amounts of Coconut Oil (SLS will help clean the blood) with Potatoes (B6 for hormonal imbalance)

2.) Fresh Garlic (detox)

3.) Green Tea (pair for optimal combo effect) with Mucuna L-Dopa (dopamine to D7 receptor) and Ashwagandha

4.) Whole Fresh Untoasted Organic Oatmeal (fat soluble for washout of fats where Sustenna lurks)

5.) Coconut Water (cleans blood where Sustenna is hiding)

6.) Mozarella Cheese (thyroid refunctionality)

7.) FRESH Organic Baby Leaf Spinach (new electricity to the brain for rejuvenation and repair)

8.) Bananas (B6- hormonal imbalance)

9.) Coffee (for serotonin)

Also*. I would try Cabergoline for the first 5 months after exposure.

** You might want to hold on the Mucuna after Caber kicks in 2 weeks after Caber dose. It takes a little while to circulate and become effective.
Are there any good prescription creams for Gyno?

The shit hardens from 1-2 yrs. I heard chest exercises help. The Green Tea would be good for it's anti-inflamatory properties as well.
I know you said you'd been supplementing; what with, if I may ask.

Did you ever try Cabergoline?
The idiots that distro that trash they don't even want us to flush down the toilet should be stuck in the neck.

Everything with mental health today is straight out of Dr.Skousen's Naked Communist written in the 50's.

Enumerated in his fantasy list to see that communism was achieved was that every slight of mentality would require the ad hominen protocol of "medication".

All the trash does is poison the well, exacerbate psychosis, create physical illness, and sends us plummeting into economical despair.

The clowns that work in the "business" are mercenary self-centered wage protecting survivors.

To the tune of the abuse of capitalism, jewish media's 'Survivor ', aired weekly cries, "Who can screw who over the best for the monetary reward". It just sets the stage in understanding what is expected of us through this kind of sensationalization in a Zio-21st.

"Medication" is a fraud.
Hey guys I've been off the invega shot for about 2 years and a month now. it gets better slowly and gradually. I got a girlfriend about a year ago that lasted for about 9 months that helped me a lot. having someone to communicate with and to tell how I'm feeling and my emotional status. Working out is really important and sweating a lot. I go to the gym pretty much every day now for a couple hours to get as big as I can so that the in Vegas spreads out around your body more. it's also good to get mad and let all the blood rush to your head and then come down quickly and urinate I found. I think that might sort of flush it out of your brain. I take intramax liquid vitamins that a organic health doctor prescribed me and wheatgrass smoothies that my mom makes. Play a lot of video games and speak your mind. do things that are out of your comfort zone. this all helps a great deal. I can't stress enough how important it is to have people to talk to that listen and actually care about you. Whatever it takes; get mad at something and go to the gym to flush the poison out of your system. I drink Muscle Milk before the gym and C4 pre-workout which has about a gram of caffeine in it as well as coffee throughout the day to heighten my senses. makes it feel a lot less burdening on my emotional state. I don't feel fully recovered or have the same drive or happiness excitement that I used to but it's still there. you just have to find it. Keep calm and be as patient as possible. focus on a goal and think happy thoughts . This is a good time to train your emotions to deal with stress and set goals for yourself for the future and work on them. Get on social media and vent your problems. Make up problems if you need to. anything to destress. My advice is to take a chance and go for the girl of your dreams that you didn't think you could get. because I got her. She may have a protective order on me right now and 7 charges against me but I still got her. Lol. Anyway just checking up with you guys. Hang in there it gets better. Much love. peace. If you have any questions for me you can inbox me and I'll be happy to answer them.
Yeah man it wasn't food to sit on here and mope all the time. I had to make a change. I've been remodeling my parents house to sell and now I'm looking for a good job and hopefully get my girl back. Glad you're doing okay yoo.
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