Mental Health Coming Off Invega Sustenna (Paliperidone) v.2

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Thanks for the reply! How long have you been off invega? Are you taking any other neuroleptics? If I'm not mistaken, weren't you the guy who was required by the government to stay on invega? I'm so happy you got off if that's the case. We're you on the pill form of invega?
I was on abilify injections for 10 months, same stuff as invega... I was off for 8 months before I noticed massive improvements almost overnight. Thanks, yes that was me - we proved that I was a stoner at the tribunal and they withdrew the order (you can't be diagnosed with a mental illness IF there is presence of a substance in your system). I am forced again to take these drugs for the same reason (people around me ratted me out for smoking cannabis again), 400mg injection of abilify a month, and daily I must take 1,200mg Epilim & 20mg Olanzapine which I don't do.

Can anyone explain to me what does it feel like to quit abilify injections, how do you feel afterwards what are the benefits, I've been forced this drug for so long now that I can't imagine the difference anymore
Sure, I was on 400mg injections of abilify for 10 months (forced), which I'm told equates to roughly 40mg a day pill form! When I quit, I felt the same as when I was on it: extreme lethargy, indifference, total lack of motivation energy, empathy, emotion, etc.. (to say the least...)

After 6 months of being clean from this poison, I started drinking fruit & veg juices only, took some supplements and then by the 8th month off I came good and felt as good (or better) than I ever was! It was great.

The benefits of quitting abilify is that you will not be on abilify. Any damage the drug has done to you will recover and you will return to your usual self. It takes time. I suspect that this is why the criminal psychiatrists try to force people on their poisons for life: they cannot destory us, only temporarily impair whilst ever we submit to taking their poisons.

Something I've noticed more since being forced to take these poisons again is that you do become very comfortable. You can't notice the difference and can't remember what it's like off the poisons. I try to remind myself by reading old journals; looking at old photos of myself. It keeps me motivated to remember to hate them for what they have done.... And is what drives me to work toward doing whatever it takes to get off... Hopefully that makes sense.
Hello everyone,
I wanted to stop by to update you guys on how I'm doing. It's been 6&1/2 months off for me, and I recovered fairly quickly in about 3 months. When I first posted here, I was 2 months in. Nonetheless my first 2 months were pure hell. Invega by far is one of the toughest things a person can go through, especially if they don't know the proper steps to take for recovery. Just to name a few problems I was having: my strength has gotten ridiculously low, sex drive was not present at all, bones, ankles, & wrist hurt when working out, I had slight balance problems for a few days, major body and facial changes hair loss, personality changes for example not enjoying things and not finding jokes and comedy to be funny, things became less interesting, and my confidence didn't exist. However I did get better starting in my 3rd month. All my problems did revert, so I am glad this has gotten better. Honestly, it was a nerve wrecking experience just a few months back trying to figure out how I would get better, and wondering if I would ever get better and return to normal. My main efforts at this point were exercising, eating plenty of veggies, and brain training. I felt that as the clunk of fluoride started coming off the receptors, there were instant and major improvements immediately. I probably generated new receptors, and the old ones were now firing off again leaving me with super connected brain neurons. Well in a way I just seem to think that, it's probably not true, but nonetheless, I am growing new brain cells with brain training. Sometimes I wish I had taken the initiative to BT when I was younger and before this mess, anyway this is not a bad time either.

As for me right now, things are pretty good. I am living at my cousins apartment, I recently moved in with him and he is teaching me a little bit of computer coding so that I can learn to make my own apps and games.It's not something I want to pursue as my life support (career), but it is still fun for the mean time, besides it's a form of brain training. If you guys want (and I think you should), you can learn coding online, there are plenty of sites. I got a deal on, they have plenty of fun courses, and they always have a sale on them.

I hope everyone is doing okay, and is healing. Just so you know, don't be discouraged if you don't see any improvements from BT and exercise at first, because the poison is probably still in your system considering how recent and how much you got, but once you are off, I guarantee that you will absolutely see improvement.

Good luck everyone, have fun healing.
Today I should have been injected with abilify but I packed and left my house my girlfriend and my job now I'm in a new place hoping they will leave me alone..I'm very sad for leaving the person I love behind, she also told me I abandoned her... But I don't want to get more injections and I hope one day she will understand that I'm also doing it for her because I wasn't really capable of expressing my feelings under the drug..

Got last injection 19 may if I remember correct..
I also got the med in oral form to try to taper when things will get out of hand

I'll keep a diary on here

Day 1 off abilify

Speak later

Today I should have been injected with abilify but I packed and left my house my girlfriend and my job now I'm in a new place hoping they will leave me alone..I'm very sad for leaving the person I love behind, she also told me I abandoned her... But I don't want to get more injections and I hope one day she will understand that I'm also doing it for her because I wasn't really capable of expressing my feelings under the drug..

