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Codeine & CWE (aka cdub) Megathread: third time's the charm

I edited message, yeah meant 40mg nexium. I was confusing dosage with 300mg Rantidine. Rantidine is less effective but OTC, not sure about nexium.
If one were to leave a cwe filtering for 8 hours in the fridge (overnight or during work) would it freeze? I see Brewster has said he does this but I want to make sure before I waste.
No it wouldn't freeze in the fridge. I leave mine in the fridge while it's filtering and I can't see any harm in leaving it a couple of hours.
Had myself a dose of ~350mg today with a phenergan but I still got the histamine reaction.

What anti-histamines do you guys use and how effective are they?
Restavit (doxylamine succinate) has always been one of the better commonly available ones for me.
Yes restavit. Even 1/2 a tablet [for me]

The general purpose hospital antihistamine is benadryl, but unfortunately they were taken off the Australian market many years ago. They were very cheap, as cheap as avil or phenergan in 50. Now they are super expensive sold in small amounts as OTC sleeping tablets. I bought a few 50 bottles from online via USA, they were still dirt cheap even delivered. But no need, just go restavit.

One person here suggested periactin, saying it's so brilliant and cheap. It is 1/2 the cost of phenergan but it doesn't work. The itches I was dealing with when that was the only antihistamine I had was torture. The chemist girl giggled when she gave me the bottle saying she used to be on them as a 14yo due to anorexia in her country, they supposedly give you the munchies, but it's obviously not a hardcore antihistamine when they're indicated for 12yo girls who don't want to eat
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What anti-histamines do you guys use and how effective are they?

Restavit (doxylamine succinate) has always been one of the better commonly available ones for me.

I agree drug_mentor, doxylamine succinate (Restavit, Dozile, etc) is one of the better anti-histamines. Promethazine (Phenergan, Allersoothe, etc) is another good one, but the one I used to prefer but can't seem to find anymore is diphenhydramine, I used to buy it as Unisom Sleep Gels. I've never been a huge user of anti-histamines but depending on the opiate and how much of said opiate you have, they can make a noticeable difference in the high.

A. <3
Doxylamine, promethazine, and diphenhydramine all work well in preventing histamine release for me; I actually like the itchies, so that's not what I use it for. I'm trying to get extra drowsiness out of my codeine use. Promethazine is what I've been experimenting with lately, at doses of 50-75mg it works nicely.

75mg prometh + 200mg DHC wasn't enough prometh to stop me needing to scratch my nose, however. That was OK because it's not like I needed to hide it or anything. :)
I used to buy it as Unisom Sleep Gels.

I used to like these, too. All though they only come in 10-packs AFAIK. Phenergan is sold in 50's @ 25mg for the same $$.

EDIT: I've heard that diphenhydramine can, err, add a little something to ones orgasm (if you happen to be getting laid at the same time you're getting high.) :)
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I also like diphenhydramine because it's effective in reducing histamine response without adding a dullness to the codeine. I know that doxylamine is enjoyed by many but I personally find that it adds a crude sedation which is not pleasant IMO. I seem to be quite sensitive to its effect, however.

Obviously it's different strokes for different folks but I find the effect of doxylamine to muddy up the codeine and replace any kind of subtle relaxation with something more like intense lethargy...
One time I used diphenhydramine along with codeine, I bought 'Snuzaid' brand sleeping tablets and can't remember if I had one or two but for me it seemed to kill the codeine buzz pretty quickly. Could of been a different factor as I used to be right into experimenting with various different potentiators and things to add to the buzz, but I never did use diphenhydramine after that time and to this day think it was the likely culprit for killing my high. Not sure if it is a CYP2D6 inhibitor like promethazine is, I never had a problem using prometh so long as I waited adequate time after dosing, I believe I dosed the diphen like 10-15 mins after the codeine and yeah wasn't impressed.
^Just goes to show how different everyone is in their reactions, doesn't it?

It's a process of trial and error to find the thing that works best for you.

My personal favourite accompaniment to codeine is 40mg of dextromethorphan (DXM) around fifteen minutes before drinking the CWE. For me it actually synergises with the codeine rather than simply preventing histamine response or adding sedation.

I also find that some milk or ice-cream beforehand helps make it a smoother experience. I suppose dairy products neutralise the acidity of the stomach somewhat and thus reduce any discomfort that might occur.

Worst thing for me is eating some really spicy food just before or after drinking a CWE.
Someone help please!

Ok the first time I tried a cwe about 3 weeks ago I did a very avg extraction with about 100ml of water + 14 Panadeine Plus (15, 500 APAP) that left a cloudy solution with a little precipitate at the bottom of the glass. I stupidly drank this and experienced a good codeine buzz but also severe pain around the bottom of my rib cage in the centre. I was gassy and burping alot while my stomach/liver/whatever churned. I figured this was due to the excess paracetamol but the feeling was instant.

Fast forward 3 weeks and I tried again with 10 tablets and a proper filter that resulted in a much clearer solution that was just slightly milky. Again after drinking I felt my stomach instantly gurgle and the unpleasant pain/gassy discomfort followed making the codeine buzz no fun at all.

Three days after that (today) I tried with just 6 tablets so 90mg codeine 3g para all up. Using only about 30ml of water I filtered the solution through two paper towel layers yielding a very clear solution. Wanting to avoid any problems I ran this through a coffee filter that caught nothing and again through another paper towel layer extracting nothing. I took a photo of this resulting solution which is still not clear but I have read that this can be expected due to binders etc. The residue is on the outside of glass not inside.

