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Harm Reduction Cold Water Extraction (CWE) Mega Thread & FAQ v2.0

I've never understood questions like this.
In the time it takes people to ask this stuff, post a thread, etc., you could be on your way back from the store with a humongous pack of coffee filters for a few bucks...
You are filtering more than once right? Are your paper towels weak? Why don't you just go buy some?
Is the water supposed to be clear after filtering it? Might be a stupid question but I need to know lol

Watching this I must say a number of these steps are quite unnecessary... Simple put a cold damp coffee filter about 2-3 inches submerged into a glass and then allow the sides to drape over the glass.

Pour your solution into the coffee filter, and after about 5 minutes when the solution has greatly slowed down the speed it is going through the filter, take a 2nd dampened coffee filter and put the 1st one inside the second filter, then just squeeze slowly as to not tear the filter and the rest of the nice clear solution will make its way out of both filters. No need for absorbing the whole thing into tissues and such first, that just seems to be a waste of time. If you wish to extract more of the codeine just take the white crap out of the first filter, re submerged into cold water and repeat the steps, although this will likely just get you a bunch more caffeine with little more codeine.

Also, you will lose a bunch of your codeine if you absorb it all into tissues first lol...
Watching this I must say a number of these steps are quite unnecessary... Simple put a cold damp coffee filter about 2-3 inches submerged into a glass and then allow the sides to drape over the glass.

Pour your solution into the coffee filter, and after about 5 minutes when the solution has greatly slowed down the speed it is going through the filter, take a 2nd dampened coffee filter and put the 1st one inside the second filter, then just squeeze slowly as to not tear the filter and the rest of the nice clear solution will make its way out of both filters. No need for absorbing the whole thing into tissues and such first, that just seems to be a waste of time. If you wish to extract more of the codeine just take the white crap out of the first filter, re submerged into cold water and repeat the steps, although this will likely just get you a bunch more caffeine with little more codeine.

This is not a popularity contest bro. What you are describing is step by step the exact same process that I am doing in the video so I must congratulate you for doing it right. You're just using coffee filters and I'm using Kleenex tissues, if I were to use coffee filters I would probably do it just like you do. Like I said in the video, I'm a lazy person and prefer using simple household items. Kleenex is sold 3 packs for 99 cents, I doubt your coffee filters are less expensive.

Also, you will lose a bunch of your codeine if you absorb it all into tissues first lol...

You mind explaining how will that happen?
This is not a popularity contest bro. What you are describing is step by step the exact same process that I am doing in the video so I must congratulate you for doing it right. You're just using coffee filters and I'm using Kleenex tissues, if I were to use coffee filters I would probably do it just like you do. Like I said in the video, I'm a lazy person and prefer using simple household items. Kleenex is sold 3 packs for 99 cents, I doubt your coffee filters are less expensive.

You mind explaining how will that happen?

Because using a multiple tissue filter increases room for codeine concentrated water to stay absorbed in the filter, regardless of wether or not you resaturate the tissue with water and then repress it. Not to mention this then allows more caffeine into your codeine solution which then takes away from the relaxed high. Popularity has nothing to do with it, coffee filters are both safer (because of strength and closer meshing allowing for a better filter) and much easier to work with during said extraction, I was simply pointing out that your method allows for more caffeine to enter the final solution, along with a larger potential loss of codeine. It wasn't a personal attack either, I had no idea you were a member of this site. If you took it personally I apologize.
I got my hands on some Codeine Phosphate 30mg tablets with only lactose as a notable ingredient. I won't have to do a CWE will I?
I would actually like it in a solution so it's easier to dose, what is the best way of doing this?

Amazing day today - got given 347 industrial lab grade filters, only problem is they're huge... about 45cm diameter
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I had never heard of this CWE separation technique until coming across this thread.
I only see subjective evaluations of the efficacy of this technique.
Any evidence like lab analysis to know with certainty how well this works?
We only have one liver and acetaminophen is deadly to the liver when it is overwhelmed by too high a dose. Also the sensitivity to acetaminophen toxicity varies widely between individuals.
Just "eye balling" the suspension/solution to measure your success seems very dangerous to me.
I'd like to try it with my 10/325 mg hydrocodone/APAP Rx. However I would like to know what percent of the APAP is separated from the final filtrate.

On pill crushing. You do know that you can buy a screw down plastic pill crushers? They will grind 'em down pretty fine but if not fine enough at least fine enough to make a final mortar and pestle work easier.
I had never heard of this CWE separation technique until coming across this thread.
I only see subjective evaluations of the efficacy of this technique.
Any evidence like lab analysis to know with certainty how well this works?
We only have one liver and acetaminophen is deadly to the liver when it is overwhelmed by too high a dose. Also the sensitivity to acetaminophen toxicity varies widely between individuals.
Just "eye balling" the suspension/solution to measure your success seems very dangerous to me.
I'd like to try it with my 10/325 mg hydrocodone/APAP Rx. However I would like to know what percent of the APAP is separated from the final filtrate.

On pill crushing. You do know that you can buy a screw down plastic pill crushers? They will grind 'em down pretty fine but if not fine enough at least fine enough to make a final mortar and pestle work easier.

You can visibly see the acetaminophen/aspirin in the filter after, I'm talking like a massive massive chunk of it. If you want proof, weigh the pills before CWE, then allow the gunk in the filter to dry and reweigh. Account for the codeine and caffeine, as well has a 2-5% possible amount of APAP getting through the filter, which is not enough to do anything near harm unless you are making a 500 pill dose or something lol.
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The percentage of APAP in the filtrate is highly variable, everyone's technique is different as you can tell, everyone does it differently.