Got last injection 19 may if I remember correct..
I also got the med in oral form to try to taper when things will get out of hand

I'll keep a diary on here

Day 1 off abilify

Speak later

Wow, that is a huge step you are taking. My memory is really bad so I can't remember reading it, but I assume you were court ordered then. If this isn't a wake up call for anyone, I don't know what is. Leaving everything behind just to get rid of the poison, I find that very brave. I really hope that they leave you alone. I don't know where you are from and how far they go to make you take the injections, but I can't imagine that they are so cruel in actually tracking you down. I don't care why or how people get court ordered, I find that a gross violation of human rights.

I personally will do the same as you (or at least try) if I am unlucky enough to become psychotic again lowering my Xeplion. I can't honestly believe I will survive another round of AP's and their side effects. I am currently still on 35mg Xeplion a month, but my anhedonia became less severe when I went from 50 to 40mg. Since I became psychotic for the second time when lowering Xeplion from 50 to 25mg I am very careful now. Being on these meds for a long time make you become psychotic if you lower them too fast. Being on injections also implies that it lags behind, meaning you will not notice any difference until a few months after lowering.

Please take the half life of the abilify injection into consideration when using oral abilify to taper. I am not sure how that should be done, but it is really important not to get into a psych ward once again. I think you can't just take the same amount of abilify orally and lower that every x days/weeks, because when you are done doing that there is still a significant amount of abilify from the injection in your body. What I want to say is that you should be careful and make sure you are best informed about how to taper.

Even though you obviously can't share it, I am wondering where you went to escape from all this. I do wish you all the best and please keep us updated with the progress, I am very curious how it will work out being on the poison for so long. As far as people judging you, they can't possibly know what it is like being on these drugs. I understand your decision perfectly and I hope everything will work out in the end. Please take care.
They want to give me Abilify now as a treatment for my severe anheodnia caused by long term psychiatric drug use (including risperdal) from ages eight to twenty by my psychopathic parents and psychiatrist and for amphetamine abuse which started at age eighteen. As a child i was a highly lively, imaginative, creative, empathetic human being and they notoriously lobotomized me at age eight because i was too full of energy.

They tell me Abilify is the most effective and safe medication for anhedonia. Are they lying? Will it make it only make if worse?

Any advice would be much appreciated.
They want to give me Abilify now as a treatment for my severe anheodnia caused by long term psychiatric drug use (including risperdal) from ages eight to twenty by my psychopathic parents and psychiatrist and for amphetamine abuse which started at age eighteen. As a child i was a highly lively, imaginative, creative, empathetic human being and they notoriously lobotomized me at age eight because i was too full of energy.

They tell me Abilify is the most effective and safe medication for anhedonia. Are they lying? Will it make it only make if worse?

Any advice would be much appreciated.

Yes, they are lying.

They can't give you anything just because they "want to" I would do anything not to get those shots. B4 they admit you to a psyc ward they usually ask "are you suicidal? are you a danger to others? are you in danger from others? are you angry and mad at someone? do you feel delusional? Just answer "No" to these questions and you should be good as long as there isn't any evidence that you acted out or did something.

Psychotropics are toxic poison. Just read the reviews on abilify. Don't take any just because you want to.

BT and exercise are the most effective for anhedonia.
Hey guys, 3 years after injection.

Currently on zoloft, rexulti and olanzapine. Anyone here drink or smoke while on the above? Zoloft-ssri, rexulti- anti psychaotic
Hi, I just wanted to post here to let people know of products that help negate and or eliminate Invega Sustenna. Which can be purchased online.

Valerian Root-CYP3A4 Inducer
St. Johns Wort-CYP3A4 Inducer
Ginkgo Biloba- CYP3A4 Inducer
DHEA- CAR Agonist/CYP3A4 Inducer

5-HTP- Serotonin Agonist
L-Tyrosine- Dopamine Agonist

Here is one though that I am not too sure about.
Mucuna Pruriens- Dopamine Agonist

An "Agonist" is the opposite of an "Antagonist".
CYP3A4, PXR, and CAR all deal with the metabolism and elimination of drugs, and other foreign substances.

It is said to take up to 125-245 days(4-8 months) for Invega Sustenna to metabolize and be eliminated from the body's system.
But these are some tools to help and or speed up this drugs clearance.

Also, feel free to do some research on the products and or terms.
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Got an easy new job that I can actually handle. Akathisia gotten better a bit, I think gym helped a lot. Still trying hard to workout as often as I could.

I'm too angry and sick to write, to be honest. Right now I have forgotten how it feels like to be normal.
Damn, that's tough.

I remember what is was like during my hair-wrecking period. Must be tough. Hang in there brother, you will meet the end.

I remember back in April when I was going through the same stuff most of you are going through. It was tough. Like really tough. It got to the point where I was not only contemplating suicide daily, but actually searching on the net for chemical suicide how to's. It was scary and crazy. It was none of that actually. It was painful. Like, really painful, beyond anything I've ever incountered. But I got through it. Miraculously, while Im still on the drug. So you see, its true, we are all different. And there will come a time when you look back on your misery in comfort and luxury. I know cuz Ive been there and Im back. Thanks to God. Anyway, its been good.

Hope you all recover soon.

