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Codeine Extraction - Part II

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Guys for the sake of harm reduction could I suggest we not encourage people to be taking 600-800mg + doses? If a first time user took that much they could end up pretty sick or bright red with a head the size of a balloon and uncontrollable itching if they had a bad histamine reaction.... I know you might be fine with it and tolerance and experience with opiates are going to be contributing factors but it can't hurt to be cautious :)

Totally agree!
Absolutely, if a first timer with little to no opiate tolerance were to dose 600-800mg+ they could potentially end up more then just sick, they could end up dead. Alot of sources state the LD50 for codeine in an average non-tolerant person as 800mg. 100-200mg is plenty to start with IMO.

That goes to show how most of our tolerance is through the roof:\

Newbies who dont have any experience dont even need to CWE the 1st few times. I felt pretty nicely of 4-5 nuros.
trying another 300mg extraction I know months ago when I tried and failed I think the water might of been to hot as I used hot water from the tap and it ruined it. Used barely warm water, chilled it, filter it through a cloth and now its going through a coffee filter as it was abit to milky for my liking although its taking 5 years to go through the coffee filter. How long does it normally take? There is around 50mls of liquid and 95% of the apap and fillers got caught by the cloth and it only seems to be doing 1 drop every 30 seconds.
^ I hope you drenched the cloth and the coffee filter. It can take ages to go through the coffee filter, that is pretty normal. It will come through eventually.
Well. I've been doing the CWE daily for at least the last 8 years. I'm not sure anymore. I'm Canadian. It's piss easy to get the OTC pills here. I recommend the AC&C pills which come with Aspirin and 8mg of codeine each. I feel that I ought to weigh in my experiences, as they'll no doubt be informative to someone.
In my experience, I've had the best results soaking out the codeine and caffeine (a kind of "schoolboy speedbomb" to myself and my friends back in high school, perfecting the method) by crushing the pills directly into some water with ice in it, mixing well, very well, and then filtering it through an unbleached coffee filter. There's no way really to mask the taste completely. And I definitely recommend waiting until it just begins to hit your brain, and then eating something dense to make it a little easier on your stomach. The solution itself causes heartburn in those who get it.
From a harm-reduction point of view, this method has done me a world of good. I use Heroin semi-regularly, and speedball as a special treat now and then when I can afford it. Because I have the option of regulating my physical habit with codeine, no doctors or prescriptions necessary I can do this and have a job, pay the rent, pay the bills, and survive semi-normally. [from another point of view, a drawback might be that because my life does not become intolerable because of drugs, I'm never forced into a decision making position on the matter] I have had no physical problems from using this method apart from mild heartburn and the side effects of codeine. (constipation, habituation, etc...)
If this method gets too widespread in the countries where AC&C is available, the authorities will catch on, and they will ban the sale of AC&C over the counter. I have kept the method to myself and shared it only with people like myself that I thought it could help. Sometimes, it did. But, I encouraged them to smurf their purchases around lots of different pharmacies to incur less suspicion, and stay out of my area.
That's it in a nutshell.
Well. I've been doing the CWE daily for at least the last 8 years. I'm not sure anymore. I'm Canadian. It's piss easy to get the OTC pills here. I recommend the AC&C pills which come with Aspirin and 8mg of codeine each. I feel that I ought to weigh in my experiences, as they'll no doubt be informative to someone.
In my experience, I've had the best results soaking out the codeine and caffeine (a kind of "schoolboy speedbomb" to myself and my friends back in high school, perfecting the method) by crushing the pills directly into some water with ice in it, mixing well, very well, and then filtering it through an unbleached coffee filter. There's no way really to mask the taste completely. And I definitely recommend waiting until it just begins to hit your brain, and then eating something dense to make it a little easier on your stomach. The solution itself causes heartburn in those who get it.
From a harm-reduction point of view, this method has done me a world of good. I use Heroin semi-regularly, and speedball as a special treat now and then when I can afford it. Because I have the option of regulating my physical habit with codeine, no doctors or prescriptions necessary I can do this and have a job, pay the rent, pay the bills, and survive semi-normally. [from another point of view, a drawback might be that because my life does not become intolerable because of drugs, I'm never forced into a decision making position on the matter] I have had no physical problems from using this method apart from mild heartburn and the side effects of codeine. (constipation, habituation, etc...)
If this method gets too widespread in the countries where AC&C is available, the authorities will catch on, and they will ban the sale of AC&C over the counter. I have kept the method to myself and shared it only with people like myself that I thought it could help. Sometimes, it did. But, I encouraged them to smurf their purchases around lots of different pharmacies to incur less suspicion, and stay out of my area.
That's it in a nutshell.

