Mental Health Coming Off Invega Sustenna (Paliperidone) v.2

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@undiminished after going through this nightmare, how are you supposed to get even better than before ?
Dont say promising things especially when you haven?t felt
@posioned veins

You appreciate things more and a sense of just some normalcy is enough to make anyone feel amazing at this point. I can say mentally I?m doing better than I was before because I had a stressful situation that made me go on in the first place. I?m doing things better this time around and it?s putting me in a better place before invega. You could be right on making promises so I?ll retract my statement. But compared to what I was 3 months ago. I feel amazing. I have the mindset that u do go back to normal after a year and I?m just excited to see strides where I can workout and run again.
@undimished good to hear all the good things.
Although you had 8 injections and only 8 months off.. Your recovery will atleast take 2 Years. But goodluck
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Been to the specialist all good.

He said Champix can help with anhedonia because it blocks the nicotine receptors and floods dopamine receptors. I wonder if it's true. ?

I forgot to say welcome to the thread guys and girls. It does get better I promise I thought the samething 7-8 months ago.
@dityinvega: i know i said i would see you guys tomorrow but if your talking about chanitx (champix?) be very, very careful. look i'm hella paranoid right now and really not good so i hope this makes sense.

chantix has many warnings in it's advertisements that should be heeded. they're not like the ones you see for every other pill, just the company covering it's butt. i've known people who have taken psych meds and who haven't that have psychosis from it, psychotic breaks, high risk of suicide and other problems like disassociation. like any other pill it works for some and not for others but those it doesn't it gets pretty nasty. it's for quitting smoking cigarettes and pretty unstable. not trying to scare you, just read the warnings, find others who have had bad side effects from it to know what they went through and be safe while your on it. know the warning signs. please.

i heard about chantix when first on invega and i couldn't quit smoking due to the poison, thought it was too good to be true. one of my friends who is full blown schizo and on another med used it and almost killed themselves. among other personal experiences from people i know and stories i've heard from here or there. if you have more problems with sleeping than normal from invega while taking chantix stop taking it. i would never mix invega and chantix. please be careful.

i really do hope it helps you out.

I got a script of Champix (It's called that in Australia) sitting here. I'm pretty scared to take it and tbh I dont think I will. I'm just getting super desperate @invegauser. I cant stand the anhedonia depression it's killing me mate. If I decide to take it I will let the thread know how it goes.
Thanks for the advice as always mate.
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9 days ago, I posted that I had a breakthrough healing. I can not recall what I had said verbatim, however my statements remain true. I can say with extreme positive emotion that this garbage goes completely away. In my opinion this tragic situation will go away for anyone (perbaps excluding) anyone who has had traumatic damage to the brain, or perhaps an unlrelated drug use.

I have won, I had my own doubts for over a year, however you will as well. I am not better than anyone. I have not responded to private messages because I can use my energy in a more efficient manner. I am not a private person and I will use this experience to help as many as possible.

In response to the kind soul who spoke of healing at 8 and a half months; congratulations. Several others have healed at this point. I can not recall how I communicated at that point in time, however if I was indicating progress, I was putting on a front. Life will be amazing again barring extreme brain damage or meth use.

My receptors are not working or dead after 14 month. No bad and no good dream, no Appetit, no interest.
@copperdome what have you recovered? Is your memory 100% ? Do you get hungry thirsty like before, can you feel all kinds of emotions, do you have the imagination back ?? Do you find interest in things, pleasure joy ? How?s the motivation, are you able to enjoy your own company without having to do something always
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I got Xeplion injection back in december 2016. Total of 3 shots. The following 8 months were the worst of my life. I had to end going to university, move back to my parents house and abandon my friends. I literally couldn't function anymore, like others have said. I had the same symptoms as others here, so I'm not going to go into detail of those. But I just wanted to drop by and say that after about 10 months, I recovered fully. Of course my life is still in shambles, but I'm no longer feeling suicidal because of the crippling effects of Xeplion. My mood is a lot brighter and I have hope for the future, I'm trying to get back into school and hopefully sometime in future I can start living my own life again.

To anyone who is still under the influence of Invega/Xeplion and feels like there is no hope left, just wait. Wait, wait and wait a little bit more. If you're like me, you will find yourself feeling better as time goes on. Don't give up. I too thought that the damage was permanent, but it definitely wasn't for me. Hang in there and the real you will be back, trust me!

This thread was really important for me in the beginning and I remember reading pretty much every post back then. I never posted myself, but I thought it never hurts to share a successful recovery story. Just try to relax and remember that the best way to speed up your recovery is to do things that make you feel happy even for a second. It's hard in the beginning of your recovery process, but it gets better!
Lots of success stories recently. My heart is still in shambles ran 4 miles for the 2nd day in a row to have my heart being off beat and irregular at times. I?m no longer running until I?m looked at by professionals
Might you know anything down to the details of Sustenna and garlic interaction?
I'm not fooling with StJohn's but whats the deal with garlic. I can't find anything.
Got stoned and drank idk if I got drunk but my high was longer than usual. Doing tonight as well its my holiday this weekend
2 months off. Ive gained 20pounds. All in my gut. I have insomnia, anhedonia, very low testostorone, high prolactin levels, and no motivation to do anything. I feel good otherwise just not as mentally sharp or witty as before. I find it hard to have conversations with people cause I feel so awkward and disconected from reality. Not getting any sleep is the worst part ive tried everything natutal now im gonna see if my pyschiatrist can prescribe me benzos for sleep.
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Fo you think I need to worry about high prolactin two months out from 234mg and 156?
I can't get a test until Feb 19th

Should I worry about "man boobs" or any trash like that?

What range of prolactin in tje blood would warrant concern for flesh growth on chest?
How's your prolactin?
I take Ashwagandha and Mucuna.
Keep the Ashwagandha around 500-600mg and no more than 900mg of Mucuna per day. It's very important to take Mucuna L-Dopa with Green Tea. I use two bags twice a day.
Thanks for the report. That's great news!
I wish you the best of luck in life's endeavors.
@invegauser I stopped taking my Abilify tablets for the past 3 days and the anhedonia eased massively. I'm starting to think ALL antipsychotics are poisons mate. I'm getting an second opinion from a different psychiatrist next week. we'll see how that turns out. I can't live like this mate - it's driving me more crazy then the positive symptoms schizophrenia.

I just want to return to my job/work mate. I miss it so much it driving me crazy. I'm starting to think that antipsychotics is making my negative symptoms much worse. Only 3 days off the Abilify and I'm feeling pleasure in things that I haven't felt in 9 months.

Either it's the abilify or the brain is starting to heal
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