Btw. Back in April/May, I was in the same boat you are in. I was contemplating having to spend the whole summer in torture/agony, but no. It changed. It changed for the better, and so too will it change for you.
Hello everyone I am new to the thread. I was on invega sustenna as well. I have had either 5 or 6 injections. Not sure because I don't remember how many were given to me in the beginning. I just stopped taking it this month thank god. I have tons of side effects like I can't enjoy anything and nothing satisfies me, I am not confident anymore literally can't love myself no matter how hard I try, can't feel sad, can't cry, can't feel angry, can't enjoy watching TV, don't enjoy music before I could feel music in my soul and it's just not the same anymore, never feel tired or sleepy and haven't been able to sleep in about 5 months, completely blank mind, no imagination, high prolactin, lactation, no period, and no motivation to even shower or brush my teeth ..Seems like I'm the only one with that side effect of not being able to go into a deep restful sleep. I'm scared I may never be able to sleep again. I think I have this side effect because the dose was too high I was given 156 mg for 5 months. I have been off the shot for a month in a half now still feel the same. I know I need more time to recover but how long? Idk I just feel like shit and wanna go back to my old self. Also I have been reading this thread for about 3 months now. I will keep you guys up to date as best as I can.
Hello all. I just wanted to check in as today marks exactly 9 months off for me. I am doing a little better than last month. Still not recovered but I would say I saw more progress in the last month than I have in the last several months.

I am somewhat gaining back my ability to catch a buzz. Still not at all what it should be, but I would say now I can feel a buzz at least around 10-15% of what it should be. That isn't much but it is a big step up from feeling nothing.

Also today marks 5 weeks of jogging for me. I am not sure if it is helping, but it couldn't be hurting. I am at least thankful that out of this experience I have got my CDL and a good job in the oil feilds. I would have never gotten clean and went for this otherwise.

Thank you guys for all the support and I am also here for anyone who may need support. I hope everyone is back to 100% as soon as possible. Thanks again.

Today marks 5 months off for me. 5 months of wasted life.

No improvements. Hair and forehead skin is really oily. Anyone else got oily hair and skin due to invega?
Hello how is everyone? I am at 9 months and a few days and I seem to be doing significantly better than last month. A week or so ago I wouldn't have said that. I hope improvments start to come along more rapidly. Expect to heal guys but don't put a timeframe on it or you may be disappointed.

@Invegavictim yes my face was very oily. I think that happens with almost everyone. Only recently at 8 1/2 - 9 months mark has that really let up for me. I am also starting to be able to *somewhat* catch a buzz lately as well. My anhedonia is also letting up slightly.

This is not what I expected at 9 months out, I expected to be completely if not 90% healed. I would say I am maybe 40-50% healed. That is a big differnce though in the first 8 months I would have said 0-10% healed.

So honestly this last month I have seen a great deal of improvment. I hope within a month or 2 the anhedonia goes away completely and my ability to fully enjoy a buzz returns! I'm not holding my breath though and finally I am kind of happy for what I do have. You all will make it through this hard time.

I will suicide. As if invega isnt enough reason, i got to a point where taking 8 laxative pills does not make me crap.

Cant stand constipation my friends. Tomorrow morning i am jumping
Maybe we can just play some games togheter and forget about the Invega, even tho I haven't been gaming much thee months I plan on returning to play and I got loads of games on Steam, also 1 month and half after my last shot (abilify) and lately I have been able to enjoy some movies...a side effect im still having is not being able to reach orgasm and ejaculate with my gf..which got worse now with withdrawal but it takes time I'm only afraid she might think I don't like her anymore...cause it's not true at all.. I've been on Invega sustenna too just like you guys .. and I was injected back in July 2015 take a look at the old messages...anyway I'll be as supportive as possible if you need anything send me a message on here, add me on steam ..for who's wondering im currently back to my original place got my job and my gf back and pretending to take pills I came to this sorta agreement but I need to be very careful now. Cheers
I will suicide. As if invega isnt enough reason, i got to a point where taking 8 laxative pills does not make me crap.

Cant stand constipation my friends. Tomorrow morning i am jumping

I never noticed much effect from taking any kind of laxative... Indian food on the other hand... Beef Vindaloo... Try that :)

In all seriousness though, I understand your frustrations. I really do. Cannabis instantly soothes my bowels and I always feel better when I smoke.

Another idea would be damiana herb. You can smoke it or buy it as an extract for under the tongue. A great legal alternative to cannabis which has a massive soothing effect on my entire body and mind, can't recommend this one enough!

How's your diet mate? Can you try liquids only for a while to see if things ease up? Whenever I feel clogged, fasting or drinking vegie/fruit juices fix the problem within a few days.

I am speaking from experience when I say I recovered completely and was even better than before the drugs. 10 months of maximum dose poison injected into my bloodstream and I STILL RECOVERED!

Let's focus on you. What can I do to help? Let's look at your diet, supplements, lifestyle... there HAS to be a solution for you!


@GAMING_IDEA: Keep me posted on this one! I played WoW heavily last year but now just bot on runescape for the nostalgia. feeling quite pathetic doing this shit alone...What are you guys playing?
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