How the hell do you even get anything out of the codeine after that much use? 8 years of daily use and semi-regular heroin would kick your tolerance up a bit. Do you still get much of a buzz, or has tolerance mostly killed it?
Actually, I find that, with careful use, I can sometimes still get a bit of a codeine high on. You see, I fluctuate the codeine dosages up and down over time. After an H episode, lasting a day or so, I would raise the dosage slightly to around 300mg, and then as time went by over the next week, let it fall sharply. I do experience a very mild discomfort, as my naturally manic personality rebounds. But this keeps my habit adjusted to codeine strength, not H strength.

The codeine buzz certainly isn't as strong as it once was, but I can feel a comfort moving through me and relaxing me every time I use it. (speaking of which, I see by my watch that it's that time again. excuse me *GULP*) Ahem, yes, where was I?
It is enough to kill withdrawal for me. Maybe this won't work for other people, I can't say. My partner in crime used to normalize her tolerance after the 3-4day campaigns we would go on.
Basically, if we want to get buzzed, we score dope. If we want to get by during the week, we do CWE.

[ah, there it is now. erasing that certain jittery jive I had since I rolled out of bed with towering bedhead. YAWN-Stretch]

I understand that your body can't really process any more than 400mg at one time. No matter who you are. And my experiences seem to confirm that.
Also, My metabolic rate is VERY high. I'm a skinny, manic, Neal Cassady type who uses Opi8s for respite from manic energy. (among the usual self-serving addict reasons) That could have something to do with how I'm still able to get a buzz off of codeine so soon after using H. My body rinses out it's own fluids so god-damned fast.
Hope that helps.
^ I hope you drenched the cloth and the coffee filter. It can take ages to go through the coffee filter, that is pretty normal. It will come through eventually.
I ran some icey cold water through the cloth and coffee filter before filtering the solution, im guessing thats what you mean? I also squeezed every last drop out of the cloth. After looking at how much binder/apap was caught in the coffee filter I dont think ill bother with it anymore as it looks like the cloth catches 99% of it. Looks like maybe 200mg of crap got caught in the coffee filter at most. Maybe the effects are way to subtle but I didnt really feel much just a slight relaxtation feeling and no real noticable europhia. Maybe my tolerance is higher then I think so I think next time I might go all out and try a 400-500 CWE and see if I feel anything more intense.
Absolutely, if a first timer with little to no opiate tolerance were to dose 600-800mg+ they could potentially end up more then just sick, they could end up dead. Alot of sources state the LD50 for codeine in an average non-tolerant person as 800mg. 100-200mg is plenty to start with IMO.

i definately agree.. my post about high doses was in regards to my tollerance and well documented use of opiates here on bl. I strongly do not recommend anyone who is entirely new to codeine/opioids to use a dose above 60-90mg or they'll wind up feeling quite crook. Do that sort of dose maybe 3-4 times then up it from there....