Again after drinking this I experienced the same unwell feeling, pain/cramping at the top of my abs and the gassy feeling taking away from my nice buzz :(

I have taken un filtered fortes before up to 4 and never had any problems so I don't think it's an allergy. Any input at all would be awesome because I'm stumped :\

pain/bloating/cramping feeling happens around here.
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Had myself a dose of ~350mg today with a phenergan but I still got the histamine reaction.

What anti-histamines do you guys use and how effective are they?

My favourite has always been dimenhydrinate (travacalm - the blue pack). I've always been more prone to the nausea of a histamine reaction than itch when I use opioids. Dimenhydrinate is pretty much indisposable to me these days, whether I'm using codeine (in a futile attempt to potentiate it enough to get high), or smack.

Halif said:
My personal favourite accompaniment to codeine is 40mg of dextromethorphan (DXM) around fifteen minutes before drinking the CWE. For me it actually synergises with the codeine rather than simply preventing histamine response or adding sedation.

I also find that some milk or ice-cream beforehand helps make it a smoother experience. I suppose dairy products neutralise the acidity of the stomach somewhat and thus reduce any discomfort that might occur.

I always take around that of dxm before codeine or smack, and antacids before codeine too...still doesn't make me feel anything from whatever dose I take of codeine, but it helps me placate myself by thinking I might, at least, haha...
My personal favourite accompaniment to codeine is 40mg of dextromethorphan (DXM) around fifteen minutes before drinking the CWE. For me it actually synergises with the codeine rather than simply preventing histamine response or adding sedation.

Exactly how I feel about DXM, it adds more euphoria to the whole experience.

I can also feel the codeine kicking in, maybe 5-10 mins early too. But that's if I dose it at the right time.
Someone help please!

Ok the first time I tried a cwe about 3 weeks ago I did a very avg extraction with about 100ml of water + 14 Panadeine Plus (15, 500 APAP) that left a cloudy solution with a little precipitate at the bottom of the glass. I stupidly drank this and experienced a good codeine buzz but also severe pain around the bottom of my rib cage in the centre. I was gassy and burping alot while my stomach/liver/whatever churned. I figured this was due to the excess paracetamol but the feeling was instant.

Fast forward 3 weeks and I tried again with 10 tablets and a proper filter that resulted in a much clearer solution that was just slightly milky. Again after drinking I felt my stomach instantly gurgle and the unpleasant pain/gassy discomfort followed making the codeine buzz no fun at all.

Three days after that (today) I tried with just 6 tablets so 90mg codeine 3g para all up. Using only about 30ml of water I filtered the solution through two paper towel layers yielding a very clear solution. Wanting to avoid any problems I ran this through a coffee filter that caught nothing and again through another paper towel layer extracting nothing. I took a photo of this resulting solution which is still not clear but I have read that this can be expected due to binders etc. The residue is on the outside of glass not inside.

Again after drinking this I experienced the same unwell feeling, pain/cramping at the top of my abs and the gassy feeling taking away from my nice buzz :(

I have taken un filtered fortes before up to 4 and never had any problems so I don't think it's an allergy. Any input at all would be awesome because I'm stumped :\

pain/bloating/cramping feeling happens around here.

Remember the rule 2ml of water for every pill, 100ml for 14 pills is way too much. I once took 8x fortes at once (no CWE) and felt similar pain to what you're describing, this lasted for a few days and it caused weird bloating and a strain/cramping of my liver. I've done 100's of CWE's using 40-80+ pills and I rarely ever use a coffee filter, I just use a dress shirt or board-shorts and my solution's always seem to come out cloudy, yet I've never experienced the liver pains like I did when I took those 8 pills at once.

Also drinking CWE's on an empty stomach can cause nausea for some. I always have my Codeine with Promethazine (Phenergan) which helps nausea and gets rid of the opiate itch. Maybe try this?
I always take around that of dxm before codeine or smack, and antacids before codeine too...

yeah try a supermarket antacid before you take cwe dose and maybe 10minutes later and whenever you feel your stomach churning/gurgling. I don't have much of a memory but i think that worked for me with preventing the noticable stomach reactions. I know for a fact the last few times I did not have any antacids I had the same negative reactions as you. The gurgling feeling and sound is worrying because it seems obvious the stomach is spasaming to the shit you put into it. I've had this reaction even with almost clear liquid, not sure you really can filter out whatever it is that causes the problem.
I always take around that of dxm before codeine or smack, and antacids before codeine too...still doesn't make me feel anything from whatever dose I take of codeine, but it helps me placate myself by thinking I might, at least, haha...

Yeah tell me about it.

I'm just thankful that I can still get something out of codeine on occasion. My "euphoria" from codeine is really just the lessening of the hellish torment which characterises opiate withdrawal. Tragic in a way I suppose, but still... the contrast of going from feeling like icy death to feeling like some sort of human who can eat and move and talk is a high in itself - even if it is short-lived.

Ah, the life of an opiate addict. Ups and downs. Down and outs. I've almost forgotten what it's like to feel 'normal'. But when I get a taste of 'normal' I remember why I got into this mess in the first place. Some people are just wired to suffer, it seems.

Wah wah:p

Whatever. I chose this path and I'll walk it until the bitter end.
^ You are not walking alone =D Except I still feel it even after 7 years just from 75mg