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Cocaine Cocaine Comedown & Addiction

but not for everyone , granted they make you happier than your usual dose or at least it's like that for me , but after coke i will always fall asleep a few hours after i run out (like uncontrollably) on opiates i will stay up the whole night (not unpleasant but still)

I prefer benzo's coz they will permit sleep
I usually take what ever pills I intend to take (opiates, benzos, sometimes none at all) and take a long, hot shower. Then I'll turn on a good movie, some music, or play some video games. Sometimes I'll smoke a bowl or have a brew, but I've never found myself needing drugs to make the comedown ok. If I can, I also try to get away from anybody I don't know/who's still jacked up. Nothing's worse that forced conversation when all you want to do is vegetate.

For me, comedown comfort is all about the mental state. If you dread it or keep wishing you were still jacked up, then it will suck. On the other hand, if you can manage to accept it as a part of the coke experience (in some ways I enjoy the relaxation after all that wildness), it isn't too bad.
beyond the other good things mentioned (opiates, benzos, alcohol), how about not doing so go damn much?

I've learned a lot about how to do cocaine, and let me tell you - while it may be tempting to keep railing lines all night, its a terrible idea.

if you start doing lines at like 10-11pm and stop by 1am, you should be down and asleep by 230. after a few hours of bumping periodically, you will only get more strung out (and the high is not as pleasurable)

in short i think it does a lot to minimized the comedown if you just show some moderation (not to mention its a waste to keep bumping for hours and hours)
^^A solid point that. I used to do the whole "stay up all night" thing whenever I did coke, but I realized I really don't enjoy much past the first 6 lines or so (I'm just jacked up, not happy like that first few lines make you). Now I keep my use down very low (say a quarter to half gram max per session) and I enjoy the lines more and go to sleep easier. Added bonus is that, of course, you can make your blow last longer (which is nice because it's never cheap).
BingeBoy said:
but not for everyone , granted they make you happier than your usual dose or at least it's like that for me , but after coke i will always fall asleep a few hours after i run out (like uncontrollably) on opiates i will stay up the whole night (not unpleasant but still)

I prefer benzo's coz they will permit sleep

I with I had your neurobiology w/regards to uncontrollable sleep after cocaine!!! :D:D:D
it's kinda a family trait (and i think it has to do with adhd)

this one time me and my uncle went out in luxemburg did like 2 grams or a bit less of coke together , when we went back to france with the train , the guy went to the bathroom and told me to stay where i was , i guessed he kept some coke for himself and was going to do another line , so i waited and waited , get off the train once in france , wait half an hour at the station , walk the 10 km home (luckilly i had had some bupe so i was full of energy) , next day i find out the guy woke up in frankfurt lol
Im not a big coke head. When I do it me and a friend will usally split 1/2g or so and do it all up with-in and hour and a half; and from doing this we have no headace what-so-ever. A few times i've done a bit more and for me to really really feal like shit and have a bad comedown I would have to do at least 2g by myself over the coarse of the night and the comedown from that isnt that bad a nice smoke session and a small dose of benzo's and Im fealing 100%.
I found that more sedating benzodiazepines (Especially Nitrazepam) worked the best. Then again that was the time I did what I'd like to call a yuppie speedball, where I did a rail of blow in one nostril and a rail of 8 mg Dilaudid in the other. The Dilaudid completely overtook the cocaine and I recall myself fighting to stay awake until my breathing went back to what I considered 'normal'. I didn't really like the notion of the risk of death while I was sleeping, so I stayed up.
drink plenty water , clean your nose with warm saline solution, take a multivitamin and a long, steamy shower. Moisturize your face, lips and hands.

don't drink booze for the comedown if you can help it. if booze is handy, well then who am I to say. Better to make yourself a hot can of soup.
here we go

if your shooting coke... the comedown can be hellish... what i generally do is i wait a few min after my last shot... and then ether A) set up a shot of some dope... and slam that... generally that will kill all your WDs... keep you high for awhile... then nod you out into a good relaxing phase... by the time that phase ends... you wont be coming down anymore...

i recently had to make a 9 hour plane flight after shooting coke all day... so before i got on the plane in the airport (hard to slam dope there) i poped 6 5/500 viks... that worked with killing the withdrawls perfectly as well

i hear benzos work great... but i hate benzos.. so i wouldnt know
Ive only tried coke for the first time last Friday (I'm a newbie) and i fuckin love the stuff! I'm fairly sensitive to it (I'm usually oversensitive to stimulants), cuz I only bought a half gram and I've been doing for the last 3 days, and still have about .2 of a gram left. I am fucked on it right now.

I don't get any sort of "bad" comedown. Of course, the drug does wear off, and boring old sobriety kicks back in and I feel like doing more (or smoking weed or drinking booze) but I really don' get the kinds of ass-awful comedowns everyone talks about. Maybe cuz I'm not doing very much a time...but I tell ya, if I did more than I've been doing I would end up trying to conquer my town or something
I do, however, experience substantial amounts of paranoia and anxiety on coke. And, that strange feeling - especially when I've smoked weed - that there is a child molester dwelling inside of my body.....

'Tis all in good fun!
Heroin is the best comedown drug for cocaine. Xanax is a close second, or any other strong benzo for that matter (klonopin, valium, etc.)
Creakle said:
Ive only tried coke for the first time last Friday (I'm a newbie) and i fuckin love the stuff! I'm fairly sensitive to it (I'm usually oversensitive to stimulants), cuz I only bought a half gram and I've been doing for the last 3 days, and still have about .2 of a gram left. I am fucked on it right now.

I don't get any sort of "bad" comedown. Of course, the drug does wear off, and boring old sobriety kicks back in and I feel like doing more (or smoking weed or drinking booze) but I really don' get the kinds of ass-awful comedowns everyone talks about. Maybe cuz I'm not doing very much a time...but I tell ya, if I did more than I've been doing I would end up trying to conquer my town or something

Yeah, that's what I said in my first few months of use. It'll catch up to you eventually.

Now for comedowns, obviously benzos are a must. BUT, if you don't have them, this may help.

Smoke pot about fifteen minutes after your last line. Watch porn, masturbate, and then see how you feel. Try smoking again if you feel up for it. Then get into bed and watch a movie or some TV. THis takes your mind off the comedown. This never fails and I can get to sleep in about... 2 hours after i stop using? I do it a lot, so my dose is fairly hefty and the comedown time seems to increase with not only quantity used but particualrly duration of use. A gram in an hour or less will keep me up for maybe an hour, assuming it's night time. A gram over four hours keeps me up a lot longer.
Eat a decent meal and drink some water.Get some rest and some xanax of coarse:)Then again if u have yourself some realy good cocaine than the comedown isnt too harsh but its gotta be some realy good coke
Beer or wine, benzos, weed. Eating, drinking water, laying around.

My last coke come down was hell. Never have I crashed that hard on coke, it was kinda janky stuff. I was in a restaurant too and almost started strangling people. Just feeling shitty in every sense of the word.

So I'm also gonna have to agree with others and say a sure fire way to reduce comedowns is to use yay responsibly and not stay up all night sniffing Jackass sized lines like a crazy person (like I did).