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Codeine Extraction - Part II

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I don't know about these new 30 packs. My standard dose is one pack so 24 pills and now they come out in 30s may dose has gone up. These news laws might increase my intake huh
I don't know about these new 30 packs. My standard dose is one pack so 24 pills and now they come out in 30s may dose has gone up. These news laws might increase my intake huh

keep your dose the same, just save the left overs and after 5 packs you have a free dose.
I used mersyndol day strength the other day and would back up what face said about them taking longer to filter than usual.

Personally I find the best brands are any generic panadeine formulation that comes as tablets, 'caplets' don't seem to work as well, and also panafen plus have always worked well for me and I would reccomend panafen/other ibu containing formulations for newbies to CWE.

Some brands definately work better/quicker than others but I have never used a brand that just plain didn't work, although I have avoided N+ because I have read of the mbeing particularly difficult.
I don't know about these new 30 packs. My standard dose is one pack so 24 pills and now they come out in 30s may dose has gone up. These news laws might increase my intake huh

You gonig well for ya dose to be that low after soo long.
Is that what u take at once or per day?
I wonder why they cahnged the law.... i wonde rif it was because of CWE or because they seen the numbers of people buying codeine beign really high or if rehab clinics and doctors brought codeine addiction to light... hmmmm
looks like lucks on my side for once

over a year of almost daily use and no withdrawels , aint touched in over 2 weeks

tho my doc scripted me zanny bars every 20 days so thats prob helpin to an extent


i gave in

tho im telln myself i had a viable excuse ( associate passed away , RIP buddy )

ah well back to day one , good luck to me
^ Don't take it too hard on yourself brother, especially if someone you know has passed away that's one of the worst times to try and stay clean in my experience... check out the dark side sometime, I've gotten help from talking to people there before when I had no one else to talk to.
^ for sure; the dark side is one of the most valuable facets of Bluelight. I'd spend more time in there but find some of the threads kind of triggering :(

My condolences leigh12. Also keep an eye on the xanax use if you're one to get hooked on things easily.

Take care.
in need of urgent help. is it common for nurofen + extracts to be very milky after filtering? im not to sure if the ibuprofen is getting through or its just the binders making the extract milky. normally when I use chemist own the extract is fairly clear through
in need of urgent help. is it common for nurofen + extracts to be very milky after filtering? im not to sure if the ibuprofen is getting through or its just the binders making the extract milky. normally when I use chemist own the extract is fairly clear through

Yup Nurofen + sux. It clogs up so bad u cant even filter it unless u use a ton of water and i mean a ton. If its milky thats fine. When i filter chemist owns with a shirt mine comes out milky as well. Ibuprofen is a bitch to separate unlike paracetamol. As long as u end up with all the pill mass junk in ur filter ur fine. There wouldnt be more than 500mg ibuprofen if u filtered it nicely even tho its milky. If ur really worried u can refilter it or evaporate it but i wouldnt worry bout it as nuros are alot more difficult to extract clean than others.
Yup Nurofen + sux. It clogs up so bad u cant even filter it unless u use a ton of water and i mean a ton. If its milky thats fine. When i filter chemist owns with a shirt mine comes out milky as well. Ibuprofen is a bitch to separate unlike paracetamol. As long as u end up with all the pill mass junk in ur filter ur fine. There wouldnt be more than 500mg ibuprofen if u filtered it nicely even tho its milky. If ur really worried u can refilter it or evaporate it but i wouldnt worry bout it as nuros are alot more difficult to extract clean than others.

Cheers looks like it should be alright then although its only a low 200mg dose. ive ran it through a shirt and got most of the gunk out and its going through a coffee filter now. Its about half way through but the filter doesnt have much gunk in it so I guess the shirt caught most of it
Yeah ibuprofen extractions are always fairly cloudy.

Though strangely, I've tried two new brands lately (including a chemists own IBuprofen/Codeine, which I didn't know existed), and both of them were really milky, even more so than usual, almost completely opaque. Since I used the same method as usual and I figure there's no way they can just magically make ibuprofen more soluble, I assumed it was a different binder they're using that's more water soluble. I drank them both with no problems, so I assume the extraction more or less worked.
I agree, if I were you, I would stick to trying to extract paracetamol + codeine products, from past experience i find that they're easier to extract, and taste a whole lot better, which helps in terms of getting it down, and then keeping it down (which is were i had most of my issues lol)

Yeah I make a point of it now, though more because I dislike the effect constant ibuprofen consumption has on my body. I used to stick to ibuprofen/codeine combos because you got more bang for your buck (300mg per pack, as opposed to 200 or 240), but these days I'd rather just spend the extra minute buying another pack.
^ Funny, I favoured ibu when I first started then sort of became a convert to para, now they have introduced these new laws I find myself going back to ibu to save time and money. I have never really had any dramas with either, para pills dissolve and filter quicker generally but there are exceptions, my CWE is usually ready a reasonable amount of time before I dose anyway so it isn't really an issue for me.
^ I also started off on ibuprofen, but more out of ignorance of other options rather then choice. Now I'm APAP all the way, don't look back.
Do you guys crush the pills up before dissolving them in the water or just throw them straight in their and let the water do all the work???

Also Mr Blonde what's APAP? I'm thinking about doing one of these today simply cause I'm bored and don't want to eat all my oxy due to having to get a tooth ripped out shortly....
APAP is paracetamol. As for crushing, most pills will just dissolve by themselves if left for a while with a little stirring. It varies between brands and whether they're paracetamol or ibuprofen preparations. E.g. chemists own pain tablets will dissolve very easily with no agitation in a few minutes. Other end of the scale is nurofen plus which seems to never dissolve well....

If it's your first attempt at a CWE look at the first posts in the thread by mr blonde for technique hints.

Definitely save your oxy for when you need it legitimately smiggle, or throw it my way lol :)
Do you guys crush the pills up before dissolving them in the water or just throw them straight in their and let the water do all the work???

Also Mr Blonde what's APAP? I'm thinking about doing one of these today simply cause I'm bored and don't want to eat all my oxy due to having to get a tooth ripped out shortly....

I'm pretty sure when you get your tooth pulled the dentist will prescribe you some thing effective for your pain. If what they prescribe you is not effective let them know, if you are in pain you are entitled to relief, you should not have to just suffer with what ever they prescribe if it is not working.
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