Mental Health Coming Off Invega Sustenna (Paliperidone) v.2

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@dirtyinvega are you taking any other meds ?? If you have trouble sleeping just take melatonin, I don't think aps help but make it worse, try recovering without drugs
I'm not like those who say "don't smoke marijuana, don't do cocaine" also "don't masturbate, no sex". I basically say "have sex/masturbate and get as high as possible on anything except NO meth or the like"
I'm not like those who say "don't smoke marijuana, don't do cocaine" also "don't masturbate, no sex". I basically say "have sex/masturbate and get as high as possible on anything except NO meth or the like"

You are wrong my friend. This attitude will get you nowhere and will make your condition worse. NEVER touch weed no matter what. It messes with your brain and is to be avoided at all costs when you are taking antipsychotics. Regarding sex, this is clearly not a problem but masturbation and porn can mess with your motivation and energy levels.
You are wrong my friend. This attitude will get you nowhere and will make your condition worse. NEVER touch weed no matter what. It messes with your brain and is to be avoided at all costs when you are taking antipsychotics. Regarding sex, this is clearly not a problem but masturbation and porn can mess with your motivation and energy levels.

So much autism in one post
@dirtyinvega are you taking any other meds ?? If you have trouble sleeping just take melatonin, I don't think aps help but make it worse, try recovering without drugs

I'm currently on 20mg of Abilify and 100mg of Seroquel. I stopped taking the SSRI (Prozac) and my emotions are coming back even stronger each day - so that's a good sign meaning there was some blunting going on. :)

But Prozac has a extremely long half life. It take upto 2 months for it to be gone from the body. So I wont know the full benefits of going off Prozac for about 2 months time. I have to be on an antipsychotic other wise the psychiatrist will force me to be on injections and I wont have that happen again.

Edit: I'm thinking of going on Brexpiprazole Abilify sister drug. Which has way less restlessness irritability. I have been pumping the green tea into me. (L-theanine) Anti anxiety effects.

Got my Parkinson's specialist appointment coming up soon I'm trying my very best to get better as quickly as possible. I wonder if we all got drug induced parkinsonism from the poison (Invega) Dont you worry I'm going to get to the bottom of this poison.

It could be as easy as going on antiparkinsons dopamine enhancing (Ropinirole)

Edit 2: I have drank 14 green teas today and man do I feel relaxed due to the GABA enhancing effects almost feels like Valium. :)
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You are wrong my friend. This attitude will get you nowhere and will make your condition worse. NEVER touch weed no matter what. It messes with your brain and is to be avoided at all costs when you are taking antipsychotics. Regarding sex, this is clearly not a problem but masturbation and porn can mess with your motivation and energy levels.

Never touch weed no matter what? I'm sorry dad, but we will have to agree to disagree since we're all grown adults.

Cannabis actually acts as a neuro-protectant and there isn't any evidence to show it will hinder recovery. Dabs have helped me greatly I had some breakthrough moments.
That's a great news, I think people should recover from the poison within a year, it shouldn't take longer than that
I'm doing pretty good for 7 months, and I think I'll be recovered by 10 months

Last week I started reading and as well driving and doing pretty good. Functionable
I'll add on at almost 7 months I feel like I'm getting better too and I can say this at 6 months as well that I was getting better. The weed hit me in an earlier post which is good the steroids I can tell I'm not Uber aggressive and psyched up so the poison is still working a little bit but I can cuss out my PS4 when I'm getting killed in Battlefiled 4 again so that's functioning. I think my memory has recovered fully but my memory was never great in the first place. I did functional fitness with my brother in law who's a personal trainer and my heart rate is still up but I'm gonna will through it until I lose weight and get my cardio vascular endurance back and like someone posted ur physical attributes go back to normal after month 9 but I'm on a fast track recovery so let's see if steroids and strength/conditioning help.
I may have light emotions Im smiling more and my brain is little more active than before, i feel bored and think its going to be tough getting through the last bit of recovery

It's like I need to start socialize or get out.. I want to do the things I used to do before but I'm not recovered yet so it will be pointless because still no joy or pleasure and imagination numbed, honestly hard. I feel a lot better tho and don't feel like staying at home 24/7 like the last 7 months. I might take dance classes but then i might not be ready for that yet I reach my 6th half life on Jan 18 that's like 2 and half months away, ugh
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It's taking more and more cups of green tea to get a hit of dopamine and get the gaba relaxing feeling. But damn it feels so nice to get a rush.

Edit: Does any one get mood drops after eating a meal?
I swear i'm getting sugar spikes and causing mood problems.
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My parents won't give me car keys, they have me stuck in my room 24/7 for the last 7/8 months, so today I took a cab and came to a cafe getting some reading done, then I'll go to gym it's nearby. So starting today I will try to get out of the house everyday for 3 hours atleast (cafe and gym) it feels better being here then being stuck around my parents and I need to get out of the house for a change

How are you guys doing ? Any updates
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My parents won't give me car keys, they have me stuck in my room 24/7 for the last 7/8 months, so today I took a cab and came to a cafe getting some reading done, then I'll go to gym it's nearby. So starting today I will try to get out of the house everyday for 3 hours atleast (cafe and gym) it feels better being here then being stuck around my parents and I need to get out of the house for a change

How are you guys doing ? Any updates

I'm doing kinda good. I hope everyone is doing well.
How are you guys doing ? Any updates

I'm doing shit house mate. I stopped taking my antidepressant (Prozac) and my mood has gone to shit. All I want is my emotions to be stronger and be less blunting. But sadly it's taking a toll on me.

So I have started taking the Lexapro that I have. Hopely things improve again in few week time. This dirty Invega (Poison) is the worse thing that has happen to me nothing will top this bullshit.
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