Mental Health Coming Off Invega Sustenna (Paliperidone) v.2

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I'm not going to lie I did try the Champix and the first dose I did take gave me massive euphoria from it. It felt like I was on drugs it was incredible. But after the second dose it did not a thing. Maybe it was placebo effect.

As for the going off the Abilify. No I never talked about ever going off it. i'm only going to try it - if it doesn't help long term with the anhedonia then I will go back on it. The half life of abilify tablets is something around 75-94 hours per half life so it would be at 10mg now - as I take 20mg daily.

Is posioned_veins a women?


After 10 months off it gets bearable and you finally see the light at the end of the tunnel. People do recover .. I have hope I?m doing better
Thanks invegauser for helping me from the very start .. hope you?re well ..
@poisoned_veins: that's good news.

your welcome. your a strong inspiration and a soft, guiding light. an underappreciated touch only a woman can bring... thank you.
Thank you for the sweet words :) you guys have helped now it?s my turn .. to put an end to the poison
And leave my recovery story on here
Though even later we?ll be in touch cause you were a good support through my struggle ..

anyhow lookin forward to the next few months and the summer yey
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I am in a very bad situation. Because I cannot get my deep emotions back. What should I do?
I am in a very bad situation. Because I cannot get my deep emotions back. What should I do?
Dont think about it too much just understand its temporary. Thats what im doing its helping my stay psycholigically strong through this again im only on my 2nd month off so I feel you but just listen to others on the thread we?re all going through it but theyre people that have recovered it just take times :(
@dirtyinvega: that's typically what i've heard after the first couple doses before complications arise. it is something i think is too good to be true but if it works for some, more power to them.

honestly staying off abilify is a good idea but no one can tell you what to do, it's just got so many bad reviews. people who talk of it in this thread complain about similar effects/symptoms to the poison, even the anhedonia. your idea is worth a try, stick with it and see what happens. are you taking the pills or the injections? the complaints are mostly for the injections fyi.

yes she is, hope i didn't blow that one but i think she mentioned it in a post she deleted a long time ago. memory serves me we have 2-3 women here that are registered and definitely some reading as guests. the poison doesn't care about what sex you are, it gets us all.

Yeah I stopped taking the Champix after the second dose. I have already quit the smokes so I really dont need it. I wonder why it gives you euphoric feeling high?

I dont think I will be going back on the Abilify mate. This is the fourth day where the anhedonia has eased massively - my moods are massively better in just a short while. I'm not going back to the dark days anymore. I'm on tablets so the half life is really quick compered to depot/injections. tbh I'm not sure if I want to take AP's anymore?

I'm convinced that the Abilify is part of the problem. I was on 800mg of Seroquel before it pooped out/ 5 years for my mental illness and I didnt have any loss of loss of emotions or anhedonia. Maybe I have been on the wrong AP's from the very start of the Seroquel pooping out?

Yerah sadly that's true mate. it doesn't discriminate. Its a very potent poison.
@dirtyinvega: this is subjective and generalized. sometimes when you take a substance for the first time it gives you a very euphoric feeling. it is not always the case that it is a bad thing but it can be a sign to know something is potentially bad for you. substances are not always black and white, sometimes it's actually a good thing but now that you recognize it you can tell when something isn't right for you. (one of those things you have to experience to find out for yourself, good news is you lived through it without getting screwed up.) it's deceiving, you think it's all good and slowly over time things get worse without you knowing about it before it's too late and something really bad happens. best to quit those ones right away.

seroquel has withdrawals for some and not for others, it's a typical psych med like that but not typically severe like the poison. i didn't have any withdrawals from it either. in the process of trying different things sometimes giving yourself a break and seeing where your at or gauging things is a good idea. this can be potentially dangerous if someone has acute symptoms and meds really do stabilize them, any doctor can tell you that. it sucks that the seroquel pooped out on you. getting over invega first then trying another one wouldn't be a bad idea, maybe you don't try meds for awhile. maybe you try other techniques, practices or ideas. consider your options, do what's right for you and be safe whatever your endeavor. if you use street drugs they can mask your symptoms, something a lot of people forget. and be careful of the all too popular med cocktail science uses today, if one aint working how is 8 of them going to help?! "you have a side effect, oh take this one. that one gave you a side effect, take this one." (screwballs)

if you do try another med, just know the signs. recognize your own limitations, evaluate whether the new med is working or not after it's been given time to build up in your system, if there are no major negative side effects right away of course and don't forget if it's helping to alleviate what it is your seeking treatment for. other wise your just wasting your money and time. i really wish science would get this info simplified and passed around. more people would end up better off and they would have better data to go with to make improved and safer meds instead of (insert filthy word here) like invega and abilify. i think that's enough preaching.

good to hear you quit smoking, i remember you posting that when you got home from the hospital. continued success is always a good thing. it's really great your anhedonia lessened. i think your right on the matter of having meds that didn't work for you since seroquel stopped being as effective. i know finding relief is hard but like anything else in life, it's a work in progress. what's it been, about 8 months since you stopped the injections? keep this up and fully healed is right around the corner.
Anyone here got spots from invega? Like skin spots. They are dark brown and very small spots starting around the eyes, the forehead and the arms. Saw this guy in the psych ward who had them all over his body but then again he's been on the meds for a very long time and he has diabetes. This medication is poison and should be avoided at all cost. But trust me guys, you get a lot better after you quit for some time. I was on it for 6 months and after a while I started to feel motivated and able to enjoy things. I have some issues atm but that's just part of life. The zombification goes away.
Anybody know anything about coconut oil in the poison elimination process?
I heard it was the SLS that really works to wash it out.
My heart rate take a plunge from 67, 65 resting heart rate to a 56 in a week. My heart has been unpredictable and I did an eleptical today with no serious complications even when I really pushed myself. I feel like I?m getting closer to getting rid of this heart problem once and for all

I'm pretty close to saying i'm healed. I truly think that Abilify was part of the problem. I will still post in this thread for as long as possible.

Emotions - Tick.
Anhedonia - Nearly gone.
All the other symptoms nearly gone was well
good god, don't you all go healing all at once. haha.

keep up the good work. your going to beat this poison.

The more and more Abilify leaves my body I'm feeling better and better mate. I should have less then 10mg left in my system. Thank god I didn't take Abilify injection/depot. I truly understand now that Abilify was not for me.

I'm praying for you all.

Edit: I'm calling IT. I'm officially healed. :)

I'm a survivor. I have beaten it.
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But the receptors are again total unactive, the emotions cannot get through. There is extreme nervousness and a unactive brain.
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