Mental Health Coming off Invega (paliperidone) injections, v 5.0

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I went to the gym throughout recovery, but I didn't see any results in tone or weight loss until 12-13 months off. Once I started seeing results, I was back to my regular size and shape within 3-4 months.
Omg Katrina you’re back can you please tell me when your anhedonia went away
My concern is that the brain got adjusted and learned how to cope with the effects of invega, that it forgot how to be normal. I mean it got rewired and needs to be rewired to the normal state again.
Not how it works, brain actualy makes itself more sensitive on dopamine/serotonine/gaba/etc and stuff because those kind of receptors work less efficiently or don't work at all, brain will always repair deformed receptors and try to decalcify calcifications which invega causes. Calcified and deformed receptors are primary issue and no matter how wired your brain is it will still be anhedonic and apathic, etc until those receptors are decalcified and repaired. Role of invega is to calcify receptors and when they are decalcified they are deformed and less effective until they are repaired or replaced.
Not how it works, brain actualy makes itself more sensitive on dopamine/serotonine/gaba/etc and stuff because those kind of receptors work less efficiently or don't work at all, brain will always repair deformed receptors and try to decalcify calcifications which invega causes. Calcified and deformed receptors are primary issue and no matter how wired your brain is it will still be anhedonic and apathic, etc until those receptors are decalcified and repaired. Role of invega is to calcify receptors and when they are decalcified they are deformed and less effective until they are repaired or replaced.
So if I understand correctly, the brain can fully recover from invega?
Hi everyone, do any of you feel head pressure? Also heaviness while standing and walking around?
How long do withdrawals last? I had my last 156mg shot on August 1st. Just want to know what I'm in for because I'm trying to balance college and other responsibilities while trying to recover.
Are you seeing results? Is your libido back? what about emotions and getting moved from music for example?
I can get moved from music.. still not as much as before though.

Emotional life is improving.
Still not what it was but much better!

I try to celebrate the small accomplishments I make now.

Trying to retrain my brain by reading a bit more. I think this is essential for recovery too.
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