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Coming off 1 year .5 insuffulated Herion addicted. Using subs (HELP PLEASE)

Well its night and its been 48 hrs since last .5 use.. after my two day skip. looking for a 3 day skip at min or no more. Symtoms are stilll consistant. HOt and cold back n forth is lessening everything else is staying. ANother weird senstation is this pressure feeling in my teeth or like my nose feels more sensative... like itchy warm scratchy pressure sensation. Really hard to explain. I havnt used anything today and its been 48hrs. Taking all needed Vitamins, and I worked out today, forced myself. Back to work tomorrow.... good god. But like you said. Do the crime, do the time. W/e I go through I deserve. MY gf nkows im fighting addiction from opiates and doenst know which one. I told her on day 1... just doesnt know its HERION... She has a VERY VERY bad image of it and talks highly negative of peopel that use or have used.. So im scared to telll her whcih one. I am being mostly honest.. its an opiate and im addicted and coming off and I warned her Im withdrawwling and im not sick with the flu. She is supporting me thus far.. but communicatino has been less. I understand tho.. shes probably questiong things in her mind.I'm also REALLY sick of not Sleeping. I just want 1 good night. I"m averging about 2 hours a night hte past week.. its awful. I feel like shit on top of the withdrawals.. Sleeeping is the worst to me.. I can fight the other shit and deal durding the day.. laying there in darkness and not sleeping and knowing you will feel ever more shit If I don't sleep and sleep=RECOVERY... thats when your body changes the most and recovers the most.. its really mentally and physically draining.
Basically I"m telling 99% of the truth but a part of me still feels guilty not telling her its from Herion.. I'm scared to lose her over that minute detail...
Its understandable bro, I probably wouldn't tell her its H either if she's so anti.

Yeah, insomnia is the worst. Its what makes me actually FEAR withdrawal.

Edit: Do you have access to benzos, like xanax or valium? I'd be willing to bet that at this point, this far off the last time you took H, 1mg of xanax or 10mg of valium will knock you out and give you a solid 8 hours of sleep, and once you do that once or twice it should get your normal sleep rhythm back. Just don't use them too often since the withdrawal syndrome from benzos is even worse than opioids.
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the only way youre gonna get better is to stop taking the bupe entirely now. its not gonna help you any more, its just gonna reset your withdrawals each time you take it. just tough out these last few days and apologise to your girl. tell her that youve been such a miserable cunt lately because of the withdrawals and that its temporary. you need to flush the subs though, theyre only keeping you sick now.

seriously, youve almost certainly forgotten what its like to be yourself again, but as soon as you get this shit out the way youll seem so much more lively.

and also, explain that premature ejaculation is a symptom of the withdrawal and youll get better in a couple of weeks!

come on now, we want to see you do this! dont let us down!
Funny story about the pre-mature ejaculation. We had sex yesterday, and havnt in about a week or soo.. and I was like god see what happens when we dont for liek a week.. I lasted like 30 seconds LMAO! I pulled out and nutted on the ground so she woudlnt know and ate her out for a ltitle then went back in so she woudlnt notice hahaha. Thought Id share a funny story. Well its been 16 days since my last Herion Use and 15 days since I started suboxone. 12-6-4-2-1-.75-.5-.5-0-.5-0-0-.5-0-0,<---- Last zero today. 1 more skip day for Robert325 method or be done based on how I feel WED morning that would be dosing day if following his plan. Symtoms actually seem a little better. Sleep was still awful got about 4 hours.. and I have been taking Klonopin at night.. only .5mg tho. I have a doc script for anxiety and never took until I started this process. I take .5mg about 30 mins before bed. it must not be heping I've came off abouta month eery night before and never had a issue so im not too nervous about using it.. but I guess it has no strength against these witdhraasl lol. My biggest complaint at this point is the soreness... fatigue, STOMACH is fucked up... rombling runs etc.. bloating feeling. bugbble gut. Hot n Cold is mostly gone I think.. I don't feel that much anymore. Still get the pins n needls in my finger tips and arms sometimes.. like electricity going through them its soo weird.. Well... I"m still staying strong everyone! God bless!
Nice man you were able to go two rounds? I haven't been able to do that for ages. Oh, the days when I could...good times.

Try doubling or tripling your k-pin dose to get it to hit harder. It should put you out and give you a full 8 hours of rest.

Keep at it bro, we're here.

Edit: There is a huge rebound in libido after discontinuing opiate use, as I'm sure you're noticing and taking full advantage of. Kudos.
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Basically I"m telling 99% of the truth but a part of me still feels guilty not telling her its from Herion.. I'm scared to lose her over that minute detail...

Do you need to tell her the name of the opiate? Sometimes, you have to weigh if that is worth while. People are scared to hear about heroin and a lot of people heroin is unacceptable. If you were coming off methadone it would have been pretty much harder. I just don't see the point. Maybe she needs to know because it's where she'll draw the line, idk.

As long as you are being honest about your withdraw and your wiliness to treat yourself that should do for a while.

Focus on getting better. Suggest you go to meetings like NA or AA and get some medical support for a long term healthy life if you need to. Or if you can. I have gone through this and got off opiates 6-7 months ago. It was hard as long as my family sees me doing well and not having to worry to what is gonna happen to me, it's fine.

I saw some of your posts and think that you'll feel better with time as well. Exercise, look for hobbies, change your habits and keep in mind that you do it one day at the time.