I personally prefer to use 32-33F cold water with laboratory filter paper, preferably at least 5.0um.
The percentage of APAP in the filtrate is highly variable, everyone's technique is different as you can tell, everyone does it differently.

I personally prefer to use 32-33F cold water with laboratory filter paper, preferably at least 5.0um.

As far as I know it shouldn't vary much at all, when pressure and squeezing isn't used to speed up the process, the solution should always come out clear. The only time APAP percentage will differ is when people squeeze through a filter that isn't thick enough to stop from small tears and such, and then APAP begins to visibly enter the water making it murkier. But any CWE solution that is clear when done has <2% of APAP in it, likely far less. APAP is so barely soluble in cold water that it isn't hard to end up with a clear solution.

For those that live in Canada, I recently asked for ac&c pills instead of the regular tylenol 1 generics I have been asking for. Wow am I surprised with how much easier aspirin is to work with, it is even less soluble in water and even with pressure I get a clear solution. Also, I can actually feel the effects of the codeine much more distinctly now, and if I boil the solution down, chill it to <5 degrees Celsius and then re-filter it, I am left with an almost completely caffeine free, warm drowsy euphoric high. The caffeine in high doses has a massive effect on the overall experience, I always wondered why I would get anxiety on the codeine but it is now evident since I have begun to use Chromic's cwe that the caffeine was playing the major role in that scenario.
Because using a multiple tissue filter increases room for codeine concentrated water to stay absorbed in the filter, regardless of wether or not you resaturate the tissue with water and then repress it.

Non sense. Codeine phosphate is highly soluble in water, if it got into the tissue, it can come out too. Codeine doesn't adsorb onto cellulose...

Not to mention this then allows more caffeine into your codeine solution which then takes away from the relaxed high.

You don't know what you're talking about. Period. Caffeine is 16mg/mL, you can't keep it out like you claim, no matter what you do within a 5 min CWE.

Popularity has nothing to do with it, coffee filters are both safer (because of strength and closer meshing allowing for a better filter) and much easier to work with during said extraction

You're just stuck in your ways dude, none of the 2 methods is better, both have advantages and disadvantages. Quit breaking my dick with those coffee filters, I use Kleenex! :)

I was simply pointing out that your method allows for more caffeine to enter the final solution, along with a larger potential loss of codeine. It wasn't a personal attack either, I had no idea you were a member of this site. If you took it personally I apologize.

Dude, if your claims were right, as a chemist, I would cut my penis and toss it by the window inside of a moving car. I do this shit for a living man, give me a fucking break, I know exactly what is where and in what amounts. How fucking idiot do you think I am to contaminate my own product with caffeine and not know about it until you come here and break it to me "hey bro, you fail at life, your shit has caffeine...".

If you were in a lab I would show you, there is no extra caffeine. Caffeine is much too soluble for you to remove it within 5 minutes CWE. And you gave me no numbers. You can't argue with no numbers.

I appreciate constructive criticism but that's just scientifically incorrect load of crap. Like tricomb said once, you either know something and can explain or you know nothing at all. You gotta know wtf you're talking about or don't talk.
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take it easy
Non sense. Codeine phosphate is highly soluble in water, if it got into the tissue, it can come out too. Codeine doesn't adsorb onto cellulose...
Yes, codeine is highly soluble in water, however when it is absorbed INTO water, and then absorbed into a thick construction of kleenex, simply adding a bit more water doesn't necessarily mean the codeine will transfer into the "new water" and then be squeezed out. By having a thicker layer of filter regardless of codeine water solubility, you still increase loss.

You don't know what you're talking about. Period. Caffeine is 16mg/mL, you can't keep it out like you claim, no matter what you do within a 5 min CWE.
Here's where you get to feel like a real dumb-ass.

Ever heard of a curve chart? Well generally drugs become less soluble in water as the temperature of the water decreases, this law applies to caffeine as well.

"At 0 C 100g of water will dissolve 0.6g caffeine, and at 15 C 100g water will dissolve 1.0g.

According to the book Solubilities of inorganic and organic compounds, 2nd edition, (1919)."

Yes, this does in fact mean if I use as little water as possible, I end up with less caffeine in my solution.

Science, go figure huh.

You're just stuck in your ways dude, none of the 2 methods is better, both have advantages and disadvantages. Quit breaking my dick with those coffee filters, I use Kleenex! :)

Using Kleenex is an inferior filter.

Dude, if your claims were right, as a chemist, I would cut my penis and toss it by the window inside of a moving car. I do this shit for a living man, give me a fucking break, I know exactly what is where and in what amounts. How fucking idiot do you think I am to contaminate my own product with caffeine and not know about it until you come here and break it to me "hey bro, you fail at life, your shit has caffeine...".

Oops, looks like you are a fucking idiot, as you actually ARE contaminating your product with more caffeine.

If you were in a lab I would show you, there is no extra caffeine. Caffeine is much too soluble for you to remove it within 5 minutes CWE. And you gave me no numbers. You can't argue with no numbers.

I appreciate constructive criticism but that's just scientifically incorrect load of crap. Like tricomb said once, you either know something and can explain or you know nothing at all. You gotta know wtf you're talking about or don't talk.

I'll explain it to you, since apparently you lack the knowledge of caffeine solubility in water.

If I use 100ml of water for my 30 pills (325mgAPAP-15mgCaffeine-8mgCodeine), and my water is 0 degrees Celsius, I will end up with all 450mg's of caffeine.

However, here's the real kicker, if I use 30ml of water for my 30 pills, I will only end up with 180mgs of caffeine.
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If you can't discuss cold water extractions with civility, your asses will be handed to you.