first time i ever did codeine, 60mg was enough to slaughter me sideways to a level more enjoyable than a common heroin high for me... then i tried doubling it and instantly was VERY sick, this dates back to when i was about 17 and relatively naive about these things
Yeah hopefully nobody is reading this and thinking these 400+ doses are starters. Not sure if it could be fatal, but 400 - 800mg of codeine to an intolerant user would, at best, be highly unpleasant.
i definately agree.. my post about high doses was in regards to my tollerance and well documented use of opiates here on bl. I strongly do not recommend anyone who is entirely new to codeine/opioids to use a dose above 60-90mg or they'll wind up feeling quite crook. Do that sort of dose maybe 3-4 times then up it from there....

first time i ever did codeine, 60mg was enough to slaughter me sideways to a level more enjoyable than a common heroin high for me... then i tried doubling it and instantly was VERY sick, this dates back to when i was about 17 and relatively naive about these things

This is exactly spot on, i've seen so many people try opiates only to get crook and then claim opiates are some kind of evil drug only "junkies" can enjoy..
Would someone deficient in metabolizing codeine also have a similar reaction to dihydrocodeine? i realise both are via CYP2D6 but i enjoy the later so so much more. shame there isnt a way of removing the sorbital.
If you read a little bit earlier into this thread i think it was, someone mentioned that only about 5% of codeine is metabolized by the 2D6 enzyme.
So I have dosed 3 times since last Thursday, 600mg everytime, I used last night aswell. I really feel like having one tonight but I am skeptical that it is going to work out well.

I was considering maybe trying a higher dose tonight, considering the theory there may not be a 'ceiling dose' of codeine. I am going to have to check my stockpiles to determine if I should or not but if I do it again I will definately post my results.

Has anyone ever dosed 700-800mg with greater effects than they would normally get from 600mg? It would be a god send if it turned out codeine had no ceiling dose.
I still get a buzz from every day use. If you take 2 doses at once you will become very sick, however if you spread them out over 3 hours it will work. The ceiling dose thing for me seems to work after about 5 doses although I very rarely take doses like that anymore.
Yeah hopefully nobody is reading this and thinking these 400+ doses are starters. Not sure if it could be fatal, but 400 - 800mg of codeine to an intolerant user would, at best, be highly unpleasant.

800mg is the anecdotal LD50 in humans. Meaning it is presumed that 50 percent of opiate naive users dosing 800mgs will die from it.
I don't know about the ceiling dose. Skeptical..

I have pushed the limits time and time again ...never over 800. But VERY close...it is basically a litte bituncomfortable after that?

Its hard to explain..sort of quesy

nice euphoria though

that is on big doses though for me personally... i always make sure to do 6 minmum
So I have dosed 3 times since last Thursday, 600mg everytime, I used last night aswell. I really feel like having one tonight but I am skeptical that it is going to work out well.

I was considering maybe trying a higher dose tonight, considering the theory there may not be a 'ceiling dose' of codeine. I am going to have to check my stockpiles to determine if I should or not but if I do it again I will definately post my results.

Has anyone ever dosed 700-800mg with greater effects than they would normally get from 600mg? It would be a god send if it turned out codeine had no ceiling dose.
I've dosed 600mg and 750mg (minus what was lost in CWE). While 600mg cetainly was great I am positive I felt more from the 750mg previously doing 400mg the night before (could all be in the mind though :\). I've never had the slightest uncomfortable feeling from codeine either so I consider myself lucky.
Is the idea of the 'ceiling dose' with codeine based around the fact that the liver can only metabolize so much of it into morphine which will then produce the effects or 'high'?

I ask this because I've read that codeine has other active metabolites. Including codeine-6-glucuronide (C6G), norcodeine and apparently hydromorphone. Though it seems C6G and norcodeine, while being active opioids are extremely mild. And hydromorphone which is much stronger, though only accounts for a very tiny percentage of codeine's metabolites.

Is it possible that codeine could be converted into these other metabolites beyond the point where codeine stops being converted into morphine (if it even does stop being converted to morphine)? If this were the case it would make sense that there would be an increased 'high' in doses past the supposed 'ceiling dose'. I really don't know though, so someone please correct me if this theory is wrong.
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