Mental Health Coming Off Invega Sustenna (Paliperidone) v.2

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‘Nightmare ends at around 2 Years off
read this.

starkid said:
02-01-2016 23:16
@Starkid, have you recovered your emotions and motivation? Is it after 10 months or 2 years ?
If you can't tell by the anger behind my words when I discuss this topic, yes, I have recovered my emotions.

Recovery takes time. It is a very gradual process. You can't monitor it by days, but by months, and just ignore the first 7 months (or more, depending on how much of the poison they gave you).

After 1 year, like I said, I started to believe I could recover. After 1 year I went back to university and finished my final year of university. I sometimes had to rely on large doses of stimulants (depending on the work load). I drank lots of Rockstars. Be careful with stimulants however. First recover, then if you need them, try them and monitor how they're making you feel. Excessive stimulant use can itself lead to major problems for some people. Remember, I also have ADD/ADHD, so for me stimulants are more important than for other people.

After 2 years I'd mostly recovered. My brain will never be the same as it was before, but in some odd way I do feel stronger for the experience. My contempt for crappy doctors is certainly larger too. And looking at this thread I see that something must be done to bring this problem to the wider public conscious. I encourage everyone to become evangelists and raise awareness of the problem (after you've recovered).

I am more sensitive to stimulants now, but not as sensitive as before Invega Sustenna. It's been about 3 years now. I am back to my original mental sharpness (or close to it) and I can feel emotions. As a somewhat positive side effect, I don't get anxious easily.

I understand and remember how dark it felt, how hopeless it felt, but there is a light at the end of the tunnel. Again, see my advice and think of it as a forced, long vacation.

Much love,
how did invega affect your creativity? have you tried any creative pursuits whilst on invega sustenna?
to anyone
My creativity has not come back yet but I am on the ball with looking up complex political theories and being able to think and remember complex thoughts. It takes time for this stuff to wear off. Don’t sweat it I’ve recovered a lot of what I was missing when I first got off these drugs.
@undimished glad to hear that your doing better, remember reading your posts 2/3 months ago and how bad you were doing during the summer. Good job, keep going :)
I enjoy music and poetry. Hopefully we’ll be alright by the summer..
We will. All I have holding me back is heart problems. The SVT or heart arrhythmia whatever I can’t run without my heart going into the 190 range but it will be okay I’ve read it’s supposed to be a year for my heart to be normal again, until then I’m just lifting and eating right. We will heal
Ye just do light excercising lifting, and walking
I hope so I don’t want coming summer to be like last summer, was a nightmare people were enjoying the weather and I was in horrible condition
Now Its winter and I’m not affected much, and getting through fine
But it’s difficult when you people outside enjoying and you can’t feel shit

Take care of your health and diet
You know now whatever you feel not to take for granted. I’ve felt on the outside now when with people that they were having a good time and I was just kinda there. More than usual too. I think from what I gathered being a lurker for a while then a poster is by 12-15 months people have their major breakthroughs and get to the point where they don’t post anymore because most are fine. I’ve read so many recovery stories from 1 shot to 8 shots being recovered in around 12-24 months. I’ve read I think 2 stories of fine at 8 months. Someone even did a guideline not too long ago about what timelines symptoms alleviate at. Keep urself busy, stay healthy, and give yourself a reward once in a while and I don’t see why from what I’ve dealt with you couldn’t go on to lead a normal life. I think you and I can agree tho that first couple months off this stuff is horrible tho I’m glad I’m not in that place anymore
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Does anyone know the timeframe for dopamine receptor renewal or if they recycle when the poison leaves your system thanx
I read that the receptors remain blocked while you still have some of the poison in your system and when it's gone the receptors slowly come back they reckon the brain recycles the old ones over time and they come back better than before ( more sensitive) anyway I hope that's what happens it's pretty nasty not having a reward and pleasure feelings anymore
I feel better at only 9 months off, I’m sure I will be fine by the summer
I can easily function. The people who are saying they are not better 2 years after. They need to get on with their lives and start keeping busy. Do something productive, look forward to life getting better

Shit will improve, I don’t have my memory but I can function ..
Ich habe überhaupt keine lebendigen Träume, keine Gefühle von der Vergangenheit.
Just got a prescription to Wellbutrin, will see if this negates any of the adverse side effects im experiencing from this drug.
When doctors inject you with invega they are breaking their Hippocratic oath that is to do no harm to their patients being injected with invega is like being injected with a mental illness or an incurable disease the side negative effects far outweigh any positive benefits of it
Just wanted to give people a update on me. I seen the Parkinsons specialist and I cant be on dopamine agonist or be started on it because of the risk of psychosis as people know in this thread I have schizophrenia and because I'm on a (Abilify) aswell (20mg) But the Parkinsons specialist said I can improve my Dopamine levels by eating foods high in l-tyrosine so i'm trying this for about 3 months or 12 weeks. I will see how that goes. I'm still quite weak in the legs from the Invega (poison) I can walk properly now. A few months ago I couldn't walk really at all. This is what the poison does it take everything away from you and you have to rebuild everything again. It's almost like having a stroke from taking this (Invega) - (Poison).I'm on 30mg of Lexapro and that REALLY helping the melancholy symptoms it's making it so much more bareable. I have been sent for a few tests to check up on a few things and I will update the thread on this in few weeks time. I trying everything in my power to fully recover. I will recover. :) I hope you guys and girl are recovering well. PS Rosi71 Please get real help we can't help you here.Peace out.
I used propranolol to good effect for tremor that was a side effect of another drug, but I don't know whether it works for antipsychotic-induced tremor. One advantage is it didn't have any side effects that I's annoying to add another drug to the mix just to relieve side effects only to find that the anti-side effect drug adds new side effects!
Haha, the other day I tried to shroom. I went into the darkest corners of my psyche. So if any of you invega-raped folks consider shrooming do so at your own risk. Funny thing is weed and alcohol are really enjoyable and you don't get any paranoia from the weed. Anyone here do cocaine? Met this guy in the ward who was doing coke, was really messing with his head...
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