Good luck!!
Suggest you go to meetings like NA or AA and get some medical support for a long term healthy life if you need to.

No offense at all, but I highly recommend against using NA or AA or any other treatment modality that uses the 12-step paradigm. The whole "addiction is a disease", "you have no power and will always be an addict" paradigm is totally counter-productive and is the reason why AA and NA have such abysmal relapse rates.

The truth is, the only person with real power over your habits and behaviors is...you guessed it...yourself. Not some higher power, etc. You have all the power and can do anything you damn well please as long as you WANT it, and are dedicated enough to follow through with it. Which you definitely have going.

Edit: If you feel the need to go after some kind of group support, check out SMART Recovery.
Phil I agree soo much. I"m soo in this to win this. I dont want to be aroudn other addicts. I want to be clena sober.I delted contacts, told docs that I have opiate problem. Believe me this will be a thead people go to for motivation. I got this guys, I'm in this for the long haul. I know, I know.. you've heard that before. Watch me post every single day and tell the 100% truth. I'm doing this for me and I'm ready not for anyone else. I"m done, I"m changing my lfie for the better. almost 60 hrs since last .5 and only had 1mg in the past 6 days! Lets GOO BABY! I'lll update you all in the morning. Still in bad shape, but shit... The other side looks a lot more appealing. Like feeling things agian and loving again, and smelling again and feeling REAL. God bless, update you guys in about 8 10 hours!

But.. to each its own. If AA/NA works for you. Shit use it. I know it wont for me. I need to be in my own thoughts and beat this for myself. I have a strong mind and always have been very motivated when I REALLY want something. God damn Do I want this.
Well I made it 3 days without sub. 72 hours... well 74 now.. 12-6-4-2-1-.75-.5-.5-0-.5-0-0-.5-0-0-0,----- Thats the taper thus far. I didnt bring any subs with me to work soo ill HAVE to go at LEAST 86 hrs or soo... I actually slept better last night a feel to have more energy this morning. Still having tingly fingers and zaps.... Physical msucle and bone pain, random sneezes, the RUNS! But Hot n cold flashes have been getting better and being cold ALL the time is getting better. I could of slept better because I took Klnopin last night before bed. 1mg of it. Thus more energy today. only 4.5 hrs tho.. better then 2 like the night before. Well Rise n grind everyone!

Tomorrow morning will be 96 hrs.. I think the .5 would be completly out in terms of my taper.... What do you guys think? I think the true withdrawal test will be tomorrow morning when its out and my receptors are like hey? we need to be stimulated loll
again, i think you should just throw away the sub. or send it to me! subs are lush when you dont have a habit, but only for about 3 days and then they stop working.

you should start feeling better soon if youve only had .5mg in 6 days.
Went for ANOTHER walk at lunch.. I'm starting to feel noticebly better.. at least my energy. at about 80hrs since last sub use now.... keep grinding! .5mg in the past 6 days like u said.
Nice, I'm stoked to hear you're starting to feel better. Acute w/d really can only last for so long. It flies in the face of physics for it to drag on so long. You should start feeling better and better, and the symptoms should start withering away one by one as time goes on.
^ sure!

Phil I agree soo much. I"m soo in this to win this. I dont want to be aroudn other addicts. I want to be clena sober.I delted contacts, told docs that I have opiate problem. Believe me this will be a thead people go to for motivation. I got this guys, I'm in this for the long haul. I know, I know.. you've heard that before. Watch me post every single day and tell the 100% truth. I'm doing this for me and I'm ready not for anyone else. I"m done, I"m changing my lfie for the better. almost 60 hrs since last .5 and only had 1mg in the past 6 days! Lets GOO BABY! I'lll update you all in the morning. Still in bad shape, but shit... The other side looks a lot more appealing. Like feeling things agian and loving again, and smelling again and feeling REAL. God bless, update you guys in about 8 10 hours!

But.. to each its own. If AA/NA works for you. Shit use it. I know it wont for me. I need to be in my own thoughts and beat this for myself. I have a strong mind and always have been very motivated when I REALLY want something. God damn Do I want this.

Whatever suits you best man!!
I also dislike the ideal of a higher power. The idea of sharing it with a group is good for some people but you can do it right here.
It all depends on your wiliness to quit. So do what is best for you. And everything that it takes to be sober.
The medical support could help as they can give you medication to help you go through this. But as I said it's entirely up to you. Whatever makes you feel stronger will do.
Best of luck!
Do you guys think THe storm is calming now? I am now at 87ish hrs since my last sub use of .5..... and I've only had .5 in the last 6 days. Today I felt better then yesterday. Or do you think the worst is to come? I guess ill find out tonight/tomorrow morning. If I wake up Great I wont do the last taper for the Robert_325 Taper plan. Ill just skip it and be done. Talk to everyone in the morning.
Naw man the worst has to be behind you. Be mindful about your cognition on this matter...if you convince yourself "there's a storm coming", you'll create a hurricane out of a clear, sunny day. The mind is really quite powerful.

Try to employ cognitive behaviors that do the opposite, like "I know I'll wake up tomorrow and symptom X will be long gone".
Yes the mind is strong. I quit Herion after 1g/day use... and now only used like a total of 2 sub strips and DONE... I'm gonna be a fighter and a thread people can go to for success. I am going to beat this. Thanks everyone SOOOO MUCH.