Mental Health Coming Off Invega Sustenna (Paliperidone) v.2

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Wow, that really amazing that you've gotten your emotions back just after 4 months, I happy for you. How many injections have you gotten? I will think about the B3 thanks, have to look it up
Progress is good. Even though I'm feeling like this I'm feeling better than before, I'm from Michigan
Wow, that really amazing that you've gotten your emotions back just after 4 months, I happy for you. How many injections have you gotten? I will think about the B3 thanks, have to look it up

Thanks mate.

I had 7 injections total. I feel extremely lucky. But I will never be the same person as before.
I think that would be unfortunate but I think one day you will be the same, its seems like you won't be
No crazy first kiss moments, only tap on the shoulder and breath of fresh air moments. I still have mandatory medication and blood test, but the more we talk about it the worse it seems.
No crazy first kiss moments, only tap on the shoulder and breath of fresh air moments. I still have mandatory medication and blood test, but the more we talk about it the worse it seems.
how many month are you away of invega?
Well I'm back to working out but damn I need motivation. I'm gonna cycle (gear, steroids) I'm 6 1/2 months out from my last injection and I've gained 40 pounds on this crap. Hopefully my heart lets me do the gear because I couldn't do theromgenics because of the medicine I'll let you guys know if I have any side effects on Monday
Hey guys, I'm 7 months off since my last injection and I'm slowly doing better than before, 3 days ago I started drinking a cacao smoothie daily, it increases endorphins .. I don't have my emotions back at all but that's ok because I know I'll slowly get them back .. but my memory is getting better which is enough for me to get through this nightmare. I'm starting to see the light at the end of the tunnel. I pass my 5th half life next month and I will have about 11 mg left. I been med free for the last 6 months.. I'm sleeping fine and functioning well
Guys hang in there, @dirtyinvega you'll recover it takes a long time
Well I'm back to working out but damn I need motivation. I'm gonna cycle (gear, steroids) I'm 6 1/2 months out from my last injection and I've gained 40 pounds on this crap. Hopefully my heart lets me do the gear because I couldn't do theromgenics because of the medicine I'll let you guys know if I have any side effects on Monday

Primobolan is a good safe DHT based steroid that I use. Im still on a low dose of invega too. My weight is hovering around 83kg at 6 feet tall.
I'm at 230 at 5'10. If it kills me at this point I won't take it personally just as long. But it's like HGH standard cycle things I'm using they say not to use cycles if u have high body fat but I'm watching my diet and working out as hard as I possibly can get while this stupid poison is in my system. Still can't run yet either
Well I started the cycle today and my blood pressure was crazy high while I was working out on compound excercises. I'm still gonna continue to cycle and maybe avoid compound excercises until I get a normal resting heart rate again. My body might just have to adjust but I'm not sure. It sounds weak but u get more muscle on gear even on shitty diet than u would eating right with no steroids. If I die I die at this point from a heart attack I cant go on looking like this tho. I would say if anyone wants to do steroids with this in ur system just take it lightly maybe u can't do what u used to for now but you still be getting something out of it. And don't do it if u already have high blood pressure because this will raise ur heart rate. I went from 61 resting heart rate to 65 in one day of cycling. Felt good tho I did feel my original strength a little and then some
I was looking into it I gotta persue it after I finish this stuff I bought this stuff before invega that's why I'm using it
Today I went for a drive late evening and I actually enjoyed the drive and the music for the first time, slowly gettin better
I'll be recovered in maybe 3 months
Thankfully I can function now
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